My FB Posts From Korea

I have just returned from Korea. Here are the Facebook posts from the last few days.
February 26
Will be speaking in Korea. Neat seeing the Korean captions.
March 2
Speaking from Seoul Korea
March 2
March 2
Worshipping in Korea
March 2
March 2
March 2
March 2
March 2
Rosemary and me preaching in Korea via a translator
March 2
We are in Korea. I preached the first service. Rosemary Schindler Garlow preached the second service. After the last service was over, I heard this big commotion across the room. My translator and I went over to see what was happening. I could see that Rosemary was laughing, but her face was all red. The women were almost squealing out loud, wanting a picture with Rosemary, saying loudly in Korean, “You look like Marilyn Monroe!”
March 4
I so love Korea and the Korean people! Speaking 10 times in four days.
March 4
In Korea, age is honored. I have been introduced several times by my host telling the audience what year I was born! I am the oldest person at every event I have spoken. They honor that. They REALLY honor that!!In America, “old” people “don’t know anything.”In Korea, they seek the wisdom of the elderly.As I get older, I might need to move to Korea!(Also note, you are not allowed to wear shoes inside. Only slippers. Now that takes some getting used to!)
March 4
Session 1 - speaking in Korea. I was invited to speak on “Biblical Principles of Governance”
March 4
Session 2 - speaking in Korea. I was invited to speak on “Biblical Principles of Governance”.
March 4
Session 3 - Israel Reveals Her Secrets: 10 Indicators of the Coming of Messiah.I gave this teaching in Korea. Watch the response of the translator as she began to understand some of the amazing things that God has revealed. I so wish there would have been a close up camera on her face, so you could see her reaction of excitement when she grasps what I had said.
March 5
Live from Korea. Rosemary Schindler Garlow is teaching.
March 5
Session 4 - The Long History of Israel: The Jews - the most persecuted people.(Final portion: Defending Biblical Marriage)
March 5
It’s strange seeing how our names look in Korean.
March 5
Worshippers in Korea
March 5
Rosemary Schindler Garlow teaching now - from Korea - livestream
March 5
Rosemary Schindler Garlow teaching in Korea.
March 6
Our 10th and final time to speak - in wonderful Korea. Their election is April 10, so was asked to speak in the “Biblical Principles of Governance.” Our hosts and translator are FABULOUS.
March 6
I did not know that a book in which I had written one chapter had been translated into Korean. Thus I got to sign a lot of books in which I could not even read my own name!
March 6
At the Demilitarized Zone. Looking from the Republic of Korea (South) into North Korea. It is so sad to think of the millions of people who are starving, who are being tortured in the North.If ever there was an object lesson for the horrors of Communism vs. freedom, it is North Korea and South Korea.South Korea has gone from abject poverty to prosperity in 70 years.And the key? The gospel came to Korea in 1883. Almost no Christians in 1900. But now, large and small Christian churches are everywhere!
March 6
The most astounding church building I have ever seen. It’s in Korea. It’s comprised of 100s of logs - real logs! vertical logs - from Russia. The man who paid for it - his mother prayed for her prodigal son for years. She died before he came to Christ. When he finally came to Christ after her death, he realized what his mother had sacrificed in praying for him. So, he decided to build this remarkable chapel in her honor. It was breathtaking.
March 6
The National Assembly (Capitol) of Korea.300 Members in the Congress: 257 are constituency elected (like we do in districts). 43 are “proportional representatives.” Four year terms. (President can only serve one five-year term.) PRAY FOR KOREA’S APRIL 10 ELECTIONS. (more than 50% of the world’s population are voting on their governments in 2024!)
March 6
The largest church in the world (except some “underground churches”) is Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea, approximately 1/2 mile from the Korea’s National Assembly. I am not sure what the attendance is now, but it was 750,000.And the auditorium picture is at “Prayer Mountain” of the late Paul Yonggi Cho, located about an hour away from the church.
March 6
My very good friend - my spiritual younger brother- Jungshik Hong - a major spiritual leader in Korea. God is using him in a powerful way.And our new spiritual son, David Cho, who took superb care of us. We so love these guys.
March 6

We are at the Demilitarized Zone between North Korea and the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

South Korea is prospering. The people in North Korea are starving to death. Socialism and Communism (a Communist is merely a Socialist with a gun!) always harms, starves and kills everyone.

The Biblical model for economics is a “choice-based economy” (capitalism parametered by Judeo Christian values) vs. a “coerced based economy” (Socialism/ Communism).

The economy is not merely a political issue. It is a Biblical and theological issue. Freedoms rise and fall in a triumvirate: political, economic and religious. When one rises, the other two do as well. When one goes down, the other two fall with it. As you look at this picture, remember that ideas and ideologies have consequences.

On the other side of that barbed wire, someone is being beaten to death right now (maybe for their faith in Christ). Beyond that fence, someone is dying right now. Know and advocate for Biblical principles of governance.
March 7
This is my Korean younger brother - 3 years younger than me - Jungshik Yong - when he spontaneously (no warning at all) broke out in song - I jumped in and joined him.
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Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed

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