Illegals: It is Even Worse than Most of Us Know

I am sorry to be blunt. But I must be. Allow me to tell you a story.
The US Government requires you and me to have a passport. My passport was about to expire. I had to renew it, because we had an international flight coming soon. I could not do that here in San Diego…or even in nearby Los Angeles. They were making people fly to whatever city they said. (My son in law had to fly from Texas to Chicago to get the passport renewed.) They made it very difficult to get a renewal. We encountered many in the same situation.
I was told I had to go to Tucson, Arizona to get my passport renewed. Tucson is an 800 mile round trip, a 12 hour round trip by car.
We flew there. Due to the flight times, we arrived at the US Passport office two hours early. There were plenty of seats inside, out of the heat and sun. They would not let us (and all the others) in till the exact time of appointment. We had to sit out on the concrete steps in the heat.
This morning, we were flying out of Tucson, the city to which the US government forced me to fly as a US citizen so that I would be able to get on any flight in the future. There was a sign for on particular line: “Non US Citizens Without Passports Only Enter Here.” And sure enough, people were going right through that line.
I have been paying taxes in the country for 55 years. I have obeyed the laws of this nation for my entire life. I am required to have a passport. “They” are not.
The very city to which I had to fly to get my passport, does not require passports for illegals (yes, they are “illegal”).
And when passengers board a plane, it is no longer those who paid the high prices of “first class” who go first. No. It is people who are here illegally, the people who paid nothing. The people for whom you paid, as a taxpayer. They board first. There is a phrase they now use to board them. I did not catch what the phrase is, but it is “global (something).”
As we went through TSA, we asked, “Why is that sign there?” The TSA agent, answered with a snobbish question, “Why are you concerned about it?” We repeated the question, “Why are they getting on without a passport?” The TSA agent stated, “Oh they are heavily vetted.”
Did she actually think we were that dumb? I have been to three “border schools.” The most recent one was at the only brick and mortar processing center along the nearly 2,000 miles of the US-Mexico shared border. And I have interviewed several times the only person who held the following three positions: (1) Deputy Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, (2) Acting Deputy Commissioner of the US Customs and Border Protection, and (3) Chief of the US Border Patrol. I asked him directly, “Are these people being truly vetted. In other words, do we know their backgrounds?” He said, “No.” He was emphatic. He continued, “If they are not already in our system, we know nothing about them, and we let them in.”
While we were at the Border School in Texas a year or so ago, we were taken to the CPC (Central Processing Center). There was a line of persons who had been apprehended the night before. Every single one of them was a Chinese male, military age. We were then taken to the back of the complex where they were preparing to release people who had come through the process. They are given cash and a cell phone, plus taken to places to stay. Every single one of them were Chinese. All were males except for two, who were Chinese females.
The approximately 12,000 people coming illegally each day are put into a computer. If the US had any record of them, that is examined. But, not surprisingly, the US government has almost no information on the vast numbers of people arriving.
Did that TSA agent think we Americans are so stupid that we think they are being vetted? The TSA agent probably thinks we are that ignorant. But we are not.
For all you “social justice warriors” out there, the American citizens are being trashed. This is a horrific injustice. We are the ones being abused by the system. How about justice for taxpaying Americans? We are paying a heavy price already. But we are about to pay a much heavier price given the fact that 13,000 convicted murderers have come here illegally. (And of course, the “fact checkers” lie about this as well.)
This is a horrific injustice.
Stock photo of a bus like the ones parked by the hotel in El Centro
Early yesterday morning, we were picked up by a driver, driven from our home in San Diego, taken 2 hours east down I-8 to Brawley, CA first and then to El Centro, CA to speak. As we were traveling, the driver, a resident of the area, pointed out a dusty “turnaround” area for buses, in the desert sand, beside the Interstate highway. He explained, “Just over that mountain (he pointed to his right) is the Mexican border. Here is where the Chinese men come, all military age, and the unmarked buses of the US government pick them up.”
We went to the 9am service where I spoke in Brawley, CA, then were driven 20 minutes away to another church, in El Centro, where I was introduced to speak at 10:30am. At 11:45, we were driven to Imperial County to be flown by a private plane to Tucson, Arizona where I spoke from 5pm to 8pm for a special seminar.
When we arrived at the small airport in El Centro, our driver pointed to a two-story motel and said, “That is where the US government houses the illegal Chinese military age males as they come from the buses at that place back in the desert that I showed you.” Sure enough, parked near the hotel were the distinct unmarked buses used to move illegals.
He continued, “And this is the airport the US government uses to fly these illegals all over the nation.” 
It is reported that 21,000 Chinese illegals have crossed in the San Diego sector of the border alone. Some reports say 55,000 have crossed there. 
Ponder this as you vote.
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Well Versed

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