Harris or Trump: For Whom Will You Vote November 5?

The following is my (Jim Garlow) personal opinion. I am not representing any organization or party. I have studied these issues my whole life. Here is my summary of this year’s election.
For those of you who don’t know whether to vote for Harris or Trump, or whether to vote at all, here is what is at stake.
1) Both candidates are known, Trump as President for four years, and Harris as Vice President for four years, since she claims she was involved in every Biden decision. We don’t have to guess about where they stand.
2) Both candidates are flawed. So are all the persons reading this post, including you and me. Let’s cut to the chase: Trump is controversial, but “gets it.” Harris is vacuous – I started to use the word “stupid,” but settled on “vacuous” – thus does not “get it.” I have followed politics almost every day of my life since August 13, 1956, when I was a nine-year-old watching the Democratic National Convention. I have never seen a national candidate like Harris. In this moment of international crisis, we need someone who “gets it.” In my opinion, Trump is right about 90% of the time. I wish it was 100%. It is not. I have yet to see an issue on which Harris was right, policy wise. I will keep watching hopefully, however.
3) Trump has been called a “wrecking ball,” but a wrecking ball is good when there are things that need to be wrecked. Trump wants to wreck those things that truly need to be destroyed. He is instinctively, intuitively, and overwhelmingly right on those issues (Example: Getting the U.S. out of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands.).
4) I suspect that Trump is not as viscerally pro-life as I am, as the father of four adopted children, all of whom could have easily been aborted. I have always believed that the life issue – saving babies in the womb from being murdered – was the most foundational issue. If one cannot get down the birth canal, all the other liberties do not matter. Trump may also not be as intensely pro-biblical marriage as I am. I have come to realize that there is an issue that even precedes the life and marriage issues, and that is the survival of us as citizens. Why? If we do not have a country that is, a Constitutional Republic, or if we do not survive and have a voice, you and I will not be able to continue to fight to defend life in the womb or God-ordained marriage. However, if America survives, and we still have a Republic, we will continue to work tirelessly to defend life in the womb, along with biblical, historic and orthodox marriage. (The GOP platform affirms “sanctity of marriage,” but fails to define what marriage is.) We will continue to work on this, if we have a Republic. We will fight for life in the womb and for the physiologically obvious definition of marriage, but we must first survive ourselves, to be able to do so. Those who claim they are not voting for Trump, or are not voting at all, do not grasp this critical issue.
5) I have come to realize that the biggest issue, the biggest threat, is globalism, that is, a one-world government. The World Health Organization – examine WHO’s June 2024 World Health Assembly in Geneva; we went to Geneva in June – is poised through the so-called “pandemic treaty” to preempt the sovereignty of every nation, including the U.S. The United Nations is poised – examine their September 2024 “Summit of the Future” in NYC – in the event of the seven “global shocks," listed in the “Pact of the Future,” as an excuse to take control of all nations. Globalism in not new. The first rise of “globalism” was in Genesis 11 in the building of the Tower of Babel. The next mention of one world government in the Bible is in reference to the Antichrist in Daniel, Revelation and other prophetic books. THE REASON THAT DONALD TRUMP IS HATED IS NOT BECAUSE OF HIS MEAN TWEETS, NAMECALLING OR DEMEANOR. HE IS HATED BECAUSE HE IS NOT A GLOBALIST AND IS BLOCKING THE PLAN THAT SO MANY HAVE BEEN WORKING ON FOR SO LONG. Globalism is THE foundational issue in this election. To fail to see this is to not understand what has been in the works for many decades, and what is happening right now. Having traveled to over 30 nations, we are seeing this happen on a wide scale. The opposite of globalism is love of one’s nation. Trump loves his nation. Globalists hate that.
6) Globalism detests Western Civilization, which is built on Judeo-Christian values. Thus, globalism is antisemitic and anti-Christian. America and many other nations are facing a cabal, a collection of differing entities who share one common ideal. This Globalist-Marxist-Islamicist-LGBTQ-Secularist Cabal disdains Jewish and Christian values.
7) Harris and Trump differ greatly on standing with the Jewish people. Background: The International Criminal Court voted this year to declare Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others war criminals. The International Court of Justice, part of the UN, and also located in The Hague, Netherlands, voted 11 to 4 in July 2024 to declare Israel a genocidal nation. We were there in The Hague in July with 800 people from 48 nations protesting this anticipated antisemitic decision. We were in New York City at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in September 2024 praying that the United Nations would not affirm the ICJ’s hateful ruling. However 124 of the 193 Member nations, including Iran, North Korea, China, Russia and other human rights violators, affirmed the ICJ decision in September 2024, and ordered 800,000 Jews to leave their homes in Jerusalem, Samaria and Judea, the heartland of Israel, within one year. Trump stands firmly against the malevolent actions against the Jewish People, as demonstrated by his bold relocating of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in 2018 and his consistent support of Israel. Harris, in contrast, with no grasp of the complexities of the Middle East, and no background in the military, lectures the seasoned, three-time Israeli Prime Minister, and the Israeli Defense Forces, the world’s most elite fighting force, thus catering to the radical Islamic votes in Minnesota and Michigan. Why are the Jews so hated? It cannot be because there are so many of them. There are only 15 million among the earth’s 8 billion inhabitants. It can’t be because they have so much land. They have less than 1/3rd of 1% of the land in the Middle East. In the Bible, God promised them the land from the Euphrates River to the Nile River. That is approximately 300,000 square miles. Under King David in about 1,000 BC, they had only 200,000 square miles. How much does Israel have now? About 8,000 square miles, a tiny amount of what God promised them. Then why are the Jews so hated, and the most continuously persecuted people group in the world? Because they remind people of God. And if there is a God, we are not god. And since there is a God, he has a moral standard. And people do not like a moral standard. The Jews gave us the Torah, the teaching, the law, the Tenakh, the prophets, the teaching on the Messiah, and the Messiah. And it is to Zion (Jerusalem) that the whole world will stream some day. (Isaiah 2; Micah 4). Any nation that blesses Israel will be blessed. Any nation that curses Israel will be cursed. (Genesis 12:3). Trump seems to understand this. Harris does not have a clue. Succinctly stated, Trump stands with Israel. Harris vacillates at best, and opposes Israel at worst.
8) God invented government and establishes nations. God loves the nations of the earth, including America, and blesses them if they walk in obedience to Him. He has a calling and destiny for every nation. Every government leader in any nation should want his or her nation to prosper and to thrive. To the extent that a nation follows the biblical principles of governance, human pain, suffering and poverty decreases. To the extent that nations violate the biblical principles of governance, human pain suffering and poverty increases. (In 2024, I wrote Reversed: From Culturally Woke to Biblically Awake, laying out the scriptural foundations to 60 political topics, which was preceded in 2016 by Well Versed: Biblical Answers to Today’s Tough Issues, which covered 30 political topics. See www.Reversed.org. I have given up the profits on this, dropping the price to $6 per book when ordered by the case, 20 books to a case. I want to help people think biblically on all issues, desiring that they would invite Jesus into the voting booth).
9) In addition to the candidates, the 28-page Republican platform and the 92-page Democratic Platform differ greatly. Read them.
10) The two candidates and the people who comprise their respective parties are opposites. Most Republicans, that is, good historic Republicans:
  • Value life in the womb, 
  • Cherish the sanctity of one-man, one-woman marriage, 
  • Strongly oppose calling men women, and calling women men, 
  • Affirm parental authority, believing that parents, not the government, have the right to make decisions for their children.
  • Unabashedly support Israel and the Jewish People (I have been to Israel 26 times, and my wife has been there 77 times; we understand the issues involved),
  • Want law and order, desiring criminals to be punished, and innocent citizens to be protected. Romans 13 states that the purpose of government is to protect the citizens,
  • Desire to have a truly secure border, 
  • Cherish religious liberty, which includes the display of religious values in the public square,
  • Want to have energy independence, which is a proper understanding of Genesis 1:28, and thus have a sane understanding on the balance of needed fossil fuels, clean nuclear energy and solar/wind power,
  • Support individual liberties and advancement based on merit, 
  • Love their nation and its flag, thus do not favor a globalist government.
11) In contrast most, or at least many, Democrats: 
  • Favor dismembering babies in the womb, with no anesthesia, right to the point of birth, with some even supporting the killing of the baby after birth, 
  • Support that for which God destroyed Sodom, that is, homosexual acts, and currently affirmed in same sex so-called “marriage,” 
  • Support the most radical and bizarre of all new ideas, that is, so-called “transgender” surgery, requiring taxpayers to pay for this costly procedure, even for felons in prison, and want to punish anyone who “misgenders,” that is, calls a person “he” or “she” by their obvious biological, and correct, birth gender, as in the scientific delineations of XX and XY,
  • Deny parents the right to make decisions over their children, encouraging school officials to assist minors to get abortions, change names, dress in clothing opposite their birth gender, to take steps to so-called “transition” from one gender to another – one can never “transition” as one is always either XX or XY – and, as the state determines, to take the children from the parents if the parents have biblical views, a complete violation of the First Amendment and historic family laws.
  • Have ended, or are at least weakening in, their support of Israel and the Jewish People, with many elected Democrats becoming openly antisemitic to the point that they support the barbaric attacks by Hamas on innocent Israeli civilians,
  • Have openly supported criminals, decriminalizing even violent actions, releasing persons caught in crimes from being held in jail, with the current Democratic candidate for president having openly raised bail money for those who rioted, burned and looted in the summer of 2020,
  • Have allowed millions of unvetted persons into the nation, while declaring either, “The borders are secure,” or “It’s Trump’s fault,” with taxpayers providing cash, cell phones, transportation, meals and housing. (I have personally been to the border, at which time every person apprehended the night before was a Chinese, military age, male),
  • Have attempted to squelch religious liberty, most often by coercing homosexuality, same sex so-called “marriage,” and transgenderism on people of faith, 
  • Have shut down drilling and pipelines in America, thus making us reliant upon other nations and even our enemies for fuel, and are determined to force all Americans to have electric vehicles, surrender their gas stoves, with the unrealistic and irrational expectations that the nation’s needs can be met by solar and wind energy,
  • Support DEI, ESG, CRT, all based on Marxism, which at its core is built on envy – “I want what you have” – and creating strife between all of society by race, sex, age, religion and so-called sexual “orientation.” Marxism’s goal includes the destruction of the family and the church, 
  • Insist that America is racist, sexist, misogynistic, and is a force for evil in the world, to the point of sometimes standing with those who openly participate in the burning of U.S. flags or waving the flag of Hamas. 
12) Let’s turn to VP candidates. The debate proved that Trump had picked the correct running mate. JD Vance far exceeded expectations. He was presidential. Tim Walz is, well, rather strange. But since the debate, I have learned what policies he has brought to, or I should say, inflicted upon Minnesota. His policies are – how do I say this? – evil. He has even exceeded the radical extremism of California’s policies. It is tragic (If you can, watch Congresswoman Michele Bachman on this topic: https://subsplash.com). We must pray, “God spare us this. Amen.”
13) Not voting is not a biblically responsible option. To be biblically grounded, Jesus followers who truly understand Scripture, but then to sit this election out, is a vote for Harris.
14) Voting for a third-party candidate is – regardless of what is said – a complete "throw-away."
15) As I have stated many times, freedoms come in "threes." Political freedom, economic freedom and religious liberty coexist together. Take one away and the other two will eventually disappear. One cannot exist without the other two. The genius of America is that it had all three, until recently. Trump fully grasps the loss of religious liberty. He knows that economic and political freedoms are evaporating. He will reverse that. Harris will decimate all three.
16) Candidly, the ruler I want is King Jesus. He rules in my heart. And yours too, I suspect. And I want Him to rule here – now. But that day is not fully manifested, at least not yet. In the meantime, we prayerfully, carefully navigate this election season, with the desire that we honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in every arena of our lives, including the voting booth. That is my hope. I believe it is yours as well.
That is my take on this extremely important election.
Consider giving a tax-deductible donation to Well Versed, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, to continue bringing biblical principles of governance to government leaders and YOU!
Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed

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