Christmas Stocking Stuffers for Only $3 per Book

Buy Stocking Stuffers for the Whole Family, even all your Cousins, for only a few dollars! For the month of December, Well Versed is offering books by Dr. Jim Garlow for only $3 each! You read that right. Only $3 per book, plus shipping and handling.
Who doesn’t want to know more about heaven? Heaven and the Afterlife – (this is Part 1) $3 each book (plus S & H) CLICK HERE
And then the follow up book: Encountering Heaven and the Afterlife – (this is Part 2) $3 each book (plus S & H) CLICK HERE
Need encouragement? Buy copies of God Will See You Through This - $3 each book (plus S & H) CLICK HERE
Need a miracle in your life? Buy copies of Miracles are for Real - $3 each book (plus S & H) CLICK HERE
Cracking Da Vinci’s Code (this is the small digest size, reduced pages version) CLICK HERE

  • What is this book about? In 2003, Dan Brown’s book The Da Vinci Codesold 80 million copies worldwide. It was merely fiction, so who cares, right? Well, we ought to care because people believed it, thinking that Jesus was not really divine, and the New Testament was not reliable.
  • Dr. Peter Jones and Dr. Jim Garlow co-authored a response which became a New York Times Bestseller titled Cracking Da Vinci’s Code. But who would care about all of that now? Admittedly the portions of the book that pertain to the Da Vinci Code are of little interest now. However, half of their book deals with the reliability of the New Testament and the evidence for the Divinity of Christ.
  • This is a remarkably relevant book because there are many people who don’t believe Jesus is God, or that the New Testament is trustworthy. What’s worse, there are many Christians who can’t explain either of these issues to their non-Christian friends. This book could help you and your family members. $3 per book (plus S & H)
Da Vinci Codebreaker CLICK HERE

  • This “dictionary” has hundreds of terms. Half of them are of little interest, since they pertain to The Da Vinci Code. But half of them will help you know how you got the Bible and why it is reliable, along with the understanding of the Divinity of Christ. This is a resource you will use often if you want to understand the background to the Bible and how it came together. $3 per book (plus S & H)

Well Versed (this is the Spanish language edition) – covers the biblical foundations to 30 political topics - $3 each book (plus S & H) CLICK HERE
God Still Heals (this is the Spanish language edition) – answering the question, “What are the blockages to healing,” and “How to pray for the sick.” - $3 each book (plus S & H) CLICK HERE

This offer is good through the entire month of December, but we recommend you order very early in December so you can get them by Christmas.
Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed

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