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Contrary to what some might believe, there are many authentic Christ-followers in Europe. It will encourage you to know that there are serious Jesus-lovers in European government. The problem? Like the U.S. and every other nation, there are too few of them.
Reason #1 that we go is to encourage. People in government need lots of encouragement. It has always been challenging being in elected office. Today it is a blood sport. My calling is to encourage those in public office.
As I have stated before, a “governmental anointing” came upon me on August 13th when I was nine years of age. I remember it so clearly. I thought I might someday run for office. However, when I was around 35 years of age, I sensed that God said, “You will never run for office. Instead, you will encourage those who do.” I have tried to honor that word from the Lord since that day.
As I have stated before, a “governmental anointing” came upon me on August 13th when I was nine years of age. I remember it so clearly. I thought I might someday run for office. However, when I was around 35 years of age, I sensed that God said, “You will never run for office. Instead, you will encourage those who do.” I have tried to honor that word from the Lord since that day.
I suspect I will forever be misunderstood. (Remember the old Dr. Pepper commercials? “So misunderstood?”) Some call me “political.” Critics (uninformed critics, I might add), might think I am advocating for a particular party. I most certainly am not. The only hope I see is God and God’s Word, not a political party.
Some say, “You are political.” I am not. I am Biblical. But those who accuse me of being political do so because they don’t recognize Biblical anymore, and they surely don’t recognize Biblical governance. Some of you will remember this short video titled, “I am not political.”
Some say, “You are political.” I am not. I am Biblical. But those who accuse me of being political do so because they don’t recognize Biblical anymore, and they surely don’t recognize Biblical governance. Some of you will remember this short video titled, “I am not political.”
There is another reason we go. In our ministry to governmental leaders, we also need encouragement. The European Prayer Breakfast brings together around 400 persons (for multiple events) who are either in elected office, or are persons who care deeply about Biblical principles of governance. As noted above, we attended this event in 2018 and 2019. While there in 2018, we were introduced to “Z” (I won’t use his real name). He pulled us aside, took us into a small room, laid hands on us, anointed us with oil, and prayed for us. That moment meant so much to us. We came away encouraged and recharged. He found out that we are coming to this year's European Prayer Breakfast and has asked to meet with us again. We are happy to.

We go to learn. While we were there in 2018, God brought a person across our pathway. I will call him “E” (again, not his real name). He taught me so much. We are scheduled to learn from him again. We have blocked out two hours just to have him teach us from the Word, relating to our calling.

Here is our friend “E” and his wife, from which we learn so much.
(This reason is related to all of the above.) The relationships are rich. I cannot put into words what all these people who I have met in governmental roles in so many countries (across Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and, of course, here in the U.S.) have meant to me. These relationships are pure gold. They mean so much to us. They keep us going.

We love the deep relationships which spawn from these government-related meetings.
We go to understand what the Spirit of God is saying to the Church. I am speaking of the true Church, those who have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. Allow me to say this: There is a major seismic shift coming… quickly. Those changes are going to cause a fresh new “ecclesia” to emerge. The old patterns of “the church” are falling away. God is doing a work – globally – and we have the privilege of learning what that is. I come home with my spirit overflowing with things to process and sort out, which I, as best as I can, share with you.
Allow me to say it more succinctly. A remnant is emerging. God is separating the wheat from the tares. We go to be with that remnant that God is raising up in these last days.
Allow me to say it more succinctly. A remnant is emerging. God is separating the wheat from the tares. We go to be with that remnant that God is raising up in these last days.
Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches...
Our passion is to help people know Biblical principles of governance. One of the ways we do that is to get the book I wrote, Well Versed, Biblical Answers to Today’s Tough Issues into the hands of as many elected officials as possible. I have shared with you before that teams have hand-delivered the book Well Versed to all 535 Congressional offices in Washington D.C. Fifty teams, thanks to the leadership of Dran Reese, delivered copies of Well Versed to the offices of 7,383 state legislators in all 50 state capitols.
In addition to the original English version, there is now a Spanish translation, a Hungarian translation, and even a Portuguese translation (It is interesting that the Portuguese publisher gave it the creative title of “Don’t Be Manipulated!”). We also have some BIG NEWS to share... I was recently contacted by persons in Europe asking if the book could now be made available in German. During our trip to Europe, we are in hopes of meeting with these individuals.
In addition to the original English version, there is now a Spanish translation, a Hungarian translation, and even a Portuguese translation (It is interesting that the Portuguese publisher gave it the creative title of “Don’t Be Manipulated!”). We also have some BIG NEWS to share... I was recently contacted by persons in Europe asking if the book could now be made available in German. During our trip to Europe, we are in hopes of meeting with these individuals.




I suspect many of you have toured Europe, going to London, Paris, Berlin, Budapest and beyond. But I want to take you on a little “tour” of governmental centers of Europe, and ask that you make this a prayer journey.
When you hear of the European Union, what do you think? Most of us governmentally-engaged Christians do not have positive thoughts. However, it is important to note that the original idea for the formation of the European Union came from the meeting of three believers, for the purpose of helping countries forgive each other after World War II. The strategy for a unified continent came from a Christian named Robert Schuman. While we were in Europe, we had the privilege of meeting with Jeff Fountain who wrote a book on this titled, Deeply Rooted: The Forgotten Vision of Robert Schuman. Tragically, the present EU is no longer Christ-centered.
When you hear of the European Union, what do you think? Most of us governmentally-engaged Christians do not have positive thoughts. However, it is important to note that the original idea for the formation of the European Union came from the meeting of three believers, for the purpose of helping countries forgive each other after World War II. The strategy for a unified continent came from a Christian named Robert Schuman. While we were in Europe, we had the privilege of meeting with Jeff Fountain who wrote a book on this titled, Deeply Rooted: The Forgotten Vision of Robert Schuman. Tragically, the present EU is no longer Christ-centered.

Author Jeff Fountain

Author Jeff Fountain
The European Union consists of 27 countries (now that Britain has dropped out) who have a strong relationship with each other. Where are the headquarters? Well that question requires a complex answer. It depends.
One of the headquarters of the Parliament of the EU is in Brussels, Belgium. What you are about to hear sounds bizarre, because it is. Fasten your seat belts.
The 751 Members of the EU Parliament meet in Brussels, Belgium three weeks out of the month for committee meetings, but then during the fourth week of the month, for four days each month, the 751 Members of the EU Parliament (along with a thousand or more staff) have to go south, from Brussels to Strasbourg (a 5-hour drive by car) to conduct any vote at the other EU Headquarters, in Strasbourg, France. They are not allowed to take a formal vote in Brussels. Only in Strasbourg. This is legally required by EU rules. As you would expect, it is very costly, but that is how EU business is conducted.
The EU building in Strasbourg is distinctive. It is said that it was intentionally designed to look unfinished, resembling some of the ancient paintings of the Tower of Babel. Is that a good thing? Of course not.
One of the headquarters of the Parliament of the EU is in Brussels, Belgium. What you are about to hear sounds bizarre, because it is. Fasten your seat belts.
The 751 Members of the EU Parliament meet in Brussels, Belgium three weeks out of the month for committee meetings, but then during the fourth week of the month, for four days each month, the 751 Members of the EU Parliament (along with a thousand or more staff) have to go south, from Brussels to Strasbourg (a 5-hour drive by car) to conduct any vote at the other EU Headquarters, in Strasbourg, France. They are not allowed to take a formal vote in Brussels. Only in Strasbourg. This is legally required by EU rules. As you would expect, it is very costly, but that is how EU business is conducted.
The EU building in Strasbourg is distinctive. It is said that it was intentionally designed to look unfinished, resembling some of the ancient paintings of the Tower of Babel. Is that a good thing? Of course not.

The Parliament in the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

The Parliament where they vote in Strasbourg, France.

The Strasbourg France EU Headquarters, resembling some paintings of the
Tower of Babel.
Tower of Babel.
Most Americans have heard of the European Union, with its 27 European member states, 751 Members of Parliament, and its largely economic focus. However, few know about the Council of Europe, with 47 European member nations, 324 Members of Parliament, an older organization which deals with human rights issues. Both institutions are in Strasbourg, France, and are actually quite geographically close to each other. Yes, to an American, this is all a bit confusing.

The Council of Europe

The Council of Europe

The Parliament
Let’s take you to one more city: The Hague in The Netherlands. In this city is the International Court of Justice, an arm of the UN, a sort of “Supreme Court of the World” where nations go to handle disputes with each other. It is sometimes referred to as the “Peace Palace” or the “Temple of Peace.” Fifteen Justices hear cases and rule on them. However, they are a bit ceremonial in that they are not necessarily “binding,” in that there is no way to enforce the decision.
We contend that the real “court for the world” is not The Hague, but Jerusalem. The real law is the Torah, or the Scriptures. Isaiah 2:1-3 states, "This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem: In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.’ The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."
We contend that the real “court for the world” is not The Hague, but Jerusalem. The real law is the Torah, or the Scriptures. Isaiah 2:1-3 states, "This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem: In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.’ The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."

Outside the U.N. In
Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland

Inside the U.N. In
Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland

The flags representing the 193 Member Nations of the U.N.
The true “law” is the Law of God, the Commandments of God, found in the Torah, the Tanakh, the Bible. The epicenter of all government will someday be in Jerusalem. That is the true source of ultimate truth in every area, including the governmental realm.
Also in The Hague is the well-known International Criminal Court. But let’s stop our tour here.
I hope you have enjoyed this quick tour of the governmental cities of Europe. But more importantly, I hope you hear and feel the passion of my heart: to bring Biblical principles of governance to government leaders…and to the people who elect them.
Also in The Hague is the well-known International Criminal Court. But let’s stop our tour here.
I hope you have enjoyed this quick tour of the governmental cities of Europe. But more importantly, I hope you hear and feel the passion of my heart: to bring Biblical principles of governance to government leaders…and to the people who elect them.
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2023 European Tour | Recent Newsletters

Join Me in 9 European Countires - Part -1
I almost feel the need to apologize for using such strong language (“I really need your help”) in the subject line. I do not want to be melodramatic. But allow me to explain why I really do need your help.

European tour - Part 3
ROMANIA We are continuing our "Well Versed Biblical principles of governance" tour of many European countries.
We want to tell you about our time in Romania.
We want to tell you about our time in Romania.

European tour - PART 5
SWITZERLAND Instead of meeting with government officials, we met with many Ukrainian refugees, forced out of their homes, quickly, who escaped with whatever they could get in a car, and ended up losing everything.

An Exciting update from europe! - Part 2
We are in Europe with two countries down - The Netherlands and Albania (and a quick pass through Kosovo) - and seven countries to go. We want to give you an update.

European tour - PART 4
LATVIA As we continue our "Well Versed Biblical principles of governance" tour through Europe, we invite you to read Dr. Garlow's updates from Latvia.

Reflections Upon Returning Home From Europe - part 7
PRAYER: First, THANK YOU for praying for us during our extensive trip in Europe. We are so very grateful. We genuinely felt your prayer support.