Join Us for Upcoming Tours of Israel
Hosted by Dr. Jim & Rev. Rosemary Schindler Garlow
We invite you to join our Well Versed biblical tours of Israel! Walk in the Way of the Lord as we discover the biblical roots of our faith. Meet the people of the Promised Land and participate in its revival.
Contact or call 1-800-208-0219, 510-677-4215.
Contact or call 1-800-208-0219, 510-677-4215.

SPRING 2025 israel tour
“The Feast of Pentecost: Israel Covenant Land Bible Pilgrimage”
14 Days: from Saturday, May 31 to Friday, June 13, 2025
Departure from the USA at our international airport gateway for overseas flights to Israel. Tentative Group flights: depart on El Al Israel Flights nonstop to Tel Aviv. Dinner and breakfast served onboard our overnight flight to Israel. Passengers can coordinate their travel with our group or arrange their schedule as preferred.

fall 2025 israel tour
“Covenant Land Bible Pilgrimage”
Saturday, October 18 to Friday, October 31, 2025
Departure from the USA at our international airport gateway for overseas flights to Israel. Passengers can coordinate their travel with our group or arrange their schedule as preferred.
Testimonials From Our 75th Anniversary May 2023 Israel Pilgrimage
Baptisms in the Jordan River
This is LaMar Harris, Sr at his baptism in the Jordan River in March 2023. The sky opened and the clouds formed in the shape of a dove above him.
Testimonial - Our Recent Israel Tour
"Getting to see Israel first hand was a lifelong dream come to pass… Never really thought I would be there... at the border…
But actually you could say that about most of our experiences during the two weeks ....each day was a fulfillment of bible teachings and experiences only here-to-fore in my minds’ eye... Plus, 60 years of following current events re: modern Israel (I realize now, viewed from a decidedly Zionist perspective) came to life each and every day of our trip
Every attitude I had prior about ‘that Land’ was reinforced and strengthen by our trip
It was as truly a blessing from the Lord..."
- Dr. Greg Harrelson
But actually you could say that about most of our experiences during the two weeks ....each day was a fulfillment of bible teachings and experiences only here-to-fore in my minds’ eye... Plus, 60 years of following current events re: modern Israel (I realize now, viewed from a decidedly Zionist perspective) came to life each and every day of our trip
Every attitude I had prior about ‘that Land’ was reinforced and strengthen by our trip
It was as truly a blessing from the Lord..."
- Dr. Greg Harrelson

Jim and Rosemary with Lipkin Tours National Religious Broadcasters 2023