Tomorrow Determines Whether America Survives

There are several facts regarding this historic election.
Trump, who was America’s 45th president, is attempting to become the 47th president. That would be making history. Only one president, Democrat Grover Cleveland, has ever succeeded in serving non-continuous terms, being president from 1885 to 1889, and again from 1893 to 1897.
Others have tried: Martin Van Buren (1844 and again in 1848), Millard Fillmore (1856), Ulysses Grant (1880), and Teddy Roosevelt (1912). Roosevelt tried to regain power in a third-party run, after failing to win the Republican nomination. 
This means that only six have ever tried to be elected twice in non-continuous terms, and only one has ever succeeded. Should Trump win, he will be the second person to achieve this unusual honor.
Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris, should she win, will be the first female president to succeed in being elected. Hillary tried. She failed. 
Remarkably, Harris became the candidate without winning a single vote in the primary elections, another first. 
The Trump-Biden debate was the earliest U.S. presidential debate in history. By debating Biden before he was officially nominated by the Democratic National Convention, that allowed the Democrats to make an unprecedented switch of the candidates after Biden demonstrated what we already knew, that he was cognitively impaired. Had Trump waited until after the nomination process was complete, which is normal, the Democrats would have been locked into having Biden as their candidate. 
While there have been assassination attempts on presidents on occasion, Trump has faced at least two (maybe more?) assassination attempts as a candidate. That alone is a stunning fact.
Trump is much bigger than the Republican Party. He is a movement. Few candidates achieve that. Reagan became a “movement.” Trump is attracting voters which have always previously been associated with the Democrat Party.
The Democrats portray January 6, 2021 as an “insurrection,” although no court or court ruling has ever stated such. Sixty percent of Americans expect unrest after the November 5th election. If there is unrest, who will be the cause?
What might we face as Americans over the long 76 day period between November 5, 2024 and January 20, 2025, the day of the inauguration? Here are some potential options:
  1. Trump wins and there is calm. That is doubtful. The Democrats seem poised to do anything – and I do mean anything – to make sure that Trump does not become the 47th President of the United States. Repeat: Anything. Maryland Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin has already claimed that the House of Representatives should not certify the election ( and the election hasn’t even occurred yet. 
  2. Trump wins, there is chaos. There is a strong potential for urban areas and college campuses to riot, incited by Leftists, anarchist, Marxists, Antifa, BLM and pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas Muslims along with other antisemites. Joe Biden did not condemn the rioting, burning and looting for over 100 days in the summer of 2020. Democrat Governors and Mayors refused to stop it. Rioting could occur. Biden could declare martial law to block transfer of power. Do I expect this? Frankly, I am not sure. Biden has advancing dementia at best, and is not to be trusted for a transfer of power at worst. 
  3. Harris wins and there is calm. Doubtful. But I don’t think there will be any riots. Keep reading. 
  4. Harris wins and there is awareness of a stolen election. Again (That “again” will cause me to be called an “election denier,” but I have some basic questions about the 2020 election that I would love to have answered.). Back to 2024. As a matter of decorum, Republicans don’t riot. Democrats do. If January 6 of 2021 had been a riot or an insurrection, Trump supporters would have come prepared to riot or take over the government. They were not. They came to a political rally, to hear Trump, many of them to pray, others just to mingle and listen to speeches. Out of 200,000 people (or more?) there, possibly a couple hundred behaved inappropriately by vandalizing and damaging property. Those actions are inexcusable. But they did not shoot innocent people. A Capitol Hill Policeman did. 
So what is ahead? The fact is, we do not know.
We must be aware that the solid Judeo-Christian foundation upon which America once stood is gone. Repeat: Gone. That means that the moral and ethical thinking of approximately half of America is without a clear biblical reference point. Thus any action is justified. 
Are we at the point of a civil war? I am not sure. Many think so. Some feel that is being melodramatic. But something is clearly wrong with America. We are fiercely divided. 
So what do we do? We pray. We fast. We get informed. We articulate the truth. We get prepared for being attacked for believing truth. And we do not back down. 
We pray for discernment. That is the most important gift right now. We pray for perspective. What is “perspective?” That is the ability to see the end from the beginning. 
Prayer: “Lord, show us what is ahead. Help us to be discerning. Help us to know how to prepare. Help us to be Christlike while being firm in our convictions. Help us to stand for truth in the fire. Amen.”
Consider giving a tax-deductible donation to Well Versed, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, to continue bringing biblical principles of governance to government leaders and YOU!
Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed

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