The Ways We Are Giving To Israel

Most of our recent days have been spent sorting out hundreds of details on how we get funds to needed causes in Israel. We have spent time making certain that we are within the law of U.S. Government. In addition, we have tried to discern where the funds are most needed, and how to get them there the fastest. Above all, we have made certain that any organization to which we donate has the highest integrity. I have divided the giving in four “tiers,” with the most funds going to Tier One. After much research, prayer, consultation and pondering, here are how funds are being distributed:

Tier One: To Soldiers (Where the largest donations are being made)

1. Coats, blankets, neck warmers, socks and gloves for IDF soldiers - these are high-quality items sent from the U.S. which meet IDF approval, and are being personally accompanied to make certain they get to Israel. As you know, more than 300,000 reservists were called up, with only a couple hours’ notice. They lack very basic supplies. In addition, many are being sent to the northern part of Israel, near Lebanon, where winter will soon come.(NOTE: This is where most of the funds have gone, by far. And we are continuing to send funds here.)
2. Packages of basic needs (water, socks, underwear, almost everything you can think of) are being distributed by a not-for-profit organization, Boneh Israel (“Build Israel”), which was founded by Byron Stinson (and evangelical Christian from Texas) and Tsaki Mamo (an Orthodox Jew from Israel). These are being packaged by civilians based primarily in Samaria.

We invite you to give now, to Israel, here:

Tier Two: For First-Responders Kits from America

3. Pre-hospital kits (My Medic Charities) are being shipped by a trusted friend, John Lyon. These kits include tourniquets and no-clot gauze to help with trauma on the field. (See here) See the boxes that he personally took to Israel.

Tier Three: Protecting civilians who have been harmed, and protecting civilians from harm

4. The Jewish Agency is a massive organization with a global reach, helping to relocate elderly Holocaust survivors, and other persons, whose homes were burned down, trying to get them out of harm’s way.
Tommy Waller
5. HaYovel (, founded by American evangelical Tommy Waller, on Mt. Gerizim, the Biblical “Mount of Blessing,” is attempting to protect Jewish families (whose husbands and sons have gone off to war) from attacks – stabbings, knifings, rock throwing, etc. – by the Muslim Palestinians in Samaria. Also, given the threats from Lebanon (Hezbollah’s 100,000+ missiles), they are working to protect civilians from the potential onslaught of war at the Israeli-Lebanese border.
6. The Shiloh Children’s Fund, led by David Rubin, based in Shiloh, Israel (which was the capital of Israel for 369 years before Jerusalem became the capital) is helping with grief counseling and assistance for family members – particularly children – who are victims of terror, some of whom have become orphans because of the killing of Jews by the terrorists.
7. Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Congregation), a vibrant Messianic congregation, co-founded by our good friends Karen Davis and Peter Tsukahira, is led by Pastor Dani Sayag, on Mt. Carmel – where Elijah took on the prophets of Baal – has reached out immigrants from all over the world for years. Now, they are strategically situated close to where some of the 100,000+ missiles of Hezbollah could land, and are preparing to take in and take care of those in harm’s way.
8. The Baptist Church in Bethlehem, is pastored by the bold Rev. Naim Khoury, with his equally courageous son, Pastor Steven Khoury, who serves as Associate Pastor there while also serving as Senior Pastor of Calvary Church in Jerusalem, and leading Holy Land Missions. As Christian Arabs, this father-son team has suffered greatly (one family member killed, church members attacked) because they, as Christian Arabs, support the Jews having a homeland, Israel. They work hard to bring reconciliation between Arabs and Jews, while affirming the fact that the Jews have a right to have their own nation. As per our direction, they are using the funds for families impacted by the war.

Tier Four: Preventative Education

9. The Bau Museum – run by Hadassa and Clilia Bau, daughters of Joseph and Rebekah Bau, the couple featured in the movie Schindler’s List. They are an educational group trying to show the public the horrors of the Holocaust, and helping “Never Again” be more than a slogan.
STAY INFORMED, by listening to the World Prayer Network broadcasts:
  • Listen to the experience of Fox New journalist Sara Carter as she interviewed crazed Hamas supporters in New York City, and to the sobering assessment of our national security from expert Frank Gaffney, and Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Pesach Woliki’s relevant Scriptural application from Exodus, along with Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Tuly Weisz’s outline of Genesis 6:11 (“hamas” – Hebrew for violence). Click here.
  • Hear the stunning 1 ½ minute video of Douglas Murray on “proportionality,” the analysis by Israeli Danielle Mor with the Jewish Agency, and the report on pro-Hamas demonstrations on U.S. university campuses by the Associate Editor of the New York Sun, A.R. Hoffman.
    Click here.
  • Hear Member of the Knesset Sharren Haskel, Consul General Eliav Benjamin (Washington, DC), and Journalist Erick Stackelback. Click here.

Do Well Versed and the World Prayer Network bless you? Candidly, we need monthly supporters. Will you partner with us this month?

Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed
Consider giving a tax-deductible donation to Well Versed, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, to continue bringing biblical principles of governance to government leaders and YOU!

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