Updates on Israel

Current News and Resources on The War in Israel
Note: Please select "Israel Relief" from the Fund dropdown on our GIVE page.
Well Versed is attempting to find ways to support the Jewish people against the onslaught of murder launched by Hamas. The Israel Relief Fund will go towards providing some very basic things for some of the 300,000 reservists who were called into active duty with no time to prepare. The need things as basic as socks, underwear and toothbrushes.
The funds of Well Versed will not be used for offensive weapons, such as guns or ammo. The U.S. Government can supply such items, but private citizens cannot. Thus we are looking for ways to supply basic items and even protective gear, but not items used on offense.
In addition, some of the funds will be used for humanitarian efforts, such as helping those profoundly impacted by war.
We have spent considerable time trying to find ways to bless the Jewish people and the State of Israel, in conformity with Genesis 12:1-3.
"Today we reached another 500 soldiers with the equipment they are asking for (warm clothes)."
An interview with an IDF soldier on the frontlines
Recorded on October 13, 2023
Courage of Annie, Jessica, Chris & Jon. Reports from Judd and Paul. Invited by Albert. Michele's Prayer
September 5th, 2024
Annie Palumbo Annie Palumbo tells you how to deal with a school board if you are a parent. Fasten your seatbelt on this one.CLICK HERE TO LISTEN Jessica Tapia Jessica Tapia tells you how to deal with a school board if you are a teacher. She stood strong.CLICK HERE TO LISTEN Chris Williams Chris Williams shows how to be a bold, courageous, non-compromising pastor, yet have a profound evangelistic i...
Six Stories You Really Need To Know.
August 27th, 2024
1. A BEST SELLING BOOKMegan Basham’s book, Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda, has created shockwaves across America. Her critics are attacking her, even in nit-picky ways. But her research stands. She has done the nation a great service by her careful research. There are pastors who have abandoned the truth. It is best to “out” them, to warn the floc...
A huge personal request: Please help people invite Jesus into the voting booth.
August 23rd, 2024
Here is a sampler of 12 chapters of the 60 chapters in my new book REVERSED: From Culturally Woke to Biblically Awake, a 500 page “encyclopedia” of biblical truth covering nearly 60 political topics. REVERSED covers the scriptural foundations to nearly 60 political topics, such as ESG, DEI, wokeism, “Christian Nationalism,” transgenderism, transhumanism, the border, election fraud, the feminizati...
Why this day is important to me...and to you.
August 19th, 2024
My friend Ken Newell from Tennessee emailed me on August 13 with these words: “Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday to your calling.” At first, I thought, “it is not my birthday.” Then I suddenly realized that he was wishing my happy birthday on the date of “my calling.” What did he mean? Well, I have written about it a number of times, but I will reference it once again, then we will take a l...
A Look Back At Some Unique Moments From the RNC
July 25th, 2024
Admittedly the Republican National Convention ended a week ago, and so much has occurred since then. But let’s take a look back for a moment, to ponder the good moments and the not so good moments. REFLECTING ON PAST GOVERNMENTAL EVENTS:While here at the RNC in Milwaukee, I started reminiscing. I began wondering how many of these once-every-four years events I have been a part of. I have watched a...

SPECIAL ISRAEL radio broadcasts (aUDIO FORMAT)

We’ve all been shocked and stunned watching the news coming out of Israel.  As we watch with interest and broken hearts, Dr. Jim Garlow has prepared special features that will start airing October 12th - October 24th. 
As someone who is well-versed on all matters concerning Israel and Hamas, Jim helps explain the reasons behind the attacks and why Israel is at war.  

And, with every program closing, Jim reminds us of our calling:
To pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

israel: what you need to know

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO LIKE THE LEGAL ISSUES:  I know most of you care much more about the Biblical (and legitimate) claim of the Jews to the land of Israel, but some of you might care about the legal issues. Rosemary and I have been to The International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands.

Israel's Legal Land Rights and Border

Dr. Jim Garlow - Well Versed Newsletter | October 23, 2022
I want you to understand how to defend Israel from its constant attackers. Even some “evangelicals” like to advocate arrogant “Replacement Theology” (the church replaced the Jews and Israel), a subtle form of anti-Semitism. My doctoral studies are in church history. Even some of our key leaders (the Early Church Fathers and Reformation leader Martin Luther), in the midst of all their great writings, were often shockingly anti-Semitic. 

The Jews and Their Struggle to Have a Homeland

Understanding Israel's War 

Dr. Jim Garlow - Well Versed Newsletter | May 13-17, 2021
(Just as it was in 2021, it is relevant today)
Israel is at war…again. Why? The Islamic jihadists want all the Jews dead. Israel and the Jewish people have only 1/6th of 1% of the land in the Middle East. The Arab Muslims have 99 5/6ths % of the land. But that is not enough. Most of them want 100% of the land. Most of them want the Jews dead.
So, once again, it’s partially about the land, but more importantly, it is about killing Jews. How did we get here? Allow me to take you on a whirlwind tour. 

Iran, U.S. State Department, and Israel

Listen to Ellie Cohanim, an American broadcast journalist who was Deputy Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism at the United States Department of State during the Donald Trump administration, as she – along with Dan Pollak and Luke Moon – helps us understand the present danger that Iran presents as World Prayer Network Co-Founder/Co-Host Mario Bramnick interviews her.

Andrew Tucker - Israel and Her Land ... From Two Perspectives

Andrew is leading the establishment of The Hague Centre for International Law and Public Policy in the Middle East – a think tank contributing to the development of freedom and justice in the Middle East based on the rule of law. 


Urgent: Sign Letter to President Biden Supporting Israel Now! Mr. President, we need you to take stronger action on behalf of Israel.

National Faith Advisory Board | October 19, 2023
Dear Faith Leaders,

We ask you to join us in calling on President Biden and the U.S. Congress to Support Israel, by signing the letter below. As America's LARGEST FAITH COALITION, we must speak with one united voice and defend Israel.

It is imperative that we keep the pressure on our government to stand strong with Israel and give them the time to protect their people - our people.

Please continue to pray for the peace of Israel, and share this email far and wide with people of faith.

This week thousands of people of faith globally joined the National Faith Advisory Board for an Emergency Prayer Call for Israel.

National Faith Advisory Board | October 13, 2023
This week thousands of people of faith globally joined the National Faith Advisory Board for an Emergency Prayer Call for Israel. In less than 24 hours, thousands upon thousands of faith leaders of every denomination signed up to join as we prayed with one voice, for peace and healing for Israel and the Jewish community globally.

Rabbi Tuly Weisz joined NFAB via phone from Israel. He asked people of faith to stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel, who need our prayers and support now more than ever. Pastor Jentezen Franklin reminded all pastors and faith leaders in the strongest of terms, this is NOT the time to be silent. Thousands joined as he recited the Lord’s prayer together. This is the moment to speak fervently and boldly. Pastor Paula White-Cain called on us all to stand with the Jewish people and light Shabbat candles tomorrow. Pastor Sam Rodriguez proclaimed the powerful connection between people of Jewish and Christian faith, and Dr Jim Garlow shared his list of top 41 facts we should know about Israel and Hamas.

We ask you to PRAY - for the protection over the lives of the Jewish people; for righteousness, peace and justice; for healing for those who have lost loved ones; for those in captivity and families ripped apart; for wisdom for our world leaders; for unity of America and its allies against those who attacked Israel; and for all those ministering now in Israel.

A Star Is Born: Hebrew University’s President Wheels on His Counterparts at Harvard and Stanford for Failing To Show ‘Moral Courage’ on Israel

The New York Sun | A.R. Hofmann | October 12, 2023
Asher Cohen calls Harvard and Stanford ‘lighthouses that failed us’ in one of two devastating letters to the leading figures in American academia.

Harvard and Stanford are “lighthouses that have failed us.” That is the word from Hebrew University, where the president of one of Israel’s flagship universities, Asher Cohen, accuses the Cambridge and Palo Alto powerhouses of issuing “shockingly feeble condemnations” that fail to “unequivocally” reckon with the evil  of Hamas’s attacks on Israel.  

The release of public letters from Mr. Cohen and Hebrew University’s rector, Tamir Sheafer, to President Claudine Gay of Harvard and President Richard Saller of Stanford signals a remarkable escalation in the divisions Hamas’s atrocities have laid bare in academia’s hallowed halls. The letters also telegraph that the era of deference to America’s crown jewels of education could be nearing an end.

The correspondence comes as Harvard, Stanford, and other schools have shrunk from condemning forthrightly Hamas’s attacks. Mr. Cohen writes to the presidents of Harvard and Stanford that “you have failed us, not only as Israelis, who are subject to the imminent threat of being subject to genocide, but also as leaders of an academic institution.”

Israel Donations

You have continued to give over the past few weeks. Therefore, we are sending much more today for jackets, blankets, gloves, neck warmers, etc. As long as you keep giving to Israel, we will keep donating as quickly as we can.

Thank You for Your Generous Gifts!