Enlist in God's Purposes for Israel - There Is A Season For Everything

#1Light Shabbat Candles, #2 Read Genesis 1:1 to 6:8, #3 Donate to Israel,
and #4 Write Two Quick Emails: Harvard and Stanford. October 13, 2023
We are so grateful for your prayers for Israel. Please join us in the Biblical practices followed by Jewish people for thousands of years and by Jesus, His disciples, the Early Church, and today. Take action to bring light in the darkness, and align with Heavenly forces to bring life and healing to this world.

Action #1~ Light Shabbat Candles to Stand with Israel at 5:29 pm
For centuries, Jewish women have been lighting candles just before sunset on Friday to honor the Creator of the World, the God of Israel, who rested on the Seventh Day. Given the horrific massacre that occurred on the Sabbath, Saturday, October 7th, in Israel, we invite all women, Jews, and non-Jews, to stand with Israel by lighting Shabbat candles and praying in solidarity with the people of Israel. Click HERE for instructions.

Action #2~ Read God's Word in the pattern He gave us.
Jesus, His followers, and Jewish and Messianic Believers followed the original Bible Reading schedule. Today begins the New Year Torah reading cycle. Israel's war is called "Operation Swords of Iron." We are equipped with the Sword of God's Word. The attack on Israel is the greatest manifestation of evil against God and His people since the Holocaust.
Click on the link to listen: Genesis 1:1 to 6:8 - "In the Beginning" ~ B'reisheet.

Action #3~ DONATE to Israel.
Go to: https://www.wellversedworld.org/updates-on-israel and  https://www.wellversedworld.org/give-now
Click on the word "Select Fund," choose Israel Relief, enter their amount, and continue to payment. Enter your information and go to the payment link.
An "Add a Note" box will allow you to specify an area for your donation.
Mail a check made out to Well Versed, write "Israel Relief" in the memo, and include a note directing it to your desired purpose. Well Versed will send you a tax deduction statement.

Action #4~ Write two letters, which will take just a few minutes, for the sake of 1,200 murdered innocent Israelis. We cannot be silent. See the samples below.
Please see this article. Our academic institutions – Harvard and Stanford, for starters – must be held accountable for their tepid responses to unspeakable demonic actions done against innocent people.
I urge you to write to the President of Harvard University, Claudine Gay, at president@harvard.edu and call her office at (617) 495-1502. Here is my letter. Please send one. And post it on Facebook. Her anemic response is appalling. She only said something stronger – a second statement – when the public outcry became intense.
President Claudine Gay
(617) 495-1502

President Gay,

I am shocked and appalled that students at Harvard supported the decapitation of Israeli babies and that the University’s initial responses were so pathetically weak.

Students who celebrate the beheading of babies and preborns being cut out of their mother's womb are a threat to society and should be put on a terrorist watch list, as they have demonstrated that they are capable of harming others.

And students who supported Hamas’s slaughter of innocents, who have a student visa, should be stripped of the visa and immediately deported. They are a danger to the well-being of humanity and of the United States. They are a serious threat to our nation.

All students who signed the statements supporting the demonic terrorists should be outed and never be hired by any reputable firm, as they - in their support of the worst forms of violence - are a serious threat to the safety of their communities.

Harvard’s original students in 1636 were required to study Hebrew due to the profound contribution of the Jewish people and the importance of the Old Testament. (I am not Jewish, but I recognize the profound contribution of Jews to the entire world.)

Now, centuries later, 31 different student groups celebrate the murder of elderly survivors of the Holocaust. Appalling.

In your public statement as President, where was the outrage?
Why was there no recognition of dastardly deeds done by horribly evil men?
Why such an anemic and politically correct response?

Where is the cry for the slaughter of innocents to end?
Where is the defense of the defenseless Israeli babies?
Where is the cry for the injustice of the elderly woman who had survived the Holocaust but has now been killed at the hands of Hamas?
Where is the cry for justice for the young Jewish girl who, as she was bleeding, was grabbed by the hair and driven away to be tortured, raped, or maybe killed?
Where is the defense for the little Israeli boy who was whipped in public by Hamas while he was crying out “Mama, Mama!“
Where is the defense for the young Israeli girl who was kidnapped, and then her body was cut to pieces?
Where is the defense for the Jewish babies who are right now in chicken cages, likely to be tortured or killed at any moment?

Harvard’s response is an embarrassment to us all. Totally indefensible.
Stop the Neville Chamberlain language. Give us a Winston Churchill.
Give honest press releases that match the depth of the anti-Semitic abuse and violence.
Expose those who hate the Jewish people, and then work to stop it.
Expel those who spew such dangerous anti-Zionist hatred.

Shame on you. Shame on Harvard. I call on you to repent. Make right that which has been so wrong.

Jim Garlow, San Diego
I urge you to write the President of Stanford University, Mr. Richard Saller, at president@stanford.edu and call his office at (650) 723-2481. Here is my letter. Yours can be very different and much shorter.
President Richard Saller
(650) 723-2481

President Saller,
I am shocked and appalled by your horrifically indefensible statements: “The decision to take a position about one event or issue … can create a sense of institutional orthodoxy that chills academic freedom…” As blood is all over the streets and in homes, and in baby cribs, what a pathetic statement. Are you neutral about the decapitation of Israeli babies?
Any students which celebrate the beheading of babies, and preborns being cut out of their mother's womb, are a threat to society and should be put on a terrorist watch list, as they have demonstrated that they are capable of harming others.
And students who supported Hamas’s slaughter of innocents who have a student visa should be stripped of the visa and immediately deported. They are a danger to the well-being of humanity and of the United States. They are a serious threat to our state and our nation.
All students who signed the statements supporting the demonic terrorists should be outed, and never be hired by any reputable firm, as they - in their support of the worst forms of violence - are a serious threat to the safety of their communities.

In your public statement as President, where was the outrage?
Why was there no recognition of dastardly deeds done by horribly evil men.
Why such an anemic and politically-correct response.

Where is the cry for the slaughter of innocents to end?
Where is the defense of the defenseless Israeli babies?
Where is the cry for the injustice of the elderly woman who had survived the Holocaust, but has now been killed at the hands of Hamas?
Where is the cry for justice for the young Jewish girl who, as she was bleeding, was grabbed by the hair and driven away to be tortured, raped, or maybe killed?
Where is the defense for the little Israeli boy who was whipped in public by Hamas while he was crying out “Mama, Mama!“
Where is the defense for the young Israeli girl who was kidnapped and then her body was cut to pieces?
Where is the defense for the Jewish babies who are right now in chicken cages, likely to be tortured or killed at any moment?

Stanford’s response is an embarrassment to us all. Totally indefensible.
Stop the Neville Chamberlain language. Give us a Winston Churchill.
Give honest press releases that match the depth of the anti-Semitic abuse and violence.
Expose those who hate the Jewish people, and then work to stop it.
Expel those who spew such dangerous anti-Zionist hatred.
Shame on you. Shame on Stanford. I call on you to repent. Make right that which has been so wrong.
Jim Garlow, San Diego
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Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed
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