The interview with Pat Boone shocked me. See why. A fun listen.

On Sunday night, I interviewed the legendary Pat Boone. I am not sure what I expected. I guess I may have expected an 89 year old – sort of slow – possibly tired – maybe looking at life only through the rear view mirror – type of person. But wow! Was I ever wrong.
Pat Boone, at almost 90, is remarkable. Oh, by the way, he played on a basketball team for those between the ages of 80-85! In fact, he has owned two basketball teams. And even more amazing: he is working with a company to invent a car that runs on air. On top of that, he presented it on Shark Tank!
He has read the Bible through 45 times. He is writing “epistles,” like an apostle, to his four daughters, his grandchildren and great grandchildren. He is passionate about those who don’t know Jesus, so has written a book with the captivating and one-word title, If.
And he was intellectually stunning. He has a very sophisticated grasp of Israel and Jewish matters. As you may know, he wrote the words to Exodus,” which is considered the “second anthem of Israel.” He wrote it on Christmas Eve in 1959 on the back of a Christmas card. It has touched the world. Listen to it by going here.

He has or has had radio shows and TV shows, and has recorded more songs – over 2,600 – than any person in history. And he is still recording! Currently. Now. At age 89! Click here for a partial list of his accomplishments (and this is a decade old!)
As we began the interview, I told him we would talk about 15-20 minutes on “how to keep your faith in Hollywood.” However, he was so captivating I asked him to please keep going. We went an hour, and that was not enough time. I asked him to come back for “Part 2,” which we might call “Pat Boone’s Favorite Hymns Sing-Along.” And we will have him tell some of his classic stories.

Watch The Video

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