How Prepared Should You Be? This Will Shock You.

How prepared should you be for a man-made or natural disaster? Frankly, I am not sure. But I suspect the correct answer is "more prepared than you currently are".
What are the options? What should one do? Some say, “If you prepare for emergencies, then you don’t trust the Lord.” That is ludicrous. Most of those same people have some food in the refrigerator, or insurance on their car, or house or health or life insurance. In other words, it might be possible that one way to trust God is to do the things He has given us the capacity to do.

Imagine a worst-case scenario:
You live in a metropolitan area. There has been an extensive natural disaster. The damage is massive and widespread. There is a severe food shortage. Days are turning into weeks. Violence is starting to break out, and it is now coming to your street. There are no police; they have been overrun.
Or maybe there was a man-made disaster, such as an EMP (electromagnetic pulse). You've been living without electricity for one solid month now, going on two, with no hope in sight. Your neighborhood is truly feeling the impact of having nothing.

Now, let us suppose that you had prepared for this day, and I mean really prepared. How have you prepared, and what do you do now?

Well, for starters, you have kept a full tank of gas and calculated your plan based on your ability to get away from the city, and based on the distance that one tank of gas allows.

You drive to that area where you had purchased three acres of remote land where you had built a “tiny house” (the micro houses that can be as small as 400 square feet), for use in such a moment as this.
You also planned ahead, and a group of your family and friends had also purchased tiny parcels of land nearby where they also constructed tiny houses, so you are all arriving at about the same time, all with different skill sets to assist each other for survival.

In addition, you arranged for a “clinic-in-a-can,” a mini-hospital in a shipping container to be on these properties, where those with medical training can meet the needs of your community.
Also, you had arranged for a steel container in which you could do hydroponic, aeroponic, and aquaponic gardening, which will produce the equivalent yield as five acres of garden lands.
In addition, you – as a group – planned ahead how to spiritually support one another through what is known as a “home church”, or what they call in Communist and totalitarian countries an underground or “decentralized church.” And, you had a strategy to help others who failed to plan ahead like you did. You literally began saving the lives of others, in the Name of Jesus.
Some in your community thought this day might come, so they are prepared for the education of the children to continue on unabated, through home-schooling and multi-family educational experiences.
Impossible situation? Maybe. But I thought I would stretch your thinking just a bit.
By the way, this is not some “escapist” community. This is a group of people who thought, “If something bad happens, how can we be alive to help others?” They are not isolationists. In fact, their favorite song is that old hymn – so old that most of you might not have ever heard it – “Rescue the perishing, care for the dying”. Once they were “settled in” as a community of Christ-followers, they began strategizing how to save as many others as they could.
Angel Poorman  |  David Elliott  |  Eric Johnsen  |  Michael Wawrzewski 
Pamela Holloway  |  Lawrence Schaefer  |  John Koe  |  Lisa Dunne
Now, if you have an open mind, listen to several people via video. Perhaps you will not find it worthwhile. But some of this information might – just might – save your life, and the lives of your family members and neighbors.
I recognize that you likely don’t have time to listen to seven speakers back to back. But I assure you they are worth listening to, as you are able to. See and hear these speakers from the July 2022 Future Conference, covering these topics:

1.  Angel Poorman, "Creating A Place Of Refuge" - Click here.
2.  David Elliot and Eric Johnsen, "Micro-Houses, Or Tiny Houses" - Click here.
3.  Michael Wawrzewski, "'Clinic-In-A-Can,' A Micro-Hospital In A Shipping Container" - Click here.
4.  Pam Holloway, "Resilience Through Agrarianism; Back To the Soil" - FIRST talk, click here. SECOND talk, click here.
5.  Lawrence Schaefer, "Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Aquaponics - Addressing the Food Supply Problem" - Click here.
6.  John Koe, "Operating Underground, Decentralized Churches" - Click here.
7.  Dr. Lisa Dunne, "Reclaiming Education... Even Launching Your Own" - Click here.

Quite amazing, you say? Yes, you are correct. This information just might come in handy someday.
Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed

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