Well Versed Bible Studies

Our nation is in trouble. Republicans or Democrats ultimately cannot help us. Only God can.
And how does He do that? Through the truth of His Word.
People know that something is wrong. Human institutions are failing. They know something is wrong. They are searching. They want answers. They want hope. They need God’s plan for our nation.
They are going into the voting booth in a few weeks. I want you to equip them to take Jesus with them, to take Biblical principles of governance with them as they go to vote.
I urge you to become a Well Versed Bible Study Leader! Visit https://www.wellversedworld.org/well-versed-training/ and fill out the "Inquiry Form". Why should you lead a Well Versed Bible Study?
Well, read onward:
Some people may want to argue about politics and, admittedly, they don't want to change. But many are genuinely interesting in knowing what the Bible says about political-governmental topics. Most people don’t even know that the Bible talks about these issues.
One time, one of my friends was talking to a governmental leader, and offered to tell the man what the Bible says about government. The government leader said he was an atheist and did not care what the Bible said. My friend responded, “That is okay. We just enjoy helping people know what the Bible says about immigration, minimum wage, social security, healthcare, welfare and other issues.” “Wait,” said the atheist, “You mean to tell me the Bible talks about immigration? What does it say about that topic?” Suddenly – once he saw the relevance of the Bible – he was interested.
I want to ask you to lead a Bible study, based on my book Well Versed, from now until the election (and even past the election if you want!). And... guess what? We have done all the preparation work for you!

Ideally, you will have nine weeks for the study, but if you can only do it for four, five, or six weeks, we still invite you to host a study.
IT IS EASY TO LEAD A STUDY! The resources we have provided (videos and discussion questions) mean that you can lead a study group with almost no preparation time necessary.
Dr. Jim Garlow - Founder and CEO
Let's get started. Here are the basics of what to do:

 ** Click Here for the Well Versed Bible Study QUICK-START GUIDE! **


Watch the training session (September 4th WPN Call): https://worldprayernetwork.org/prayer/wpn-prayer-call-166/

Order the Well Versed book: www.WellVersedWorld.org/store
Tristan Teng - Resource Manager

1) Discounts apply when buying multiple copies! With purchases of multiple copies, we sell our books at actual cost (no profit) because we want to get these Biblical messages out there. I suggest purchasing larger quantities, such as 12 books, or 24 (one case), or 48 (two cases).

2) Even if you are not leading a Well Versed Bible study, consider getting extra copies of Well Versed to give out to your friends and others you know who will benefit from this material.

     - To order the Well Versed Book (individual copies) click here

     - To order a case (24 books) of Well Versed, click here

3) Let us know if you need Chapters 1 & 2 for the first week, as well as Chapters 3 & 4 for the second week, and we will email you the PDFs. Since the books might not get to you immediately, we have made this option available for you. You can also forward these PDFs on to your attendees.

  • Select the location. Your home? A community room? A room at your church? A friend who volunteers their house? Zoom?

  • Set your meeting dates and times. If you only have 45 minutes for a lunchtime Bible study at your workplace, that will work, but that is quite short. An evening time of 90 minutes is better. Do not go over 2 hours, as if you go too long, people may not want to come back. A night meeting from 7pm to 9pm is optimal for many people. A day-time meeting might work better for others. Set your time limit, and stick with it. 90 minutes is ideal. End on-time. Understand that, in a home-group setting, most people may not spend much time to fellowship afterwards since they don't want to wear out the hosts.

  • Invite your guests. Do not invite people who want to “argue politics.” Avoid disruptive people. Invite people who truly want to learn what the Bible says about governmental-political issues (such as minimum wage, social security, national debt, healthcare, welfare, etc.) There are three kinds of people:
1.  Those who are already committed to the fact that the Bible is the answer governmentally; invite them.
2.  Those who are uncertain about this. By all means, invite them.
3.  People who are adamantly opposed to learning what the Bible says about the governmental-political realm, and who desire to argue with you. It is best not to invite them. (But do maintain a relationship with them and pray for them.)

“The election is coming soon. We are having a study at (LOCATION) to learn what the Bible says about many different governmental-political topics. Our goal is not Republican or Democrat, or Right or Left, but rather, ‘What does God’s Word say about all the present-day topics, such as immigration, national debt, minimum wage, social security, healthcare, welfare, and so on.’ We will be getting together on (DAY OF THE WEEK) for the next nine weeks at (WHAT TIME) at (LOCATION) to study a book called Well Versed, which lays out the Biblical foundations to many political/governmental/social/moral topics. We would love to have you join us for the next nine weeks to study this together. We will all read the same short chapter each week, then, when we gather, we will watch a short video and work through some discussion questions together regarding what the Bible says about that governmental-political issue. It will be fun. Can you come?”
Shamain Webster - Executive Director

  • Read assigned chapter(s) BEFORE the weekly study. It is best if those attending your Well Versed Bible study read the assigned chapter(s) BEFORE the weekly study. Even if they have not read it, though, still encourage them to come. They can read it afterwards, but BEFORE is much better and is the way we designed this study to work.

  • You will use the videos and questions located at www.WellVersedBook.com  Repeating, this means that you need almost no preparation time. The prep work is already done for you.

  • Quick note: Between now and the election, if you follow our study schedule, you will only make it through the first 11 chapters of the book, at best. If you only get through four or five chapters, that is still good. There are 31 chapters total, so if you want to continue the study after the election and finish the book, that's great, too!
Frank Kacer
Deeper Dive: If you want to go deeper into Scripture for any of the chapters, Frank Kacer has written an incredible “Deeper Dive” segment on the concepts presented in the Well Versed book. Contact us at Info@WellVersedWorld.org, put "Depeer Dive" in the subject line, and we will email it to you.

Also, Frank has written a superb book on how to discuss politics... without blowing up your family discussions! His book, “65 Wisdom Principles,” is available to you for a donation to Well Versed. Contact us at Info@WellVersedWorld.org for more info.
  • Snacks are a good idea, but optional. It's best to keep things easy, simple, and inexpensive. The goal is to study the Bible, not eat. Use discretion on this matter.

  • Welcome everyone to your Well Versed Bible study. Go to www.WellVersedBook.com, click the chapter you're on, and play the corresponding video. You can play it from your computer or hook it up to a TV.

  • Go through the discussion questions for the chapter (located under the video) You can print these off ahead of time and pass them out if you wish. These questions will spark conversation. You will run out of time long before you run out of questions!

  • Ask questions. Allow people to talk. Do NOT ask them to share their OPINION. The goal is not our OPINION. The goal is TRUTH - to find out what God’s Word says. You may have to remind the group of this often. "The goal: What does GOD say about this issue, as opposed to OUR opinion."

  • Encourage interaction from the entire group. Do not allow dominant people to do all the talking, while quiet ones remain silent. Pray, and direct thoughtful questions to those who need to get a chance to speak.

  • Your duties as a Well Versed Bible Study leader: make sure your spiritual life is as it should be, that you are walking in up-to-date fellowship with the Lord, that you have truly received Jesus as your Savior and Lord, that you have asked the Holy Spirit to fill you, and you hunger to please the Father.
Giulia Giampa - Communications and Outreach Director
** Click here to access the Well Versed Bible Study Quick-Start Guide! **

In closing... I want to ask you to sign up to be a Bible study leaders for just a few weeks, until the November 8th election.
Please sign up by filling out the "Inquiry Form" at https://www.wellversedworld.org/well-versed-training/.

Let us know how your study is going by sending us brief weekly updates from your group at Shamain@WellVersedWorld.org. Tell us what went right, what went wrong, how many attended, and how we may help you. Shamain Webster and Giulia Giampa will be carefully reading and responding to these reports.

Feel free to contact us at Shamain@WellVersedWorld.org with any further questions.
Blessings on you.
Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed


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