The Dangers of Judicial Supremacy

Jul 20, 2022    Phillip Jauregui

Related Biblical principles to consider:

Romans 15:4 (Everything written in the past was written for our hope)Deuteronomy 4:2 (Don’t add to or subtract from God’s Word; same principle applies to the Constitution)Exodus 20:16 (Bearing a false witness if misrepresenting the law)Deuteronomy 16:20 (Must execute justice and not create new law)Isaiah 5:20-21 (Do not declare evil to be good, or good to be evil)Isaiah 33:22 (Equal branches reflect God’s nature: lawgiver, king, judge)John 7:24 (Wrong to judge by appearances and not use right judgment)Romans 2:1 (Judges will not be just if there’s a conflict of interest)