Healthcare In An Anti-Christian Era

Jul 21, 2022    Matt Bellis

Christine needs a heart transplant and almost died while waiting.

She left the first hospital, went to a second hospital and was told she did not need a heart transplant but just needed a simple treatment.The above was the difference between life v. death / open heart surgery v. simple treatment / massive expenses v. small expense.

The health care system has - in many ways - failed us.

Big Health - hospitals are not immune to the temptations of sinful behavior.

When was the last time a doctor told you the cost at the point of purchase?What other industry works in this manner?

Big Government - laws govern health care / medical mandates / treatment / care.

There isn’t a silver bullet to solve the problems with health care (“HC”)

Except for the Lord and his Principles.

Liberty Healthshare (HS) does apply a Biblical approach to HC.

If you have a HC crisis, who do you go to?Liberty HS has the mission to receive you, advise you and help you.Liberty HS is there for you but also needs you!

Related Biblical principles to consider:

Proverbs 20:10,23 (Unequal weights and false scales are an abomination - conventional health care industry)Matthew 7:12 (Providing one-another care)Luke 10:30-37 (The good Samaritan example – individual-to-individual care)Acts 2:45 (Be willing to be sacrificial to help in the needs of others)1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (Care for our own bodies)1 Corinthians 10:31 (Care for our bodies as unto the Lord)2 Corinthians 8:12-15 (Help others as you have the ability to do so)Galatians 6:2 (Carry each other’s burdens)Philippians 2:4 (Look after the interests of others)1 Timothy 5:4 (Care for our relatives)1 Timothy 5:8 (Care for our own immediate families)James 5:14-16 (Elders provide for spiritual (and sometimes) physical healing)