Jim & Rosemary Garlow
Well Versed Co-Founders

Who We Are

Bringing biblical principles of governance to government leaders... 
and the people who elect them.

OUR Mission

We bring biblical principles of governance to government leaders…and the people who elect them. The world is in crisis. So many human institutions are failing. Everyone knows it.

Most people know that the Bible speaks clearly about: 1) personal matters, (2) family matters, and (3) church life. However, the Bible also speaks equally clearly regarding (4) civil government. God originally established government and establishes nations today. He knows best how government is to function. Thus, the Well Versed ministry is committed to bringing biblical principles of governance to governmental leaders.

Human suffering, pain and poverty will only be reduced once nations follow the biblical principles of governance. Only eternal and transcendent truths will produce peace and prosperity in nations. Shipping bags of beans and rice to starving people is important. Very important. What is even better is when the government follows the biblical economic principles so that people can grow their own beans and rice, or have gainful employment which allows them to purchase what they need. Nations need to follow the biblical principles of governance.

How Did This Calling or This Ministry Initially Began? It began when Jim Garlow was nine years of age. Click here to learn more.


Well Versed teaches biblical principles of governance to governmental leaders through small group Bible studies, or one-on-one meetings with governmental leaders (ambassadors, elected officials, and career bureaucrats).

Are we Republican or Democrat? Right or Left? Neither. We are committed to Right vs. Wrong.
Click here to learn more. View a Comparison of Party Platforms

The Three-Pronged Strategy to Teach Biblical Principles of Governance

Before you go further, have some fun and take some GPQ (Government-Political Quotient) tests. If you score high, great. If you don’t, make it a learning experience and take it a second time. (Coming Soon)

Discover More Insight On The Issues We Face Today

1. For Government Leaders 

Get to know more about what makes us different.

  • Washington, D.C. –
  • Weekly, for Members of Congress, U.S. Capitol
  • Monthly, for Persons, Various Departments, and Agencies
  • New York City – United Nations
    • Weekly, for employees in the United Nations
    • Monthly, for Ambassadors (Note: We have met privately, one-on-one with the ambassadors, in their offices, with almost 100 of the 193 UN Ambassadors.)
  • Jerusalem – the Knesset, Israeli Parliament
    • Periodically, Jews and Christians study the Hebrew Scriptures together, in the Schindler Society Bible/Tanakh study, led by two Jewish Rabbis, one of whom was a Member of the Knesset.
(NOTE: During the Coronavirus, some Well Versed small group Bible studies have continued by Zoom meetings, but most have not been able to meet. During this season, our focus has shifted to training those who elect governmental leaders, as opposed to primarily governmental leaders themselves. We have increased our training of citizens through social media [four Facebook sites, Instagram, Twitter, and others], podcasts, The Garlow Report, The Garlow Perspective, text messages, email newsletters, Zoom PRS [Public Reading of Scripture] and book distribution.)
  • Possible future locations – Exploring beginning Bible studies of governmental principles in:
    • The United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
    • The United Nations International Court of Justice, The Hague, Netherlands
      The European Union Headquarters
    • Brussels, Belgium
    • Strasbourg, France
    • The Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France
  • Other locations of ministry

2. Governmental Missions 

Consisting of “on site,” first-hand experiential training, ranging from tours of nations to help Well Versed stakeholders know key political leaders and issues … to direct private meetings with Heads-of-State.

  • Governmental Leadership Trips – teaching the biblical principles of governance
  • Washington, D.C. and United Nations, New York City Well Versed Day SUMMIT (was held on Sept. 27, 2020)
    • Israel tours –Touring Biblical sites and understanding the complex political realities in all of Israel, including Samaria and Judea. (Rosemary Schindler Garlow has made 71 trips to Israel.)
    • International Governmental Leadership Tours – Genevan, European, Latin American and African political centers
  • History of Christianity Tours of England (John Wesley), Germany (Martin Luther), Czech Republic (John Hus), Switzerland (Ulrich Zwingli), along with Switzerland and France (John Calvin). (Jim Garlow has a Ph.D. in church history.)
  • Heads of State visits: Dr. Garlow, as a part of a team of 8-12 persons, over the past two years, has met with:
  • President Abdel Fattah al Sisi in Egypt
  • King Abdulla II in Jordan
  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel – twice
  • President Jimmy Morales in Guatemala
  • President Juan Hernandez of Honduras
  • President-Elect Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil
  • Prime Minister Barzani in Kurdistan
  • Interim President Jeanine Anez in Bolivia
  • Other Governmental – Media Leaders

 3. Mentorship / Training Programs

Mentorship / Training Programs for young adults (raising up the next generation with instruction and sponsored trips to Washington, D.C., New York City, and Israel, working with various other organizations) and, with local congregations (through our “Association of Well Versed Churches”).

Furthermore, Well Versed cares deeply about religious freedom and the tragic increasing global persecution of Christians, along with the horrific rise of anti-Semitism.