A new rival has emerged. God is doing a great thing and we want to create an archive of this magnificent move of the Spirit.


Jim Garlow
February 16th ,2023 at 1:15pm CT

Asbury Revival Update:
Former Asbury University Professor, currently an Asbury Theological Seminary Professor Janet Blevins Dean reports this regarding food being provided free to the crowds:
“… Was over there just an hour ago. The university has had so many donations that they are giving people water and snacks at no charge, which is shocking to so many. Today a donor sent a food truck to serve everyone for free.”
Editorial note:
This is for anyone with an Asbury ID.


Jim Garlow
February 16th, 1:30 CT
Asbury Revival Update:
From Carol Bauer Brecheisen :
“…Just heard revival has broken out at Spring Arbor college in Michigan!
Praise the Lord!”


Jim Garlow
February 9th ,2023 
This update on the outbreak of a revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky yesterday from Jacob Nacar as of 12:50am Eastern time:
“God has been speaking, healing, and restoring. His people are here and hungry for him. Different members of several churches around the area have started to join in along with pastors and leaders as well. I left shortly after 10:30. They had mentioned stopping the “corporate” led prayer and worship at 10 pm while keeping Hughs chapel open throughout the night and reconvening in the morning. However, the worship and prayer just kept going! I’m tempted to go back and check in on what’s going on down the street 👀
I intend on going tomorrow morning. Several of my peers at the seminary have indicated that we will be having a time of prayer at 8am in Estes chapel. God is on the move. Pray for an outpouring of His Spirit as well as a continual hunger and thirst for more of Jesus! Let this be the epicenter 💥
I really cannot express how encouraging it is to see college students who have come in humility asking for prayer to then be commissioned and turned around to pray for seminary students and older ministry leaders.
Professors and faculty from Asbury seminary have also joined in. Praying for an increase in that as well as local families. Intergenerational prayer is needed!”
“Lord we are so overdue for a national awakening. Tenderly cultivate this Lord.  Amen”


Jim Garlow
February 16th ,2023, 11am CT

Asbury Revival Update: Jerry Brecheisen tells of three generations impacted by revival.
Posted by Jerry Brecheisen
February 16th at 9am

When you can put familiar faces with the Asbury Revival 2023, it reaches a special place in the heart. Our son-in-law, Geoff Eckart, stepped back to capture a photo of his wife (our daughter), Arianna, and their daughter (our granddaughter), Sophie, at the Hughes Auditorium altar (kneeling nearest the camera in the second row). 
Our granddaughter Olivia and her husband Kyle were there on the next day. We rejoice that 3 generations in our family and the Eckart family are seekers after God’s own heart. JB


Jim Garlow
February 16th ,2023, 11am CT

Asbury Revival Update: Bonni Eastlack Suter reflects on what has been trending.
Posted by Bonni Eastlack Sute
February 16th at 8am CT

This morning as I reflect on these early weeks of 2023, I have sensed a stirring of God in our nation.
It began on January 2, when Monday Night Football came to a halt, and our nation began to pray.
And then, how unusual when an ESPN Sportscaster spontaneously broke into prayer during a broadcast.
A few weeks later Jim Garlow  hosted a National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance in Washington, DC. My heart was overwhelmed when our Speaker of the House led us in prayer, putting our nation into the hands of God. Representative and Congressional leaders from many States joined hands as they were "prayed over" on that day.
And then the Super Bowl. Two Christian quarterbacks "kneeling" in prayer before the game. Two commercials were aired talking about our Jesus. Even the singing of The National Anthem seemed to have a heart-stirring spirit, bringing tears to many eyes. 
And then this small campus in Kentucky, meeting together for Chapel as usual. It's been over a week now and Chapel has not ended. Thousands of people are now coming from all over our nation to Asbury University seeking to be a part of this special movement of God. 
Yes... just weeks into 2023,  God is speaking to our nation, and those who are hungry for more of God, WE ARE LISTENING.


Jim Garlow
February 16th ,2023, 11am CT

Asbury Revival Update:
Family Research Council Chaplain Jay Johnston offers thoughts on the revival.


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update: Tucker Carlson reports on the revival. To my knowledge, this is the first national secular outlet to report on this.


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update: Damian Williams reports what happens when revivals meet temporal needs. Student announced that he needed work. People showered him with money. He was visibly moved.


Jim Garlow
February 16th ,2023, 2am CT

Asbury Revival Update: Now THIS is the moment I have waited for for decades, that is, NBC National News covering a massive revival. To God goes all glory.



Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update: Brent Williamson reports a jumbo screen has been set up


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update: Wow! Read THIS report from Brent Williamson

Brent Williamson
February 15th, 2023

What an awesome night!! 🔥
So glad we got to witness this!
An international student was testifying on stage, and he mentioned about needing a job. He was so passionate about Jesus! 
All of a sudden someone threw money down off the balcony to him. Then people jumped up out of their seats and rushed to give him money. There was thousands of dollars. 
He was weeping and other leaders weeping! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Then the congregation erupted into shouting and applause 🔥
The video is towards the end of people giving money. 


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update: Renzo Ventrice reports feeling the Presence of God even outside the building.

Craig Keener
February 15th, 2023

The university chapel (seating 1500) and seminary chapels (seating 1000) and a local church are filled and lines are waiting outside. But what strikes me most is that, even walking near the chapel or out on the street (itself full of cars), I CAN FEEL THE TANGIBLE PRESENCE OF GOD. Not something that can be manufactured. We'd prayed for this to happen someday, but it's still way beyond my expectations!


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update: 
A child shall lead them. 
Report by Maggie Slusher

Maggie Slusher
February 15th, 2023

Sweet moments from today highlighted by little friends. 🥰
In this picture is a young friend who gets it. I’m sorry y’all you think you get it… nope this little dude gets it. Come on! How many of us worship without abandon like this? I watched him for a good 45 minutes and when it was time to go he didn’t want to go.
May we worship God like this little dude and never want to leave the presence of God.
The other moment today was from a sweet friend who was about 2. I’ve been on the prayer team since I’ve been here. Tonight, I went to pray for a woman and this young friend was standing right there. I turned to her and said, “friend, will you help me pray for this woman. All you have to do is what I do and talk to Jesus.” 😭 She laid her hand on the woman and I prayed… my momma heart burst in that moment.
Y’all let your littles join you in everything God has put before you. It’s so worth it.


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update: Brian L Powell says “Call it what you want. I just need more of it.”
Posted by Brian L. Powell
February 15th, 2023

Joy, purity, unity, passion—a few words that come to mind in describing the Asbury Revival. The Holy Spirit is resting on this place in a special way. Call it revival. Call it what you will. All I know is that we need more of it. #kynaz #asbury #revival #asburyrevival


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update: Live view, now in 8th day.
Posted by Hope4uglobal
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Live
Wilmore Kentucky, Wed. Feb 15/2023


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update: “An extraordinary manifestation”
Posted by Jason Vickers
February 15th, 2023

The Allure of the Holy: Protestants and Pilgrimage
I am typing this from my kitchen table. In a few moments, I will make my way to Wilmore, KY. It's a familiar journey along route 33 -- a little country road that winds past farms and broken down rock walls. It's especially beautiful on a motorcycle in spring.
Wilmore is a sleepy town. There's a gas station with two pumps and a few shops on Main. The line at Subway is never long. Most weeks, I park less than a hundred yards from the building that houses my office. Today, I'll be lucky if I can find a place a 1/4 mile away. Cars are everywhere. Grassy hills are now parking lots.        
The sheer number of people making the journey to Wilmore is extraordinary. Many are driving ten hours or more to get here -- to little ol' Wilmore. Every large gathering space on the two campuses is being utilized. It is a sight to behold.
Since last Wednesday, when this all began, many people have been debating whether this deserves to be called a revival. To use a good Kentucky metaphor, I don't have a horse in that race.  
What is clear to me is that Wilmore has become a pilgrimage site. Yes, there are a few FOMO people in the crowds (people who are here primarily for fear of missing out). But my sense is that the vast majority have taken time off work and made the journey to Wilmore because of the allure of the holy.
At first glance, most Protestants don't believe in holiness (except, perhaps, as a moral category). We don't believe in holy places or objects (except, perhaps, the Bible and in some cases the Eucharist). Until we do.
Protestants, like our Catholic and Muslim neighbors, often make religious pilgrimages. I have personally been on and even led pilgrimages to the Holy Land (notice the name?), to Mt. Sinai, and to all the Wesley sites in England. In each case, I marveled as people who supposedly don't believe in holy places stood in awe, fell to their knees, and wept. In a few cases, people were so overwhelmed, they forgot to take pictures.
Here's the thing about us Protestants -- we are human beings. And best I can tell, human beings are drawn to the holy. We want to be near it, so much so that we will journey great distances to see where the presence and power of God has been manifest in extraordinary ways in the past.  
The real question is not whether what is taking place in Wilmore today should be called a revival. The real question is whether we believe that the presence and power of God is sometimes manifest in extraordinary ways today -- which is to say, in ways and places besides the ordinary means through which God is present to us every day (i.e., word and sacrament).
For those showing up by the thousands in Wilmore, KY, the answer is clear.


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update: Luther Oconer reports on E. Stanley Jones and the 1905 Asbury Revival.
Posted by Luther Oconer
February 11th, 2023

"For three or four days it could be said of us as was said of those at the original Pentecost. 'They are drunk.' I was drunk with God. I say 'for three or four days,' for time seemed to have lost its significance." - E. Stanley Jones
As the revival continues to sweep the campus of Asbury University, I continue to read with great rejoicing reports of what the Holy Spirit is doing there at Hughes Auditorium (even after over 72 hours). I was just there in Wilmore three weeks ago and how I wish I was still there to experience it. Nonetheless, as I continue to reflect, I begin to visualize how deep of a well this current revival is drawing from. For starters, the famous Cane Ridge Revival, the site of the Second Great Awakening is less than an hour drive away. But that's for another time.
Yesterday, I posted about the revival of 1923 based from the account of a Filipino student. This time I would like to draw attention to the Asbury Revival of February, 1905, and at the forefront of this was the young E. Stanley Jones who wrote a vivid account of how it began:    
"Four or five of us students were in the room of another student, Jim Ballinger, having a prayer meeting about ten o'clock at night. I remember I was almost asleep with my head against the bedclothes where I was kneeling, when suddenly we were all swept off our feet by a visitation of the Holy Spirit. We were all filled, flooded by the Spirit. Everything that happened to the disciples on the original Pentecost happened to us . . . . For three or four days it could be said of us as was said of those at the original Pentecost. ‘They are drunk.’ I was drunk with God. I say 'for three or four days,' for time seemed to have lost its significance. The first night I could only walk the floor and praise him. About two o'clock L. L. Pickett, the father of Bishop J. Waskom Pickett, came upstairs and said: ‘Stanley, he giveth his beloved sleep.’ But sleep was out of the question. By morning the effects of this sudden and unexpected 'outpouring' had begun to go through the college and town. That morning there was no chapel service, in the ordinary sense; people were in prayer, some prostrate in prayer. No one led it, and yet it was led— led by the Spirit. For three days there were no college classes. Every class room was a prayer meeting where students and faculty were seeking and finding and witnessing. It spread to the countryside. People flocked in, and, before they could even get into the assembly hall, would be stricken with conviction and would fall on their knees on the campus crying for God— and pardon and release. I was praying with seekers on the inside of the hall when some- one came to me and said: ‘Come outside. There are people kneeling on the campus who need your help.’
"And then a strange thing happened: I was taken possession of by an infinite quiet. I found myself tiptoeing as I walked through that auditorium of seeking and rejoicing people. I found myself talking in whispers, the outer expression of this holy calm within. And yet it was a dynamic calm, something akin to the calm at the center of a cyclone —the calm where the dynamic forces of the cyclone reside. It was easy to help people through to victory and release. From then on till this movement of the Spirit subsided there was nothing but a holy calm within me.
"When we took stock of what had happened, every single student had professed conversion and apparently had found it as witnessed by their changed lives, and many from the townspeople and countryside were converted and transformed."
Jones added that the one of the significant things that happened to him as a result of this revival was that, "Life became sacramental . . . . The distinction between the secular and sacred had broken down. All life was alive, with God." Furthermore, "the biggest thing that came out of the experience, was my call to the mission field," Jones recalled. Two years later he became a missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church in India where he led hundreds to Christ.
Several scholars of revival history point to the link between revival and social transformation, and this revival at Asbury in 1905 is no different as the life of Jones would illustrate. In India, he became close friend of Mahatma Gandhi. After the latter's assassination, Jones wrote his biography, which consequently inspired Martin Luther King, Jr. to "non-violence" in the Civil Rights Movement. Jones was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962 and received the Gandhi Peace Award in 1963. Time  Magazine also called him "the world's greatest Christian missionary."
Another important footnote to Jones’ impressive legacy which will delight my friends in the renewalist movements is his link to the Third Way Movement. It was while he was praying for healing at an evangelistic meeting in Bolivia, that the missionary and later famous advocate of the Church Growth Movement C. Peter Wagner was healed. This experience led Wagner, who was then a self-avowed cessasionist [someone who rejected present-day miracles], to advocate for signs and wonders ministries. Together with John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard Movement, Wagner would help begin the Third Wave Movement.
E. Stanley Jones, 'A Song of Ascents' (1968).
Tom Albin, "A Man for Our Time: E. Stanley Jones," Good News, January 6, 2016.


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Theological Seminary Professor Luther Oconer refers to “a love affair with Jesus.”
Posted by Luther Oconer
February 15th, 2023

"Christian revival is a divinely initiated process in which a dying church is revitalised through the power of the Holy Spirit, leading to a new love affair with Jesus Christ, which in turn transforms the community, region and even nation in which that church is situated." - Mark Stibbe
The Asbury Revival is still showing no signs of slowing down even after over 160 hours. People are just coming from nearby states and even as far as Florida. Last night, Hughes Auditorium was full, and services overflowed to the seminary chapel and at another auditorium on campus. By God's sovereign grace, the partition between heaven and earth in Wilmore, KY seems to be thin or nonexistent. I so wish I was there. For this is something that I only get to read in books as an avid student of revival history and revivalism for years. I want to be where the action is. In the meantime, as I reflect on this I am reminded of this observation by Mark Stibbe about revival:
"Christian revival is a divinely initiated process in which a dying church is revitalised through the power of the Holy Spirit, leading to a new love affair with Jesus Christ, which in turn transforms the community, region and even nation in which that church is situated." - Mark Stibbe, "Seize by the Power of Great Affection," 'On Revival: A Critical Examination' (2003)
While the definition is a bit local church-centric, it still helps us understand that what we're seeing at Asbury right now is the early stages of a revival. It is clear that a new love affair with Jesus Christ is taking place in Wilmore. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, people, mostly young people, are experiencing the love of Jesus in for the first time or in such powerful ways that they are beginning to love him back. Jesus is glorified. For this is what happens when Holy Spirit shows up! He points us to Jesus (Jn. 15:26). He removes the veil and we begin to gaze at him and are thereby transformed, and in this case, collectively (2 Cor. 3:16-18). This is why the slogan at the altar at Hughes, "Holiness unto the Lord," which also points to the rich Wesleyan-Holiness heritage for which Asbury is connected, sounds more like a prophetic unction to what is currently happening.
But transformation, as pointed out in the quote above, comes in stages. For love for Jesus overflows to love for neighbor. And so, it initially touches the local community, and so far the Asbury Revival is on track towards that. But as far as its implications to region, nation, and, if I may add, the world is concerned, that will take a while to determine. Only time will tell. As several scholars have pointed out, there is always a link between genuine revival and social transformation (see the works of Timothy Smith, Don Dayton, Doug Strong, and others). But as the deep well of Asbury's revival past has shown us, I won't be surprised if years from now we will hear of people who will point to the revival of 2023 as a watershed moment for their lives. I somehow intuitively know this because I am a result of a powerful revival in the Philippines in 1997. There’s not a day I don’t look back to what God did to me then. Hence, I am confident that there will be a future generation of pastors, evangelists, healers, and missionaries who will emerge from this. The famous missionary from India E. Stanley Jones, points to the Asbury Revival of 1905 which launched him into a long and fruitful missionary career. Just the other day, I got to chat with a missionary serving in a small college in the Philippines who recall her experiences of the Asbury Revival in 1970. There are countless examples.
What matters most is we celebrate and thank God for what's happening in this moment. One simply cannot complain that an infant doesn't know how to drive yet! Let's enjoy every moment with that baby and be excited about her or his potential. For when college students (yes, the same kids of the Gen Z TikTok generation!) are turning to Christ in droves, when people are reporting healings from emotional hurts and illnesses, or when people gain a new love for Jesus and neighbor through the power of the Holy Spirit, that is always a win in God's Kingdom. May it be so on earth as it is in heaven. 🙏🔥
Petey Bellini Jason Vickers Steve Seamands Asbury University Asbury Theological Seminary
Photo credits: Sarah Thomas Baldwin, Rob Lim


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update:
Larry Sparks is calling it the Asbury “Impartation.” That is why thousands are making a type of spiritual pilgrimage to Wilmore.
Posted by Larry Sparks
February 15th, 2023

…is not hype, professionalism, or celebrity speakers.  
I’m here, getting ready for the evening service (after going in and out of the chapel today), and here is what I am absolutely overwhelmed by: it’s possible for any household, prayer group, church, school or university to experience Holy Spirit outpouring.
Come together.  Pray.  Cry out to God.  Preach the Gospel.  Give testimony of what the Lord is doing.  Pray as the Spirit leads and directs.  Keep the altars open.  And keep doing it.
I am amazed at the invitation the Lord has extended to us right now.  Let’s receive it and press in.


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update:
Greg Gordon provides a glimpse into The Presence
Posted by Greg Gordon
February 14th, 2023

"Nobody was in charge. There was no known leader. There was no known worship team, they rotated every two hours or so. No fancy lighting. Wood seats without cushion. The altar was full non stop with people weeping. No offerings." -  Brent Williamson #asburyrevival 🔥


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update:
Mike Dennis gives a glimpse into the unpretentious yet profound Move of the Holy Spirit.
Posted by Mike Dennis
February 14th, 2023

It’s natural to be skeptical of what you don’t understand. I suppose that trying to explain a Holy Spirit revival to those who have never experienced one would be like Neil Armstrong describing what it was like to walk on the surface of the moon. 
   I’m processing what I saw, heard and felt at Asbury University yesterday. I’m not sure that I even fully understand it. But I know one thing; Jesus was being exalted. Worship was rich, sweet and powerful. No “showmanship”. No manipulation of emotions. No offering taken. Students were leading, and staff and administration were “stewarding” things, providing food, water, and hospitality to all who were there. There is no “evangelist” so to speak, but there was evangelism. The gospel was proclaimed through preaching and testimony. No one will get rich selling their “revival hits” on spotify.    
     Monetization was rejected. Worship was sweet, with different student praise teams changing every couple hours with no scripted order, allowing one song to flow into another. No screens or projection, no cool lighting in the 100 yr-old chapel. And those college students! Praising Jesus for hours! Busloads and carloads of college kids, teens, pastors and people arriving and waiting in line for hours to get in. This is unlike anything I have ever experienced. It was the most genuine, unpretentious, sweet, gentle move of God I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. And that’s saying a lot. 
  A dear friend took a picture of the altar. The two grey heads belong to me and a Wesleyan Methodist pastor named “Hoolie” who lovingly and gently prayed for my weary soul. 
     Now what?  How do I “bring this home?”  I’m praying that there will be something like this happening all over the US and the world. That’s all. I’m still processing. Love you all.


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update: Dr Timothy Tennent just text this picture and description to me:
“Line outside Hughes auditorium last night!  This is after Hughes, Estes and the Methodist church sanctuary was filled.  They eventually set up a huge screen on the lawn and about 300 or more people watched the livestream. Despite very cold weather the last month, this week has been warm and beautiful.  I am so glad no one had to stand in freezing cold weather.”


Jim Garlow
February 15th, 2023

Asbury Revival Update:
Hunger for God
Posted by David Guinn
February 15th, 2023

At 5.30pm, people started to queue up for the 7.30pm service at Asbury University. They have to use four different buildings and people keep pouring in… An outpouring of “Holy Love” attracts the hungry crowds from all neighboring states... Jesus is the center and the focus, and He is the desire of all nations!

1970 Revival began feb 3rd!

Posted by Joy Smith Griffin
February 5th at 11:58am

This week marks the anniversary of the Asbury revival, that began in chapel service on Feb 3. The Spirit of God came, and continued to transform lives all over this country and the world!  I am so very grateful for the impact it had on many who have influenced my life spiritually. Dr. Dennis Kinlaw ( president at the time) said,  “Give me One Divine Moment when God acts, and I say that moment is far superior to all the human efforts of man throughout the centuries!”


Jim Garlow
February 9th, 2023 
This update on the outbreak of a revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky yesterday from Jacob Nacar as of 12:50am Eastern time:

“God has been speaking, healing, and restoring. His people are here and hungry for him. Different members of several churches around the area have started to join in along with pastors and leaders as well. I left shortly after 10:30. They had mentioned stopping the “corporate” led prayer and worship at 10 pm while keeping Hughs chapel open throughout the night and reconvening in the morning. However, the worship and prayer just kept going! I’m tempted to go back and check in on what’s going on down the street 👀
I intend on going tomorrow morning. Several of my peers at the seminary have indicated that we will be having a time of prayer at 8am in Estes chapel. God is on the move. Pray for an outpouring of His Spirit as well as a continual hunger and thirst for more of Jesus! Let this be the epicenter 💥
I really cannot express how encouraging it is to see college students who have come in humility asking for prayer to then be commissioned and turned around to pray for seminary students and older ministry leaders.
Professors and faculty from Asbury seminary have also joined in. Praying for an increase in that as well as local families. Intergenerational prayer is needed!”


“Lord we are so overdue for a national awakening. Tenderly cultivate this Lord.  Amen”


Jim Garlow
February 8th, 2023 at 3:54pm
Folks, I am not sure what this means, but just received a DM:
“Posted on Asbury seminary community fb page : "Hey friends, revival is breaking out at Asbury University right now. Here’s the message I’ve received:
AU Chapel has not ended since it started at 10am.  Students keep singing and praying, coming and going.  We welcome Seminary community to join us! Let’s to go to Hughes auditorium. Please share this news. Let’s pray with our community for revival to spread!!"
You may recall the two massive revivals that broke out at Asbury College - in 1950 and 1970.  The 1970 revival went global. We are SO overdue for a revival! May it be so Lord!
Will share more as I hear it
“Dinnertime, so only about 1/4 full. Sweet spirit and tender worship. Students confessing lukewarmness and repenting. Respectful congregation.  Not typical college chatter. I'm gonna stay for awhile and wait on the Lord.”
“God just keeps pouring it out!!”
(And he sent a video I will try to post)