the OUTPOURING continues to spread to other campuses
Asbury University Revival Updates
Asbury Revival Update: What is happening in Asbury is real. How do we know? Because genuine repentance is occurring. Secondly spread the word to all your friends. May all of us be deeply impacted as well. Lastly, to help you do that we have created a location with many of the sights and sounds of this move of God so you can share it. If there other sites like this, share them too. Spread the word of this work of Almighty God.


Miraculous Testimonies Pour in From Asbury Revival
Charisma News | February 13, 2023
These video recordings are from local eyewitnesses at Asbury University from February 8, 2023 - To Date
This is an exciting movement by the hand of God. Revival is happening! We give all the glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob!
visit dr. garlow's facebook page for updates
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 28, 2023 @ 9pm
Jim Garlow: Thank you Fawn Parish for noting Russ Douthat’s NYT piece.
Jim Garlow: Thank you Fawn Parish for noting Russ Douthat’s NYT piece.
Fawn Parish: #asburyrevival2023 #asbury
New York Times columnist Ross Douthat's weekend article cites an 1822 letter in which Thomas Jefferson wrote, "I trust that there is not a young man now living in the US who will not die an Unitarian." However, less than a year earlier, a young man named Charles Grandison Finney had a transformative encounter with Jesus.
As Douthat writes, "This experience set Finney on a path that would help bury Jefferson's confident hypothesis-toward leadership in an age of revivalism, the Second Great Awakening, that forged the form of evangelical Christianity that would bestride nineteenth-century America."
Douthat then applied his point to the current context: "Whatever the Asbury Revival's long-term impact, the history of Finney and Jefferson is a reminder that religious history is shaped as much by sudden irruptions as long trajectories, as much by the mystical and personal as by the institutional and sociological."
He concluded: "If you're imagining a renewal for American Christianity, all the best laid plans-the pastoral strategies, theological debates, and long-term trendlines-may matter less than something happening in some obscure place or to some obscure individual, in whose visions an entirely unexpected future might be taking shape."
New York Times columnist Ross Douthat's weekend article cites an 1822 letter in which Thomas Jefferson wrote, "I trust that there is not a young man now living in the US who will not die an Unitarian." However, less than a year earlier, a young man named Charles Grandison Finney had a transformative encounter with Jesus.
As Douthat writes, "This experience set Finney on a path that would help bury Jefferson's confident hypothesis-toward leadership in an age of revivalism, the Second Great Awakening, that forged the form of evangelical Christianity that would bestride nineteenth-century America."
Douthat then applied his point to the current context: "Whatever the Asbury Revival's long-term impact, the history of Finney and Jefferson is a reminder that religious history is shaped as much by sudden irruptions as long trajectories, as much by the mystical and personal as by the institutional and sociological."
He concluded: "If you're imagining a renewal for American Christianity, all the best laid plans-the pastoral strategies, theological debates, and long-term trendlines-may matter less than something happening in some obscure place or to some obscure individual, in whose visions an entirely unexpected future might be taking shape."
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 27, 2023 @ 7pm
Jim Garlow: My friend Georgian and Winnie Banov has a passion for Gysy children in Europe. It is hard to know what is from Asbury and what is not, but he connects it with Asbury, so I will too.
Jim Garlow: My friend Georgian and Winnie Banov has a passion for Gysy children in Europe. It is hard to know what is from Asbury and what is not, but he connects it with Asbury, so I will too.
Georgian and Winnie Banov: Captured by the beauty of Jesus no one wants to leave; they stay until 1 am. Miracles are happening, the deaf can hear, and children who suffered abuse receive Christ's love and are healed. Glory to God - He is pouring out His Spirit, more Lord!!
Inspired by the Asbury revival, our beloved Pastor Mitko, and the Gypsy church community opened the doors of the church building every day at 6pm since Feb 9th. People are coming from the entire community, especially the youth.
#asburyrevival #revival #Gypsyrevival #Bulgariarevival #MoreLord #outpouring
Inspired by the Asbury revival, our beloved Pastor Mitko, and the Gypsy church community opened the doors of the church building every day at 6pm since Feb 9th. People are coming from the entire community, especially the youth.

#asburyrevival #revival #Gypsyrevival #Bulgariarevival #MoreLord #outpouring
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 27, 2023 @ 2pm
Jim Garlow: Beth Sanders reports about Ohio State University
Jim Garlow: Beth Sanders reports about Ohio State University
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 26, 2023 @ 11pm
Jim Garlow: Not sure where this is, but sorry I missed it.
Jim Garlow: Not sure where this is, but sorry I missed it.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 26, 2023 @ 11pm
Jim Garlow: This is a highly creative video montage from a week or so ago.
Jim Garlow: This is a highly creative video montage from a week or so ago.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 26, 2023 @ 10pm
Jim Garlow: This is one of the more bizarre stories. Joshua Harp is reporting that students at Union College were told they could not worship
- in the chapel
- on the lawn
- on the campus.
So they went to the streets. Literally. Stunning.
Jim Garlow: This is one of the more bizarre stories. Joshua Harp is reporting that students at Union College were told they could not worship
- in the chapel
- on the lawn
- on the campus.
So they went to the streets. Literally. Stunning.

Joshua Harp: Students at Union who want to worship the Lord are told they can’t use the chapel, they can’t use the lawn, they can’t worship on campus but they move into the road. Love seeing people pursuing the Lord and worshipping Him. Isaiah 43:19 “Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.” Our God can make rivers in the desert (and apparently get roads closed in front of college campuses)
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.” Our God can make rivers in the desert (and apparently get roads closed in front of college campuses)
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 26, 2023 @ 1pm
Jim Garlow: Thanks to my very good friend Wes Dupin for posting this interview of his brother Ken done by his son John of Lynchburg, Virginia. Very moving. Very tender. Notice he had the same reaction. As he got close, he began weeping.
Jim Garlow: Thanks to my very good friend Wes Dupin for posting this interview of his brother Ken done by his son John of Lynchburg, Virginia. Very moving. Very tender. Notice he had the same reaction. As he got close, he began weeping.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 25, 2023 @ 3pm
Jim Garlow: As a guy who has preached for over a half century, I have a theory: 25% of my sermons were really good; 25% were really bad; the remaining 50% were - well, just sorta, maybe - okay.
Well, Max Meerkreebs felt his sermon had bombed in chapel at Asbury University Chapel on February 1. But it was sufficient to be the seedbed for a massive outpouring.
Jim Garlow: As a guy who has preached for over a half century, I have a theory: 25% of my sermons were really good; 25% were really bad; the remaining 50% were - well, just sorta, maybe - okay.
Well, Max Meerkreebs felt his sermon had bombed in chapel at Asbury University Chapel on February 1. But it was sufficient to be the seedbed for a massive outpouring.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 25, 2023 @ 2:30pm
Jim Garlow: Thank you Brent Williamson for this stunning painting by S. McBride.
Jim Garlow: Thank you Brent Williamson for this stunning painting by S. McBride.

Brent Williamson: #asburyrevival2023
Painting from the revival.

(Painting done by S. McBride)
Painting from the revival.

(Painting done by S. McBride)
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 25, 2023 @ 2:30pm
Jim Garlow: Thank you Kyle Bailey for telling us about James Madison University.
Jim Garlow: Thank you Kyle Bailey for telling us about James Madison University.

Kyle Bailey: God is on the move at James Madison University !!! More Lord!! #MoreLord #asburyrevival #revival #asburyrevival2023 #asburyawakening #asburyoutpouring
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 25, 2023 @ 2pm
Jim Garlow: This is exactly what Asbury University President Kevin Brown meant when he said that it is now time to export the revival. Remember, he did NOT end The Outpouring. He didn’t start it nor can he end it. But he did rightly shepherd it outside Asbury, which is exactly what needed to happen, right when it happened. And this spontaneous prayer meeting, with young adults on their knees, in a public shopping mall, in Washington DC is precisely what God is going to do in 10,000 communities.
So awesome!
Jim Garlow: This is exactly what Asbury University President Kevin Brown meant when he said that it is now time to export the revival. Remember, he did NOT end The Outpouring. He didn’t start it nor can he end it. But he did rightly shepherd it outside Asbury, which is exactly what needed to happen, right when it happened. And this spontaneous prayer meeting, with young adults on their knees, in a public shopping mall, in Washington DC is precisely what God is going to do in 10,000 communities.
So awesome!

Lynnie Bailey Harlow: We went to see Jesus Revolution tonight with the Hamill’s. After it was over we were talking to some ministers from DC. While we were standing there a group of young adults freshly back from the Asbury revival came up and asked if we’d pray for them. So right there in the Ballston Mall Regal Cinema we had our own little revolution!!! They were so precious and on fire!!! I LOVE IT!!!! 

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 25, 2023 @12pm
Jim Garlow: Sarah Thomas Baldwin gives a glimpse of the 17 active days of The Outpouring. Quite an amazing overview.
Jim Garlow: Sarah Thomas Baldwin gives a glimpse of the 17 active days of The Outpouring. Quite an amazing overview.

Sara Thomas Baldwin: [Edit: There are no more revival services at Asbury or sponsored by Asbury].
Day 18: We are returning to ordinary life--which is just as full of God as the last 17 days--just a bit more quiet.
I am sure we have a lifetime of journaling, prayer, and deep conversation ahead. Throughout the days as we passed each other in the halls and outside, we kept saying to each other-- "can you believe this?", "is this really happening?". As theologians and well, everyone, everywhere--name and debate what it was and wasn't, what I do know for sure is that people are longing for God.
--I don't want to forget the Latino family--grandpa, dad, uncle, kids, mama--who when they made it into Hughes after what must have been a wait of hours--didn't even go to their seats. They went immediately to the altar and collapsed in front of it. We saw this again and again.
--I want to remember the family who drove 30 hours each way from Mexico for someone to pray over their baby for healing.
--My heart is broken with the 18 men who piled into a 15 person-passenger van for 9 hours, to pray at an altar for even 30 minutes.
--Holding in my heart the time of prayer with an Indian Pastor and his wife, Diana, from the United Kingdom, interceding for their country and their campuses.
--Who can forget the Brazilians! They showed up! Their passionate prayers for their country! All the Brazillian flags (although graciously put away when we asked--just too many people for all the flags
--The story of a police officer who was so moved that he got in a family (with two younger kids) who had been fasting through the lines and waits out of his sheer compassion.
--As a mom of a daughter with special needs, the families who brought their children for prayer for medical issues, just broke my heart. Their faith, their desperation, I feel it with them. I will continue to pray for Alena.
--Trying to communicate thru an app with a couple in Portugese. Making a mental note: next time, we need to be prepared for interpreters! (kidding, kidding about the next time!).
--Remembering the pastor couple from Chile who sold their car to be here. And strangers passing on money--"can you give it to the lady who sold the car?" YES!
--I want to remember people giving what they had--we had no donation box set up--so they handed it to us--"thank you, thank you" people said, "This is what I have to give" whether it was a nickel or a hundred dollars.
--So many high schoolers praying for relief from the bondage of pornography. Parents, step in! Take away phones, keep them out of bedrooms. Your children are DESPERATE.
--A joyful group from a church in San Diego--so full of JOY of being here, thank you for your encouragement!
--Praying with a team from Canada who were full of stories of God on the move in Canada and how God moved on their drive down!
--I want to remember the whatsapp thread, 101 notifications at a time-- "water needed in Estes!" "Is there a prayer volunteer for out in the line?" "Portapotties overflowing!" ,"10 people gave their hearts to Jesus here!", "The huge JESUS flag needs to come down!", "what's that ambulance for?", "It's 30 degrees out here. Heaters are on the way." "The Sal Army showed up. Thank you, Jesus!".
Mostly, I will remember our relationships between one another on the ground team, the volunteer team, and the ministry team.
Revival runs on the track of relationships.
As one of our retired professors said, "We were surprised, but not unprepared". We are a small community who loves Jesus deeply.
We weren't ready, but yet we were. God is like that.
Day 18: We are returning to ordinary life--which is just as full of God as the last 17 days--just a bit more quiet.

--I don't want to forget the Latino family--grandpa, dad, uncle, kids, mama--who when they made it into Hughes after what must have been a wait of hours--didn't even go to their seats. They went immediately to the altar and collapsed in front of it. We saw this again and again.
--I want to remember the family who drove 30 hours each way from Mexico for someone to pray over their baby for healing.
--My heart is broken with the 18 men who piled into a 15 person-passenger van for 9 hours, to pray at an altar for even 30 minutes.
--Holding in my heart the time of prayer with an Indian Pastor and his wife, Diana, from the United Kingdom, interceding for their country and their campuses.
--Who can forget the Brazilians! They showed up! Their passionate prayers for their country! All the Brazillian flags (although graciously put away when we asked--just too many people for all the flags

--The story of a police officer who was so moved that he got in a family (with two younger kids) who had been fasting through the lines and waits out of his sheer compassion.
--As a mom of a daughter with special needs, the families who brought their children for prayer for medical issues, just broke my heart. Their faith, their desperation, I feel it with them. I will continue to pray for Alena.
--Trying to communicate thru an app with a couple in Portugese. Making a mental note: next time, we need to be prepared for interpreters! (kidding, kidding about the next time!).
--Remembering the pastor couple from Chile who sold their car to be here. And strangers passing on money--"can you give it to the lady who sold the car?" YES!
--I want to remember people giving what they had--we had no donation box set up--so they handed it to us--"thank you, thank you" people said, "This is what I have to give" whether it was a nickel or a hundred dollars.
--So many high schoolers praying for relief from the bondage of pornography. Parents, step in! Take away phones, keep them out of bedrooms. Your children are DESPERATE.
--A joyful group from a church in San Diego--so full of JOY of being here, thank you for your encouragement!
--Praying with a team from Canada who were full of stories of God on the move in Canada and how God moved on their drive down!
--I want to remember the whatsapp thread, 101 notifications at a time-- "water needed in Estes!" "Is there a prayer volunteer for out in the line?" "Portapotties overflowing!" ,"10 people gave their hearts to Jesus here!", "The huge JESUS flag needs to come down!", "what's that ambulance for?", "It's 30 degrees out here. Heaters are on the way." "The Sal Army showed up. Thank you, Jesus!".
Mostly, I will remember our relationships between one another on the ground team, the volunteer team, and the ministry team.
Revival runs on the track of relationships.
As one of our retired professors said, "We were surprised, but not unprepared". We are a small community who loves Jesus deeply.
We weren't ready, but yet we were. God is like that.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 25, 2023 @ 3am
Jim Garlow: Geoff Eckart reminds us it had not ended. It has now begun.
Jim Garlow: Geoff Eckart reminds us it had not ended. It has now begun.

Geoff Eckart: How did the Asbury revival of 2023 end? Well…it didn’t. It is just beginning.
February 8 around 20 students lingered after their chapel service on February 8 to worship and pray. Slowly students trickled back into the chapel, and the worship and prayer continued. More and more from campus came. And then the world came. And the official end to this night and day expression of worship and prayer was midnight on February 23rd.
I was honored to sit in the front row as the services ended at midnight. On my left was dear friend Jeanine Brabon, a student at Asbury who prayed for revival as a student when it happened in 1970. 53 years later she witnessed it again. On my right was the President of the University, Dr. Kevin Brown. He and the staff guarded and guided the student body so well during this outpouring as over 100,000 people came from around the world.
There were no words projected on any screen, no lights, no smoke, and all acoustic instruments. It was almost exclusively led by students and it was beautiful. The praise grew throughout the night flowing right into the televised broadcast of the 200th anniversary of the Collegiate Day of Prayer and beyond it. The singing, the voices almost blew the roof off of the place. I’ve had some amazing experiences, but nothing like this. It was as if the closer it was to the scheduled end the louder and more passionate it became.
Students from 200+ college campuses came to Asbury to experience it. It continues to spread across the world. My phone is non stop with reports of how God is moving…ESPECIALLY AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE.
This could alter the course of the Church. Who knows how the world will be changed from this sweet, peaceful and genuine move of God through people humble enough to keep their egos and logos off the platform and give center stage to Jesus to whom it belongs.
Habakkuk 1:5 “Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.
If you were there or in some way were a part of it by watching or hearing about it, stoke that fire and keep it alive for Christ. And let’s be a part of the change! #asburyrevival
February 8 around 20 students lingered after their chapel service on February 8 to worship and pray. Slowly students trickled back into the chapel, and the worship and prayer continued. More and more from campus came. And then the world came. And the official end to this night and day expression of worship and prayer was midnight on February 23rd.
I was honored to sit in the front row as the services ended at midnight. On my left was dear friend Jeanine Brabon, a student at Asbury who prayed for revival as a student when it happened in 1970. 53 years later she witnessed it again. On my right was the President of the University, Dr. Kevin Brown. He and the staff guarded and guided the student body so well during this outpouring as over 100,000 people came from around the world.
There were no words projected on any screen, no lights, no smoke, and all acoustic instruments. It was almost exclusively led by students and it was beautiful. The praise grew throughout the night flowing right into the televised broadcast of the 200th anniversary of the Collegiate Day of Prayer and beyond it. The singing, the voices almost blew the roof off of the place. I’ve had some amazing experiences, but nothing like this. It was as if the closer it was to the scheduled end the louder and more passionate it became.
Students from 200+ college campuses came to Asbury to experience it. It continues to spread across the world. My phone is non stop with reports of how God is moving…ESPECIALLY AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE.
This could alter the course of the Church. Who knows how the world will be changed from this sweet, peaceful and genuine move of God through people humble enough to keep their egos and logos off the platform and give center stage to Jesus to whom it belongs.
Habakkuk 1:5 “Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.
If you were there or in some way were a part of it by watching or hearing about it, stoke that fire and keep it alive for Christ. And let’s be a part of the change! #asburyrevival
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 25, 2023 @ 2am
Jim Garlow: Ripples outward continue. Texas A & M
Jim Garlow: Ripples outward continue. Texas A & M

Kate Maddox: Berrington Texas A&M University Revival ( Official Page ): Chi Alpha Texas A&M student ministry Wednesday night. 02.15.23 At the altar until 1:00 AM seeking more of God. These are students primarily called to missions and serving Him in ministry.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 24, 2023 @ 8:45pm
Jim Garlow: Rob Hoskins provides an overview -
Jim Garlow: Rob Hoskins provides an overview -
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 24, 2023 @ 7am
Jim Garlow: Tammy Martorana reports about Tennessee Tech and other universities.
Jim Garlow: Tammy Martorana reports about Tennessee Tech and other universities.

Tammy Martorana: As I looked out over the crowd of people converging on TN Tech campus to pray… many thoughts and feelings hit me. One of those was I saw so many different people, all walks of life, all denominations, all ages, joining together with one purpose- to glorify God and pray over the campus and our city. Towards the end we gathered in groups and prayed. No one knew a stranger even though we had never met. Someone pointed out that this is what Heaven will be like.
My expectations are great for Cookeville, TN Tech, Putnam Co. and TN. But I am learning to look to God, because His ways are higher.
Tonight was a starting point. It showed me there are others who have the same passion. It showed me there are students who are walking around campus living their Christian faith out loud.
As someone who has been praying for Tech since the 90’s during my time at Chi Alpha, seeing tonight take place was spectacular.
I saw mostly students stay long after just sitting around singing and worshipping. I saw others in groups of 4 or 5 praying together. All this long after the official ending.
So my prayer is now that what was started tonight will only grow. The flame will be fanned to burn big and bright with souls coming to Jesus, lives being healed and forever changed because they met someone who is living Christ out loud.
I am anxiously anticipating (eyes wide open to see) what God is doing in our midst and I WILL be a part! I hope you will too.
My expectations are great for Cookeville, TN Tech, Putnam Co. and TN. But I am learning to look to God, because His ways are higher.
Tonight was a starting point. It showed me there are others who have the same passion. It showed me there are students who are walking around campus living their Christian faith out loud.
As someone who has been praying for Tech since the 90’s during my time at Chi Alpha, seeing tonight take place was spectacular.
I saw mostly students stay long after just sitting around singing and worshipping. I saw others in groups of 4 or 5 praying together. All this long after the official ending.
So my prayer is now that what was started tonight will only grow. The flame will be fanned to burn big and bright with souls coming to Jesus, lives being healed and forever changed because they met someone who is living Christ out loud.
I am anxiously anticipating (eyes wide open to see) what God is doing in our midst and I WILL be a part! I hope you will too.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 24, 2023 @ 6am
Jim Garlow: Thank you Beverly Lorenz for this important Henry Blackaby quote
Jim Garlow: Thank you Beverly Lorenz for this important Henry Blackaby quote

Beverly Lorenz: “When a Holy God draws near in true revival, people come under terrible conviction of sin. The outstanding feature of spiritual awakening has been the profound consciousness of the Presence and holiness of God."
- Henry Blackaby.
- Henry Blackaby.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 24, 2023 @ 6am
Jim Garlow: This may or may not be directly related to Asbury, but is such good news. Thank you AG News for sharing Scott Martin’s observation.
Jim Garlow: This may or may not be directly related to Asbury, but is such good news. Thank you AG News for sharing Scott Martin’s observation.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 24, 2023 @ 6am
Jim Garlow: Oscar Yturriaga shares some astounding statistics, from 19 students to 100,000 seekers, in only two weeks.
Jim Garlow: Oscar Yturriaga shares some astounding statistics, from 19 students to 100,000 seekers, in only two weeks.

Oscar Yturriaga: If you’re tired of hearing about Asbury, just keep scrolling. But I’m posting this for me to be able to look back on years from now to be reminded…
19 students gathered for an ordinary chapel, and something supernatural ignited in that place.
Without any planning, promoting or performers, this small group of college kids went after God.
They had no regard for image, reputation or opinions of man. The love of Jesus consumed them.
Humility, hunger and surrendered hearts proved to the world it only takes a spark to start a fire.
It’s estimated that over a hundred thousand people from around the world came to visit.
And many millions more were impacted by the pictures, videos and testimonies that emerged.
Reports of revival erupting across the nation and around the world grow with each passing day.
Much more than an event, this was the awakening of a generation. It’s a revolution.
And it makes me ask the question, “What could God do here where I am in just two weeks time?”
#AsburyRevival2023 #JesusRevolution #GenZ
19 students gathered for an ordinary chapel, and something supernatural ignited in that place.
Without any planning, promoting or performers, this small group of college kids went after God.
They had no regard for image, reputation or opinions of man. The love of Jesus consumed them.
Humility, hunger and surrendered hearts proved to the world it only takes a spark to start a fire.
It’s estimated that over a hundred thousand people from around the world came to visit.
And many millions more were impacted by the pictures, videos and testimonies that emerged.
Reports of revival erupting across the nation and around the world grow with each passing day.
Much more than an event, this was the awakening of a generation. It’s a revolution.
And it makes me ask the question, “What could God do here where I am in just two weeks time?”
#AsburyRevival2023 #JesusRevolution #GenZ
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 24, 2023 @ 3am
Jim Garlow: TBN there for Collegiate Day of Prayer
Jim Garlow: TBN there for Collegiate Day of Prayer
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 24, 2023 @ 3am
Jim Garlow: Fawn Parish lists 31 locations. I suspect a complete list would include hundreds of locations.
Jim Garlow: Fawn Parish lists 31 locations. I suspect a complete list would include hundreds of locations.

Fawn Parish: Blaze Spirit blaze set our hearts on fire. Flow river flow, flood. the nations with grace and mercy, send forth your Word and let there be light.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 24, 2023 @ 1am
Jim Garlow: My interview with The Stream -
Jim Garlow: My interview with The Stream -
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 8:25pm
Jim Garlow: The Outpouring continues in the midst of the scheduled Intercollegiate Prayer conference, as they pray, on this 200th anniversary of the event, for God to touch 4,100 university campuses.
This gathering was planned one year ago.
“Dear God,
Your timing is the coolest!
Jim Garlow: The Outpouring continues in the midst of the scheduled Intercollegiate Prayer conference, as they pray, on this 200th anniversary of the event, for God to touch 4,100 university campuses.
This gathering was planned one year ago.
“Dear God,
Your timing is the coolest!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 8:20pm
Jim Garlow: Thanks Francis Anfuso for letting us know that The Outpouring hit another campus… and THIS time in California.
Jim Garlow: Thanks Francis Anfuso for letting us know that The Outpouring hit another campus… and THIS time in California.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 8pm
Jim Garlow: Thank you to Sarah Thomas Baldwin for letting us know about an 8 minute documentary about The Asbury Outpouring.
Jim Garlow: Thank you to Sarah Thomas Baldwin for letting us know about an 8 minute documentary about The Asbury Outpouring.
Sarah Thomas: An independent film company made an 8 min documentary and it makes me teary to watch it. Love our students. The outpouring of God's love started here at Asbury, but the story is so much bigger than this community. I am beyond grateful to get to stand in the river of God as it pours forth.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 8pm
Jim Garlow: Cedarville University President Thomas White shares that one of their students was on Fox News regarding The Outpouring in this Ohio campus.
Jim Garlow: Cedarville University President Thomas White shares that one of their students was on Fox News regarding The Outpouring in this Ohio campus.
Thomas White: UPDATED LINK: Our Cedarville University student sharing on Fox News about the Lord moving on our campus. I love our students and that the Gospel went out on Fox News.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 6pm
Jim Garlow: David Guinn reports The Outpouring has impacted “over 21” campuses.
Jim Garlow: David Guinn reports The Outpouring has impacted “over 21” campuses.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 2:45pm
Jim Garlow: (I am borrowing this or portions of this from someone - but don’t know who said it or something close to this.)
Three days after “Unholy” was featured at the Golden Globes Awards on national TV, God said, “That’s enough!” and three days later (the Resurrection follows the Crucifixion), He released a clarion call on the entire globe of “Holiness Unto The Lord.”
Jim Garlow: (I am borrowing this or portions of this from someone - but don’t know who said it or something close to this.)
Three days after “Unholy” was featured at the Golden Globes Awards on national TV, God said, “That’s enough!” and three days later (the Resurrection follows the Crucifixion), He released a clarion call on the entire globe of “Holiness Unto The Lord.”

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 1:45pm
Jim Garlow: It boggles my mind that a generation (Gen Z) which has been through so much (Remember, this entire outpouring began when one college student openly confessed his struggle with thoughts of suicide!) which is now in one of the greatest moves of God in decades, in which they are crying out in confession, repentance and seeking healing, could possibly be criticized by anyone who calls themselves a Christ followers.
This picture (I don’t know who they are, and I have forgotten who took it.) shows one person in deep personal pain, coming to the right place, seeking God, and another one praying for him and comforting him. This moves me to tears.
Please forgive my impatience, but I have one word for the critics: Repent.
Jim Garlow: It boggles my mind that a generation (Gen Z) which has been through so much (Remember, this entire outpouring began when one college student openly confessed his struggle with thoughts of suicide!) which is now in one of the greatest moves of God in decades, in which they are crying out in confession, repentance and seeking healing, could possibly be criticized by anyone who calls themselves a Christ followers.
This picture (I don’t know who they are, and I have forgotten who took it.) shows one person in deep personal pain, coming to the right place, seeking God, and another one praying for him and comforting him. This moves me to tears.
Please forgive my impatience, but I have one word for the critics: Repent.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 12:30pm
Jim Garlow: Rick Curry reports The Outpouring has come to a high school and middle school.
Jim Garlow: Rick Curry reports The Outpouring has come to a high school and middle school.

Rick Curry: 

So, a high school in Washington and a middle school in Tennessee! 

What say you? Let’s go! 

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 12:30pm
Jim Garlow: This is one of those rare moments when the revival for colleges preceded the meeting to pray for revival at the colleges.
Jim Garlow: This is one of those rare moments when the revival for colleges preceded the meeting to pray for revival at the colleges.

Kim Bradford Butts: Tonight at 8pm (EST) is the Collegiate National Day of Prayer - it’s LIVE from Asbury! The purpose of it is to pray for revival among believers on college campuses and spiritual awakening among the lost. Crazy thing is that this event was planned A YEAR AGO to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the day of prayer for college campuses. God’s timing is awesome!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 11:55am
Jim Garlow: Just received the link for the interview I did with a Hungarian newspaper.
(For my Hungarian speaking friends.)
Jim Garlow: Just received the link for the interview I did with a Hungarian newspaper.
(For my Hungarian speaking friends.)
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 11:55am
Jim Garlow: Vickie Stephens Goldy reports what we all experienced. We don’t want to leave.
After being in The Presence for nine hours, it came time to leave for the airport.
I actually turned around and went back in just to linger there another 30 seconds.
Jim Garlow: Vickie Stephens Goldy reports what we all experienced. We don’t want to leave.
After being in The Presence for nine hours, it came time to leave for the airport.
I actually turned around and went back in just to linger there another 30 seconds.

Vickie Stephens Goldy: I left the hospital where i work on Saturday and drove to Wilmore. I am still processing my experience and the things i witnessed and felt at Asbury. When i arrived the line to Hughes was down the street and wrapped around the block so i made my way across the lawn to the screens in front of Hughes Auditorium. As i stood there worshipping I felt the breath of God and the Holy Spirit moving through the wind. His presence filled the entire campus whether inside or outside. As i stood there worshipping and witnessing hundreds worship my eye’s were drawn to the tree beside Hughes. The branches formed the shape of a heart. I felt complete peace in the Holy Spirit! I didnt make it any further! I stood in that spot for 3.5hrs. I didnt want to move! I didnt want to ever leave! I am so overwhelmed and humbled. I never thought that i would ever get to experience God in this way on earth
Praise the Father!!
Thank you Father for these students that opened their hearts to prayer and repentance and called upon your name! Father thank you for loving them and us so much that you wanted your presence to be felt so much that this awakening of our hearts and spirits and call to repentance would happen in multitudes. I pray that we as the body of Christ be compelled to share with our families, communities and across the world the fruit of the Spirit that we have experienced here. Father lead us in love to those around us. May we glorify your name Father! Your will be done. Amen

Thank you Father for these students that opened their hearts to prayer and repentance and called upon your name! Father thank you for loving them and us so much that you wanted your presence to be felt so much that this awakening of our hearts and spirits and call to repentance would happen in multitudes. I pray that we as the body of Christ be compelled to share with our families, communities and across the world the fruit of the Spirit that we have experienced here. Father lead us in love to those around us. May we glorify your name Father! Your will be done. Amen
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 11:50am
Jim Garlow: Beverly Hutchinson Porter gives a proper explanation regarding those who wrongly say that the University is “closing” the revival. They are NOT closing it.
They way they are handling this is exceptional. Frankly they have perfectly stewarded this.
Jim Garlow: Beverly Hutchinson Porter gives a proper explanation regarding those who wrongly say that the University is “closing” the revival. They are NOT closing it.
They way they are handling this is exceptional. Frankly they have perfectly stewarded this.
Beverly Hutchinson Porter:
I am an Asbury University alumnus and former employee. I have seen several posts about the administration of Asbury University ending the “revival” that they started. First, the university did not plan and start a revival. The regular chapel service nearly two weeks ago did not end… and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit ignited. Second, the Holy Spirit is not limited to time or space… it does not matter where you are, you can be in the presence of the Holy Spirit because the Spirit is within you. Third, Asbury University and Wilmore, Kentucky are very small. The university continues to have classes, the town continues to operate and conduct daily business… the administration is closing Hughes chapel so that this outpouring can pour outward to other areas where there is more space. Fourth and perhaps most importantly…. This outpouring of the Spirit is not about Asbury University… and is not unique or limited to Hughes chapel. The Holy Spirit is within all believers… wherever believers are, there is also the Spirit…. You (every believer) can experience revival in any place, at any time by simply allowing the Holy Spirit to spread from you to all who are around you.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 11:50am
Jim Garlow: Savanah Songer Arnold-Midwife shares a picture and tells a story of the deep healing taking place at the altar. Gen Z has been through so much. God is bringing deep healing. This picture makes my eyes leak.
Jim Garlow: Savanah Songer Arnold-Midwife shares a picture and tells a story of the deep healing taking place at the altar. Gen Z has been through so much. God is bringing deep healing. This picture makes my eyes leak.

Savanah Songer Arnold-Midwife: So we went to Asbury to see what was happening for ourselves. The picture below is a physical picture of what the body of Christ looks like. This little boy was probably 7-9 years old. He embraced this college aged man for hours. He laid hands on him. He prayed over him. He stayed by his side until midnight when it was time to leave. He wasn’t his family. They didn’t know one another. Their skin didn’t look the same. This small boy just saw a hurting person and went to him. We should take this to heart. This is what loving like Jesus looks like. It was beautiful. Masses of young people are being touched by the Holy Spirit. Older people too:) Lives are being transformed. True repentance is ringing out. Alters filled for hours on end. It was BEAUTIFUL. I am so excited to see what God is doing across the world. I want to encourage those of you who maybe wanted to go and couldn’t or who are starving for a move of God. While this place is clearly filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, this is not an isolated incident. I have felt this many times in many places, including the privacy of my own home. He is right there waiting for you. I’m not saying don’t go somewhere where there is a clear move of God happening. If you can go, go. But if you can’t, just know that God is not limited to these types of events. Ask God to move where you are. Ask God if perhaps you need to move. Ask God to move in you in the quiet of your own personal prayer time. He will meet you right where you are. Come to Him with an expectant heart. He won’t disappoint you. He is so much more than you could ever imagine. Abundantly more. If you don’t know who Jesus is and want to know what all the hype is about, reach out to me:) Love you all. Be encouraged. God is on the move! Hope is rising!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 11:50am
Jim Garlow: Anna Tidwell shares the most tender story.
Jim Garlow: Anna Tidwell shares the most tender story.

Anna Tidwell: Just one out of many encounters this weekend! God is so good!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Only God! Today we heading home from Asbury College. We drove for about thirty minutes before we stopped to eat lunch in a town known as Danville. When we walked in there was an hour wait. We decided to leave but not before I went to the restroom. As we heading out the door the hostess taped me on my shoulder and asked if we would like to sit at the bar. We decided to take the offer because we heard the food was good. I sat next to a young man as my friends sat next to me.
The manager came up to the young man next to me asked him if he went to church this morning. He said yes. Two ladies sat next to him on the other side who were heading home from Asbury as well. I decide to chim in the conversation letting them know we went as well. Once they left God stepped in and opened a door for a conversation to be had with the gentleman next to me.
I asked him about church. He told me he was looking for religion but did not really know how to go about it. He explained he was seeking. I shared my testimony with him and how I became to know Jesus. I shared that it's not about religion but about a RELATIONSHIP. That being a ChrIst follower did not take work. It truly is a relationship like you would have with a friend.
He showed me a penny with a cross carved out in the center. He shared with me everytime he looks at it he feels a pull. He told me how he got it. He has a roommate that is agnostic. His agnostic friend has a friend who attended the revival as a reporter. Someone gave him a penny with the cross cut out. This reporter gave it to the agnostic friend. This gentleman was sitting on the couch when his friend threw the penny at him. He took the penny and placed it in his wallet.
I asked him if he has ever prayed for salvation or if he has ever prayed before? He told me no he did not know how to. He told me his grandparents prayed but he did not know how to do it. I encourage him to go to Asbury to experience it. He agreed that he would like to go.
I decide before leaving to ask if he would like for me to pray a prayer of salvation over him? He said yes. The sweet holy spirit stepped in at that moment. Me and the group walked outside and prayed over this guy. One of the ladies asked him if he would like for us to follow him to Asbury for we knew it would be going on all night. He said he felt bad inconveniencing us but if we were willing he would go.
We got in the car with him following us back to Asbury. We walked him up to the line and got him plugged in with some guys his age. They took him under their wing. He texted us to let us know he got in and thanked us for everything.
I am sitting here in aww of God's goodness. This was an appointment set up by God today! Please be in prayer for Mason. He is a brand new believer. He is worried no one will be there to walk beside him to show him the way. We assured him God will provide a way for him. God is so good!!!! I cried as I said goodbye. God touched me so much through him today. This is just one story out of many that our group experienced this weekend 🙌.
Wow! Only God! Today we heading home from Asbury College. We drove for about thirty minutes before we stopped to eat lunch in a town known as Danville. When we walked in there was an hour wait. We decided to leave but not before I went to the restroom. As we heading out the door the hostess taped me on my shoulder and asked if we would like to sit at the bar. We decided to take the offer because we heard the food was good. I sat next to a young man as my friends sat next to me.
The manager came up to the young man next to me asked him if he went to church this morning. He said yes. Two ladies sat next to him on the other side who were heading home from Asbury as well. I decide to chim in the conversation letting them know we went as well. Once they left God stepped in and opened a door for a conversation to be had with the gentleman next to me.
I asked him about church. He told me he was looking for religion but did not really know how to go about it. He explained he was seeking. I shared my testimony with him and how I became to know Jesus. I shared that it's not about religion but about a RELATIONSHIP. That being a ChrIst follower did not take work. It truly is a relationship like you would have with a friend.
He showed me a penny with a cross carved out in the center. He shared with me everytime he looks at it he feels a pull. He told me how he got it. He has a roommate that is agnostic. His agnostic friend has a friend who attended the revival as a reporter. Someone gave him a penny with the cross cut out. This reporter gave it to the agnostic friend. This gentleman was sitting on the couch when his friend threw the penny at him. He took the penny and placed it in his wallet.
I asked him if he has ever prayed for salvation or if he has ever prayed before? He told me no he did not know how to. He told me his grandparents prayed but he did not know how to do it. I encourage him to go to Asbury to experience it. He agreed that he would like to go.
I decide before leaving to ask if he would like for me to pray a prayer of salvation over him? He said yes. The sweet holy spirit stepped in at that moment. Me and the group walked outside and prayed over this guy. One of the ladies asked him if he would like for us to follow him to Asbury for we knew it would be going on all night. He said he felt bad inconveniencing us but if we were willing he would go.
We got in the car with him following us back to Asbury. We walked him up to the line and got him plugged in with some guys his age. They took him under their wing. He texted us to let us know he got in and thanked us for everything.
I am sitting here in aww of God's goodness. This was an appointment set up by God today! Please be in prayer for Mason. He is a brand new believer. He is worried no one will be there to walk beside him to show him the way. We assured him God will provide a way for him. God is so good!!!! I cried as I said goodbye. God touched me so much through him today. This is just one story out of many that our group experienced this weekend 🙌.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 11:50am
Jim Garlow: Campbellsville University now impacted.
Jim Garlow: Campbellsville University now impacted.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 11:45am
Jim Garlow: Cyndi Richardson gives an excellent thought regarding the horrific February 5 Satan worshipping on national TV and the outpouring that began on February 8. “On the third day.”
Jim Garlow: Cyndi Richardson gives an excellent thought regarding the horrific February 5 Satan worshipping on national TV and the outpouring that began on February 8. “On the third day.”

Cyndi Richardson: GOD IS NOT MOCKED.
The timing of the Asbury revival is interesting. Matthew Rice, who visited the ongoing revival at Asbury University, noted:
“On Sunday, February 5, the world witnessed what some considered one of, if not the most, blasphemous display ever performed on the Grammy Awards, as Sam Smith and Kim Petras, performed a song with demonic and sexually charged imagery.
Three days later, a small group of students lingered in the presence of God after chapel in Hughes Auditorium in Wilmore Kentucky. There were no bright lights, no cameras, and no press. Only a singular desire to pursue Jesus. But what started as a small spark has grown into a fire that has the attention of the world, with thousands coming from various nations to attend the gatherings. As of today, the hashtag #asburyrevival has 55.4 million views on TikTok.
The song performed at the Grammys was entitled “Unholy.”
At the front of Hughes Auditorium, above the platform, emblazoned above the pipe organ are the words “HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD.”
As I watched God ignite hearts in the room, I was reminded of the Grammy performance and that the Asbury Revival started three days later. I sensed Jesus speak to my spirit, “You didn’t think I would be outdone, did you?”
The Lion is roaring again, with an invitation to move from what is “unholy” to a gracious encounter with the Savior, where we experience “Holiness unto the Lord.”
Revival is not coming.
Revival is here.
And Jesus is inviting all of us to taste and see. #asbury #asburyrevival2023
The timing of the Asbury revival is interesting. Matthew Rice, who visited the ongoing revival at Asbury University, noted:
“On Sunday, February 5, the world witnessed what some considered one of, if not the most, blasphemous display ever performed on the Grammy Awards, as Sam Smith and Kim Petras, performed a song with demonic and sexually charged imagery.
Three days later, a small group of students lingered in the presence of God after chapel in Hughes Auditorium in Wilmore Kentucky. There were no bright lights, no cameras, and no press. Only a singular desire to pursue Jesus. But what started as a small spark has grown into a fire that has the attention of the world, with thousands coming from various nations to attend the gatherings. As of today, the hashtag #asburyrevival has 55.4 million views on TikTok.
The song performed at the Grammys was entitled “Unholy.”
At the front of Hughes Auditorium, above the platform, emblazoned above the pipe organ are the words “HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD.”
As I watched God ignite hearts in the room, I was reminded of the Grammy performance and that the Asbury Revival started three days later. I sensed Jesus speak to my spirit, “You didn’t think I would be outdone, did you?”
The Lion is roaring again, with an invitation to move from what is “unholy” to a gracious encounter with the Savior, where we experience “Holiness unto the Lord.”
Revival is not coming.
Revival is here.
And Jesus is inviting all of us to taste and see. #asbury #asburyrevival2023
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 11:45am
Jim Garlow: Thank you Shannon Marie for sharing Kelli Leavan’s description of the environment of the revival. It reminds us that God doesn’t always need all our “frills.”
Jim Garlow: Thank you Shannon Marie for sharing Kelli Leavan’s description of the environment of the revival. It reminds us that God doesn’t always need all our “frills.”

Shannon Marie: The main takeaway from the Asbury revival is this:
There is a piano player, a guitar player, and a single drum.
Hard chairs.
‘Ugly’ interior.
The lights don’t dim.
No one is serving donuts.
Not a single smoke machine.
No fancy lights.
No timers.
No perfect productions.
No leader and no ‘teams’.
No hierarchy or competition.
No kids class.
Nobody greets you in the parking lot.
Literally no structure whatsoever.
Apparently the only thing needed to attract people to GOD is… God.
Why have we made it so complicated?
Time to get back to the pure and simple.
An altar and a sacrifice (Jesus).
Let’s give Him back His house. Just worship HIM and see what happens.
Truly worship. Not just stand up and sing a song.
PRAISE HIM. He inhabits the praises of His people.
- Kelli Leavens
There is a piano player, a guitar player, and a single drum.
Hard chairs.
‘Ugly’ interior.
The lights don’t dim.
No one is serving donuts.
Not a single smoke machine.
No fancy lights.
No timers.
No perfect productions.
No leader and no ‘teams’.
No hierarchy or competition.
No kids class.
Nobody greets you in the parking lot.
Literally no structure whatsoever.
Apparently the only thing needed to attract people to GOD is… God.
Why have we made it so complicated?
Time to get back to the pure and simple.
An altar and a sacrifice (Jesus).
Let’s give Him back His house. Just worship HIM and see what happens.
Truly worship. Not just stand up and sing a song.
PRAISE HIM. He inhabits the praises of His people.
- Kelli Leavens
Ned Maraman: For those who are curious. This channel has been streaming the main Asbury meeting for the last 18 hours.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 11:30am
Jim Garlow: Andrew Walton gives an upfront, close and personal glimpse inside this grand work of God.
Jim Garlow: Andrew Walton gives an upfront, close and personal glimpse inside this grand work of God.

Andrew Walton: My heart is filled with gratitude.
I am so grateful for what God is doing at Asbury University. I am grateful for this generation of students who are desperately seeking the Lord, and for the faculty and staff who are stewarding this moment.
I am thankful for pastor Josh, who put out the idea to take off two days and drive to Kentucky, and for a wife who told me it was a no-brainer.
I am so thankful for David at the One Mission Student Center who gave us a place to stay, food to eat, incredible perspective about what God has been doing, and a behind the scenes tour of the campus.
What is God doing at Asbury? I don't know. And it would be presumptuous of me - an outsider who spent one day worshiping the Lord there - to assume that I have even the tiniest picture of what Almighty God wants to do in and through His people. But I do want to share some observations.
- Deep, authentic, corporate worship. It was some of the sweetest worship I've ever experienced, and certainly the most sustained. We got to an overflow location where we started worshipping the Lord at 3:15pm and we peeled ourselves away from the Hughes Auditorium after 11:30pm. I have never experienced 8 hours of sustained, corporate worship like this.
- A cry for the nations. An 18 year old freshman led us in a cry to God to rescue the nations. She challenged us that people will go to hell if we get this wrong. She led us in praying for God to rescue people of every tribe and nation: tribes that have never heard the name of Jesus; nations where it is illegal to share the gospel; people who desperately need Jesus.
- The gospel. The gospel was presented in a way that was clear to unbelievers and convicting to the saints. We are like a garden hose that is trying to be filled with what the world can offer, but is left empty unless connected to the spigot of Living Water.
- Lost saved. At least six people publicly stepped out of the kingdom of darkness and accepted Jesus into their hearts. Hundreds more had done so over the previous 13 days.
- Christians challenged. The message Monday evening placed a strong emphasis on spiritual formation. Not through a temporary emotional experience, but through a personal commitment to spiritual formation through daily time with Jesus. Through prayer. Through reading the Bible. And through asking the Spirit of God to examine my anxious heart and convict me of sin. I was challenged to commit to the type of Romans 12:1-2 spiritual formation that will actually shape me over the next 25 years.
- People at Asbury have been praying for revival for years. They have been praying that lost people would be saved. That students who are not genuine followers of Christ but are deconstructing or reconstructing their faith would come to a genuine, saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. They have also been praying for revival of believers: that those who have gone dry in their faith would be refreshed.
- Asbury has been investing in this generation, with groups of students going on spiritual retreats where they seek God and worship the Lord and grow together.
- I'm told that the first 3 days (before the crowds began to show up) were marked by contemplation and repentance. Young people standing up and confessing their sin, publicly repenting of that sin, and reconciling with God and others. It was authentic and at times awkward, but turning from sin and surrendering to God is a big part of how this started.
- Students are being encouraged to define what God has done in their hearts. To not generalize this as a great worship experience but to specifically define what God has called them to do and who he has called them to be.
- The faculty and staff at Asbury have done an incredible job of stewarding this moment; of letting students be out front leading; of intercepting false teachers who would co-opt this movement; and of modeling humility. I was so impressed with those from Asbury who welcomed us to their campus and those who prayed with me and over me.
I could go on, but you get the point. I don't know quite what I expected, but I came away from this trip without the slightest doubt in my mind that what is happening at Asbury is real, and it is of the Lord.
I am so, so thankful that I got to see it, and I am very excited for the Collegiate Day of Prayer that will be broadcast from Asbury on Thursday at 8 Eastern.
I am so grateful for what God is doing at Asbury University. I am grateful for this generation of students who are desperately seeking the Lord, and for the faculty and staff who are stewarding this moment.
I am thankful for pastor Josh, who put out the idea to take off two days and drive to Kentucky, and for a wife who told me it was a no-brainer.
I am so thankful for David at the One Mission Student Center who gave us a place to stay, food to eat, incredible perspective about what God has been doing, and a behind the scenes tour of the campus.
What is God doing at Asbury? I don't know. And it would be presumptuous of me - an outsider who spent one day worshiping the Lord there - to assume that I have even the tiniest picture of what Almighty God wants to do in and through His people. But I do want to share some observations.
- Deep, authentic, corporate worship. It was some of the sweetest worship I've ever experienced, and certainly the most sustained. We got to an overflow location where we started worshipping the Lord at 3:15pm and we peeled ourselves away from the Hughes Auditorium after 11:30pm. I have never experienced 8 hours of sustained, corporate worship like this.
- A cry for the nations. An 18 year old freshman led us in a cry to God to rescue the nations. She challenged us that people will go to hell if we get this wrong. She led us in praying for God to rescue people of every tribe and nation: tribes that have never heard the name of Jesus; nations where it is illegal to share the gospel; people who desperately need Jesus.
- The gospel. The gospel was presented in a way that was clear to unbelievers and convicting to the saints. We are like a garden hose that is trying to be filled with what the world can offer, but is left empty unless connected to the spigot of Living Water.
- Lost saved. At least six people publicly stepped out of the kingdom of darkness and accepted Jesus into their hearts. Hundreds more had done so over the previous 13 days.
- Christians challenged. The message Monday evening placed a strong emphasis on spiritual formation. Not through a temporary emotional experience, but through a personal commitment to spiritual formation through daily time with Jesus. Through prayer. Through reading the Bible. And through asking the Spirit of God to examine my anxious heart and convict me of sin. I was challenged to commit to the type of Romans 12:1-2 spiritual formation that will actually shape me over the next 25 years.
- People at Asbury have been praying for revival for years. They have been praying that lost people would be saved. That students who are not genuine followers of Christ but are deconstructing or reconstructing their faith would come to a genuine, saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. They have also been praying for revival of believers: that those who have gone dry in their faith would be refreshed.
- Asbury has been investing in this generation, with groups of students going on spiritual retreats where they seek God and worship the Lord and grow together.
- I'm told that the first 3 days (before the crowds began to show up) were marked by contemplation and repentance. Young people standing up and confessing their sin, publicly repenting of that sin, and reconciling with God and others. It was authentic and at times awkward, but turning from sin and surrendering to God is a big part of how this started.
- Students are being encouraged to define what God has done in their hearts. To not generalize this as a great worship experience but to specifically define what God has called them to do and who he has called them to be.
- The faculty and staff at Asbury have done an incredible job of stewarding this moment; of letting students be out front leading; of intercepting false teachers who would co-opt this movement; and of modeling humility. I was so impressed with those from Asbury who welcomed us to their campus and those who prayed with me and over me.
I could go on, but you get the point. I don't know quite what I expected, but I came away from this trip without the slightest doubt in my mind that what is happening at Asbury is real, and it is of the Lord.
I am so, so thankful that I got to see it, and I am very excited for the Collegiate Day of Prayer that will be broadcast from Asbury on Thursday at 8 Eastern.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 11:30am
Jim Garlow: I don’t have time to listen to the critics.
But I am glad others are. Thank you Ned Maraman for sharing Dr. Craig Keener’s thoughts. His gentle and humble spirit really comes through.
Jim Garlow: I don’t have time to listen to the critics.
But I am glad others are. Thank you Ned Maraman for sharing Dr. Craig Keener’s thoughts. His gentle and humble spirit really comes through.
Ned Maraman: Asbury Seminary is truly blessed to have one of the greatest living biblical scholars, who also happens to be "Charismatic" on staff during this time of outpouring. I personally returned from Asbury yesterday evening and will share a bit on what I was able to observe and experience later. But it was a beautiful time. Dr. Keener does a great and humble job addressing many of the criticism being lobbed at this move of the Spirit.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 11:30am
Jim Garlow: Brent Williamson reports regarding the critics. It is a tragedy that anyone would criticize people repenting of sin.
Jim Garlow: Brent Williamson reports regarding the critics. It is a tragedy that anyone would criticize people repenting of sin.

Brent Williamson: The critics of the 1970 Asbury revival sounded virtually identical to the critics of the Asbury revival 2023.
The only difference is we heard more from the critics in the 2023 Asbury revival, because of social media which they didn’t have in 1970.
Every revival in history has had critics.
So it’s nothing new under the sun.
Every mighty move of God has had critics in history.
All of the greatest pioneers of old time revivals had those who mocked and slandered them…and mainly by church folk.
Those pioneers knew it was par for the course, and they didn’t care about who’s criticizing the move of God, so long as cold hearted Christians were becoming red hot for a Jesus, and souls were being won to Christ.
The greatest “threat” to the lukewarm or compromised church is revival. It’s not the devil so much, because the enemy already has them asleep.
The lukewarm or cold church is a comfortable church, a content church, and for the most part it resents anyone trying to get her out of the comfortable cozy state.
When the church gets revived she becomes a normal biblical church.
And a normal biblical church is a radical church for Jesus.
The enemy knows full well that a revived church is the greatest danger to his kingdom.
This is why it’s so imperative that revival spreads across into every home and church, and we shouldn’t cave into any type of criticism.
Because criticism is par for the course.
The only difference is we heard more from the critics in the 2023 Asbury revival, because of social media which they didn’t have in 1970.
Every revival in history has had critics.
So it’s nothing new under the sun.
Every mighty move of God has had critics in history.
All of the greatest pioneers of old time revivals had those who mocked and slandered them…and mainly by church folk.
Those pioneers knew it was par for the course, and they didn’t care about who’s criticizing the move of God, so long as cold hearted Christians were becoming red hot for a Jesus, and souls were being won to Christ.
The greatest “threat” to the lukewarm or compromised church is revival. It’s not the devil so much, because the enemy already has them asleep.
The lukewarm or cold church is a comfortable church, a content church, and for the most part it resents anyone trying to get her out of the comfortable cozy state.
When the church gets revived she becomes a normal biblical church.
And a normal biblical church is a radical church for Jesus.
The enemy knows full well that a revived church is the greatest danger to his kingdom.
This is why it’s so imperative that revival spreads across into every home and church, and we shouldn’t cave into any type of criticism.
Because criticism is par for the course.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 10am
Jim Garlow: Two students entered on Fox & Friends. Thank you Brent Williamson for posting
Jim Garlow: Two students entered on Fox & Friends. Thank you Brent Williamson for posting
Brent Williamson: My youngest daughter was on Fox & Friends this morning being interviewed about the revival. #asburyrevival2023
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 7:30am
Jim Garlow: Here is the article in Hungary for which I was interviewed.
Jim Garlow: Here is the article in Hungary for which I was interviewed.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 23, 2023 @ 7am
Jim Garlow: CBN News is reporting that Filmmaker Alex Kendrick visited Lee University outpouring. He said it is merely transformed hearts.
Jim Garlow: CBN News is reporting that Filmmaker Alex Kendrick visited Lee University outpouring. He said it is merely transformed hearts.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 10pm
Jim Garlow: Doug Basler reports revival at a high school in Seattle area.
(Can someone find out - is this a public school, or a private Christian school?)
Jim Garlow: Doug Basler reports revival at a high school in Seattle area.
(Can someone find out - is this a public school, or a private Christian school?)
Doug Basler: Federal Way High School
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 12:20pm
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - Lord I Need You, Every Day I Need You
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - Lord I Need You, Every Day I Need You
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 12:15pm
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - Your Worthy of it All
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - Your Worthy of it All
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 12pm
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - Night and Day. Day and Night…The worship continues
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - Night and Day. Day and Night…The worship continues
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 11:45am
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - Jesus Christ My Living Lord
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - Jesus Christ My Living Lord
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 11:45am
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - How Great Thou Art
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - How Great Thou Art
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 11:30am
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - There is Nothing Better than You
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - There is Nothing Better than You
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 11:30am
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - “I will put my trust in you alone and I will not be shaken”
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - “I will put my trust in you alone and I will not be shaken”
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 11am
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - “How Great Is Our God”
Jim Garlow: Glimpses - “How Great Is Our God”
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 9am
Jim Garlow: The spillover continues. This is one of the schools from which I graduated - so I love this place.
Lord, bless Oklahoma Wesleyan University! & bless President Jim Dunn
Jim Garlow: The spillover continues. This is one of the schools from which I graduated - so I love this place.
Lord, bless Oklahoma Wesleyan University! & bless President Jim Dunn

Jim Dunn: Praising the Lord for the work of His Spirit in the lives of many on this Ash Wednesday. Our Chapel is scheduled to end at 11:10am. Students and staff are still gathered for prayers declaring that Jesus is in first place of their lives. Our Chapel is open for others to come and pray! If you live far away, say a prayer for the students, faculty, staff, and community of Oklahoma Wesleyan University! #WeAreOKWU #BeOneSent
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 8am
Jim Garlow: Amazing Love. Amazing Grace.
Jim Garlow: Amazing Love. Amazing Grace.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @ 7am
Jim Garlow: Breakpoint interviewed Dr Steve Seamands who is a third generation of Seamonds living in Wilmore and affiliated with Asbury Seminary. Steve was a classmate of mine in the early 70s and he was part of the 1970 Revival so he has great understanding of historical context.
Jim Garlow: Breakpoint interviewed Dr Steve Seamands who is a third generation of Seamonds living in Wilmore and affiliated with Asbury Seminary. Steve was a classmate of mine in the early 70s and he was part of the 1970 Revival so he has great understanding of historical context.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 22, 2023 @1am
Jim Garlow: Singing “Yeshua.” This never gets old.
Jim Garlow: Singing “Yeshua.” This never gets old.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 9:30pm
Jim Garlow: I want to, once again, restate my tremendous admiration for Asbury University President Kevin Brown and his shepherding of The Outpouring.
When Lawson Stone was asked on FB what it means that the revival is shifting from a “come” mode to a “sending” mode, he responded:
“It's winding down the public services on the campuses (though they can and will continue in other places in town as long as they want) but it's generally felt that the focus needs to shift to resuming lives of fruitful service and in many cases, heading out across the country with the gospel. We can't stay on the mountain indefinitely.
Some will try to put up tents for Moses and Elijah, but the leadership in town has felt strongly that the time has come to get to work, get back to work, albeit on a new level. Realize, though, that I am not among the leadership, I don't speak for anybody but myself, and I'm not even sure I'm my own authorized spokesman...”
The discernment and wisdom demonstrated by Dr. Kevin Brown, President of Asbury University, has been exceptional. I met him for this first time Sunday night.
Jim Garlow: I want to, once again, restate my tremendous admiration for Asbury University President Kevin Brown and his shepherding of The Outpouring.
When Lawson Stone was asked on FB what it means that the revival is shifting from a “come” mode to a “sending” mode, he responded:
“It's winding down the public services on the campuses (though they can and will continue in other places in town as long as they want) but it's generally felt that the focus needs to shift to resuming lives of fruitful service and in many cases, heading out across the country with the gospel. We can't stay on the mountain indefinitely.
Some will try to put up tents for Moses and Elijah, but the leadership in town has felt strongly that the time has come to get to work, get back to work, albeit on a new level. Realize, though, that I am not among the leadership, I don't speak for anybody but myself, and I'm not even sure I'm my own authorized spokesman...”
The discernment and wisdom demonstrated by Dr. Kevin Brown, President of Asbury University, has been exceptional. I met him for this first time Sunday night.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 9:30pm
Jim Garlow: Thomas Brewer reports on The Outpouring from Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, Oklahoma.
Jim Garlow: Thomas Brewer reports on The Outpouring from Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, Oklahoma.

Thomas Brewer: This is #revival! Seeing students praying over the needs of others who desire to pursue Jesus daily! It is not the number of people praying but the desire of those who call upon the name of The Lord! God keep moving in the lives of students on this campus and beyond!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 9:30pm
Jim Garlow: Scott Hagan reports on the outpouring at North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Jim Garlow: Scott Hagan reports on the outpouring at North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Scott Hagan: Tremendous touch of heaven on campus today at NCU in downtown Minneapolis
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 9pm
Jim Garlow: Painfully we have to give the “false prophet report.” Thank you Lawson Stone for the heads up.
Jim Garlow: Painfully we have to give the “false prophet report.” Thank you Lawson Stone for the heads up.
Lawson Stone: Word comes that on Wednesday a group will be in town trying to preach and hold meetings that, to say the least, do not embody the humility, peacefulness, and focus on Jesus that has characterized recent days. The institutions have made it clear they are not welcome, but they assert their "right" to come and speak. I would like to suggest we give them the Deuteronomy 13:1-4 treatment: IGNORE THEM. To a false prophet, to be ignored is almost worse than death. Don't engage them, don't be uncivil to them. Just ignore them. Obviously I have no authority to tell anybody what to do, so I just put this out there as a suggestion. Let's beware of any voices that direct us to anything other than Jesus.
BTW: I'm not talking about any news organization. If I can find out more, I will make it known.
BTW: I'm not talking about any news organization. If I can find out more, I will make it known.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 9pm
Jim Garlow: Robby Dawkins reports from two hours ago onsite. Praise God!
Jim Garlow: Robby Dawkins reports from two hours ago onsite. Praise God!

Robby Dawkins: Asbury revival hasn’t stopped. I’m here! It’s on! #unstoppable
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 9pm
Jim Garlow: Rick Curry reports Valley Forge College has now felt the impact.
Jim Garlow: Rick Curry reports Valley Forge College has now felt the impact.

Rick Curry: 


Valley Forge College in Pennsylvania is still in Chapel service since 11AM AND school has cancelled classes for TOMORROW! 

“There is a move of God coming no building can contain and now ministry will control!” Report from trusted friend!

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 8pm
Jim Garlow: I know I posted these from a student at Asbury University earlier today. But I am so overwhelmed by what he has done here, and what God is doing across the nation around the globe, I’m posting them once again.
Jim Garlow: I know I posted these from a student at Asbury University earlier today. But I am so overwhelmed by what he has done here, and what God is doing across the nation around the globe, I’m posting them once again.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 6pm
Jim Garlow: When I get to heaven, I want to sing this song the first 1,000 years. (Yes, I know there is no time there.) Thank you, awesome Worship Leader Alma Rivera for this.
Jim Garlow: When I get to heaven, I want to sing this song the first 1,000 years. (Yes, I know there is no time there.) Thank you, awesome Worship Leader Alma Rivera for this.
Alma Rivera: I arrived today and just walking in, you can feel the presence of the Lord 🔥😢🙌🏼 I feel like a blanket on top of me.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 3pm
Jim Garlow: Our good friend Faith McDonnell published this report on The Outpouring.
Jim Garlow: Our good friend Faith McDonnell published this report on The Outpouring.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 3pm
Jim Garlow: Wayne Hilsden is a very good friend. I have had the privilege of speaking at his church, King of Kings, twice in Jerusalem. He and I were together at Jack, Hayford‘s memorial service in the Los Angeles area on Saturday.
When I walked in to Hughes Auditorium at Asbury University on Sunday evening, there he was.
Here is his report from what happened. And like all of us, he reported that he began inexplicably weeping.
Jim Garlow: Wayne Hilsden is a very good friend. I have had the privilege of speaking at his church, King of Kings, twice in Jerusalem. He and I were together at Jack, Hayford‘s memorial service in the Los Angeles area on Saturday.
When I walked in to Hughes Auditorium at Asbury University on Sunday evening, there he was.
Here is his report from what happened. And like all of us, he reported that he began inexplicably weeping.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 1pm
Jim Garlow: Gabrielle Alexis Bruno sent information about an outpouring at Regent University.
(Some info: On the morning of February 9, Gabrielle introduced me as the speaker for the Regent University School of Law. She referenced the Asbury Revival, which was barely one day old at that time. When I got up to speak,I shared a couple sentences about the 1970 revival and that I had been exchanging texts with people in Hughes Auditorium, in the evening and throughout the night. It appeared that this was a serious revival. Little did we know.) Now, back to the info re: Regent. See the announcement from Regent University officials.
Jim Garlow: Gabrielle Alexis Bruno sent information about an outpouring at Regent University.
(Some info: On the morning of February 9, Gabrielle introduced me as the speaker for the Regent University School of Law. She referenced the Asbury Revival, which was barely one day old at that time. When I got up to speak,I shared a couple sentences about the 1970 revival and that I had been exchanging texts with people in Hughes Auditorium, in the evening and throughout the night. It appeared that this was a serious revival. Little did we know.) Now, back to the info re: Regent. See the announcement from Regent University officials.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 1pm
Jim Garlow: I was just interviewed by a newspaper in Hungary regarding the revival.
How do you put in words what God is doing? Here is my second interview with S.e. Strang
Jim Garlow: I was just interviewed by a newspaper in Hungary regarding the revival.
How do you put in words what God is doing? Here is my second interview with S.e. Strang
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 12:30pm
Jim Garlow: Thanks Frank M. Sontag for posting this collage.
Jim Garlow: Thanks Frank M. Sontag for posting this collage.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 12:30pm
Jim Garlow: No room? No problem. Revival apparently does not need a building. Excellent video by Kyle Bailey
Jim Garlow: No room? No problem. Revival apparently does not need a building. Excellent video by Kyle Bailey
Kyle Bailey: More Lord!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 12:30pm
Jim Garlow: These sights still bring tears to my eyes! So so so good!
Thank you Kyle Bailey for this video of the overflow crowd that were gathered OUTSIDE the many venues that were provided.
Jim Garlow: These sights still bring tears to my eyes! So so so good!
Thank you Kyle Bailey for this video of the overflow crowd that were gathered OUTSIDE the many venues that were provided.
Kyle Bailey: Revival can't be contained to a building!
#AsburyRevival #asburyuniversity #asburyrevival2023 #jesusmovement
#AsburyRevival #asburyuniversity #asburyrevival2023 #jesusmovement
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 12:15pm
Jim Garlow: Another college. Kyle Bailey reports that Eastern Kentucky State has been impacted.
Jim Garlow: Another college. Kyle Bailey reports that Eastern Kentucky State has been impacted.

Kyle Bailey: Campus wide worship and prayer for revival at Eastern Kentucky University! More Lord!! #RevivalGeneration #AsburyRevival #Revival #MoreLord #revivalisnow
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 12pm
Jim Garlow: Revival “spillover!”
Christopher Dowdy tell of conversion at a gas station and the baptism in a nearby creek.
Jim Garlow: Revival “spillover!”
Christopher Dowdy tell of conversion at a gas station and the baptism in a nearby creek.
Christopher Dowdy: On the way back from Asbury, we stopped at a gas station and we met a kid from Gen Z and shared the gospel with him. He admitted to us that he had a rough night last night and felt a lot of guilt, but something had told him to wait at the gas station an extra ten minutes. That’s when he met us.
We found out he hadn’t been baptized and we discussed the importance of it. He decided he wanted to, so we led him to recommit his life to Jesus and we walked to a nearby creek and baptized him. When he came up out of the water he got delivered from all the junk he confessed he had struggled with.
Then we laid hands on him and invited the Holy Spirit to fill his heart, and we asked him how he felt. With a glow on his face, he said, “I’m (practically) speechless. I feel so amazing! Before this I felt like I was carrying such a huge weight, but now it’s gone.” The whole way back to the car he was so full of joy!
We found out he hadn’t been baptized and we discussed the importance of it. He decided he wanted to, so we led him to recommit his life to Jesus and we walked to a nearby creek and baptized him. When he came up out of the water he got delivered from all the junk he confessed he had struggled with.
Then we laid hands on him and invited the Holy Spirit to fill his heart, and we asked him how he felt. With a glow on his face, he said, “I’m (practically) speechless. I feel so amazing! Before this I felt like I was carrying such a huge weight, but now it’s gone.” The whole way back to the car he was so full of joy!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 12pm
Jim Garlow: A pastor and wife from Chile sold their car so they could come to The Outpouring at Asbury. Thank you Jennifer Bettger Haseloff for the report.
Jim Garlow: A pastor and wife from Chile sold their car so they could come to The Outpouring at Asbury. Thank you Jennifer Bettger Haseloff for the report.

Jennifer Bettger Haseloff: UPDATE: Tonight she went to pick up her husband from the airport and they brought their Uber driver inside and within minutes he melted and tears filled his eyes as he asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior!!! Deyanira Vega you have been such a blessing and we ALL can’t wait to see what the Lord does in Chile!
Deyanira Vega, has sido una gran bendición y TODOS estamos ansiosos por ver lo que el Señor hace en Chile!
This woman and her husband SOLD their car to purchase flights to Kentucky! They are pastors in Chile
. They believe revival is coming to South America and they are so dedicated to bringing it back with them, they have made many sacrifices to get here and back!
Photo #1: Deyanira telling her testimony with an interpreter.
Photo #2: Everyone turned to the SOUTH and stretched out prayers for Chile to yearn for the touch of Jesus! Pray with us.
Deyanira Vega, has sido una gran bendición y TODOS estamos ansiosos por ver lo que el Señor hace en Chile!
This woman and her husband SOLD their car to purchase flights to Kentucky! They are pastors in Chile

Photo #1: Deyanira telling her testimony with an interpreter.
Photo #2: Everyone turned to the SOUTH and stretched out prayers for Chile to yearn for the touch of Jesus! Pray with us.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 12pm
Jim Garlow: I have chosen not to read what critics are saying about The Outpouring. I need God. I don’t have time to hear from those who don’t share that hunger.
Todd Adkins is rightly baffled people would be critical of this pure move of the Spirit to call people to walk in holiness.
Jim Garlow: I have chosen not to read what critics are saying about The Outpouring. I need God. I don’t have time to hear from those who don’t share that hunger.
Todd Adkins is rightly baffled people would be critical of this pure move of the Spirit to call people to walk in holiness.

Todd Adkins: As someone who was there in the flesh today I can tell you that what is happening at Asbury University is a move of God and an abundant outpouring of His Spirit. And yet the amount of “friendly fire” and casting of doubt that I have seen coming their way — from Christians (most of whom were not there) — truly breaks my heart after seeing what God is doing there and experiencing it for myself. What God is doing there — especially in the lives of young people — should be celebrated and rejoiced over. But folks prefer to cast doubt and insinuate that this is nearly anything but what it is. I even heard people (again, who weren’t there) spreading lies that Jesus isn’t mentioned and that repentance isn’t encouraged (among other things). I’m so glad I paid them no mind.
I went today because stories were being shared that God was pouring out His Spirit there, and it was worth a day of my time and 3+ hrs each way if I could be where God was so powerfully moving. What I (and my daughter) experienced today was a slice of what I believe Heaven will be like — and magnitudes more powerful than any church service I’ve EVER attended. I was thoroughly overwhelmed by testimonies of what Jesus has been doing in the lives of so many. I was moved to tears several times. I encountered the love of God, the transformational power of Jesus and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in ways that are beyond words to describe. Bad mouth it all you want. I was there. This is the real deal.
Christians sometimes baffle me. We say we pray for revival (and I personally do every day), and then we try to throw water on it if it looks differently than we think it should — or God brings it through sources we don’t think He should. I’m baffled. Seriously.
What I saw today was what I’ve come to call the Great Hunger. People coming from all over the world out of an unquenchable hunger for the Living God, and for a real encounter with Him. It struck me, that if they were getting this in their own churches, they wouldn’t be here. But here they were. Openly sharing their brokenness and how Jesus delivered them. Joining together in worship that was stripped down, simplified, filled with the presence of God and breathtakingly beautiful. It was joyful. It was humble. It was moving. It was FULL of the Spirit of God.
Here’s an idea. If you can’t or don’t want to go, how about just quietly praying that what’s happening there is really an outpouring from God — and that it spreads. And that God would protect it from every way the enemy will oppose it. Every. Way. Even from other believers, in what I pray is well-intentioned, efforts to discourage the spiritually hungry from going to where there is an abundance of the spiritual food they’re so desperate for.
I went today because stories were being shared that God was pouring out His Spirit there, and it was worth a day of my time and 3+ hrs each way if I could be where God was so powerfully moving. What I (and my daughter) experienced today was a slice of what I believe Heaven will be like — and magnitudes more powerful than any church service I’ve EVER attended. I was thoroughly overwhelmed by testimonies of what Jesus has been doing in the lives of so many. I was moved to tears several times. I encountered the love of God, the transformational power of Jesus and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in ways that are beyond words to describe. Bad mouth it all you want. I was there. This is the real deal.
Christians sometimes baffle me. We say we pray for revival (and I personally do every day), and then we try to throw water on it if it looks differently than we think it should — or God brings it through sources we don’t think He should. I’m baffled. Seriously.
What I saw today was what I’ve come to call the Great Hunger. People coming from all over the world out of an unquenchable hunger for the Living God, and for a real encounter with Him. It struck me, that if they were getting this in their own churches, they wouldn’t be here. But here they were. Openly sharing their brokenness and how Jesus delivered them. Joining together in worship that was stripped down, simplified, filled with the presence of God and breathtakingly beautiful. It was joyful. It was humble. It was moving. It was FULL of the Spirit of God.
Here’s an idea. If you can’t or don’t want to go, how about just quietly praying that what’s happening there is really an outpouring from God — and that it spreads. And that God would protect it from every way the enemy will oppose it. Every. Way. Even from other believers, in what I pray is well-intentioned, efforts to discourage the spiritually hungry from going to where there is an abundance of the spiritual food they’re so desperate for.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 11:50am
Jim Garlow: Jay Stewart reports outpouring in church in North Carolina
Jim Garlow: Jay Stewart reports outpouring in church in North Carolina

Jay Stewart: Something is stirring across America! The hunger is rising. This past Sunday at The Refuge Church, the wind of the Holy Spirit blew in during the 9:00 service. I began to weep, and could only get on my knees on the platform after saying, "If you want more..." People began flooding to the altar. I never preached, and the 9:00 service blurred into the 11:00. People lingered until after 2:00PM, worshipping and praying in His presence. It was sovereign, holy, powerful!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 11am
Jim Garlow: Sarah Francis Martin reports outpouring at Texas A & M University
Jim Garlow: Sarah Francis Martin reports outpouring at Texas A & M University

Sarah Francis Martin: After a night of worship and crying out to the Lord on behalf of our city with fellow prayer warriors…and with knowledge that the Aggies would be meeting on campus impromptu ( no stage, no big names…just hunger for the presence of the Living God!), I just had to rally well past my bedtime to lay eyes on it for myself. Couple hundred Aggies gathering, worshipping in such pure hearted devotion and crying out for the Lord to move on their campus. Believing for a mighty move of God here at Texas A&M!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 21, 2023 @ 6am
Jim Garlow: Randy Ezra Rainwater helps us grasp what the small town of Wilmore, Kentucky is going through. Secondly, all of us who once lived in Wilmore know of “Mr. Fitch’s IGA.” Here is more insight into this godly man.
Jim Garlow: Randy Ezra Rainwater helps us grasp what the small town of Wilmore, Kentucky is going through. Secondly, all of us who once lived in Wilmore know of “Mr. Fitch’s IGA.” Here is more insight into this godly man.

Randy Ezra Rainwater: Asbury Revival, Refugees, New Hope, My Parking Spot and Leonard Fitch
I have talked about the Asbury Revival in two previous posts. I found it to be genuine. The older people at the college sought to keep it a student/Holy Spirit movement, they served and lived out Acts 2:17- the old dreamed into the vision of the young. The Revival is not winding down at all, but the leadership of Asbury is rightly moving it to other places, "the end goal of revival is discipleship." Yesterday at New Hope we made room to pray at the end of each service and in our student venues. God was on the move. Next Sunday will be a morning of testimony, Word and worship. Lives are being changed, and I and many others will never be the same. For Wilmore, of course, that would come at an inconvenience. Not everyone was happy about the revival. some because their town was busy, and their street became a place for people to park. For 12 days, around 25,000 people came into a town of 6000 and sought "home." There were no fights, no violence, and no arrests. State, county and city police worked to serve and keep safety. No consumerism was allowed- no permits were given to food trucks, existing businesses sold food, and everything else was given away. Not everyone was happy about the revival. Some would complain, some would mock- but they are like the crowd at a dance who mocks the dance but inside long to belong and long to dance but do not know how to begin or have not danced in so long they have forgotten how to move to its rhythm. Of everyone in Wilmore, the person most impacted by the crowds would have been Leonard Fitch. He owns and works the local grocery store. His parking lot was so full no one seeking groceries could park. My brother Harold Rainwater who is the 46-year Mayor of Wilmore, called him to check on him. Harold and his wife have worked nonstop to keep things safe, caring for the city and the "sojourner" seeking a temporary home in Wilmore. Leonard acknowledged the struggle, and Harold asked if the city could help. Leonard said, "Harold, don't change anything; my store is not as important as this revival, this is what I have been praying for." Leviticus 19:33-34 tells us the way we treat the refugee, or the sojourner is seen by God; it's a little ominous, actually. “When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God." Leonard was my first boss, and I am grateful for that. The revival is moving to new places; it was already in Leonard. Not everything I learned from the revival I learned in Hughes; some of it I learned from Leonard.
I have talked about the Asbury Revival in two previous posts. I found it to be genuine. The older people at the college sought to keep it a student/Holy Spirit movement, they served and lived out Acts 2:17- the old dreamed into the vision of the young. The Revival is not winding down at all, but the leadership of Asbury is rightly moving it to other places, "the end goal of revival is discipleship." Yesterday at New Hope we made room to pray at the end of each service and in our student venues. God was on the move. Next Sunday will be a morning of testimony, Word and worship. Lives are being changed, and I and many others will never be the same. For Wilmore, of course, that would come at an inconvenience. Not everyone was happy about the revival. some because their town was busy, and their street became a place for people to park. For 12 days, around 25,000 people came into a town of 6000 and sought "home." There were no fights, no violence, and no arrests. State, county and city police worked to serve and keep safety. No consumerism was allowed- no permits were given to food trucks, existing businesses sold food, and everything else was given away. Not everyone was happy about the revival. Some would complain, some would mock- but they are like the crowd at a dance who mocks the dance but inside long to belong and long to dance but do not know how to begin or have not danced in so long they have forgotten how to move to its rhythm. Of everyone in Wilmore, the person most impacted by the crowds would have been Leonard Fitch. He owns and works the local grocery store. His parking lot was so full no one seeking groceries could park. My brother Harold Rainwater who is the 46-year Mayor of Wilmore, called him to check on him. Harold and his wife have worked nonstop to keep things safe, caring for the city and the "sojourner" seeking a temporary home in Wilmore. Leonard acknowledged the struggle, and Harold asked if the city could help. Leonard said, "Harold, don't change anything; my store is not as important as this revival, this is what I have been praying for." Leviticus 19:33-34 tells us the way we treat the refugee, or the sojourner is seen by God; it's a little ominous, actually. “When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God." Leonard was my first boss, and I am grateful for that. The revival is moving to new places; it was already in Leonard. Not everything I learned from the revival I learned in Hughes; some of it I learned from Leonard.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 11:45pm
Jim Garlow: PERSONAL - We flew from San Diego to Kentucky yesterday and back today because those were the only days we had available and at home.
It was so worth it. We sat in The Presence for 9 hours.
Truly a taste of heaven.
In fact, heaven may well be participating in the Wilmore worship.
Jim Garlow: PERSONAL - We flew from San Diego to Kentucky yesterday and back today because those were the only days we had available and at home.
It was so worth it. We sat in The Presence for 9 hours.
Truly a taste of heaven.
In fact, heaven may well be participating in the Wilmore worship.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 11:30pm
Jim Garlow: Ron Soldano gives the long list of where revival has broken out.
May it go to every nation and every city and village.
Jim Garlow: Ron Soldano gives the long list of where revival has broken out.
May it go to every nation and every city and village.
Ron Soldano:
Revival Schools, Churches, Countries
Bethel Redding CA
Calvary christian Daytona Beach
Spring Arbor University in Michigan
Cornerstone University MI
Samford U. Homewood, AL
Lee U. Cleveland TN 2/13
Campbellsville University, 2/15
Cedarville Ohio University
Ohio Christian University
Lee University in Tennessee
Bethel University in Austin Texas
Park Hill. Harvest ChristianC Missouri
Indiana Wesleyan University
The Gate in Charlotte NC
University of Kentucky in Lexington
Eastern Kentucky University
Kentucky Christian University
Christ for the Nations Dallas, Texas
Western Ky University
Oral Roberts University 2/17
Spring Arbor University, Michigan
Indiana Weslyn University
Ohio Christian university
James Madison University
Kingsway in Birmingham Alabama
Kingdom Life in Waterville, Maine
Heritage Fellowship - Florence KY 2/11
Rock of Ages in Vine Grove Ky 2/17
The ramp, Hamilton Alabama
Bethel Redding California
Phoenix Athens GA
Athens House of prayer 2/16 5pm
Arise Church in Brandon, FL 2/18
Radiant Church, Kalamazoo MI
Holladay Community Church, TN
Life in Christ church Marion, Kentucky
Christ fellowship Dawsonville, Georgia
River church Nortonville, Kentucky
The Gate, Charlotte, North Carolina
Oak Park Church, Mobile AL
Victory Church, Tulsa OK[
Possible India
Possible New Zealand
Possible Brazil
Mazatlán Mexico
Revival Schools, Churches, Countries
Bethel Redding CA
Calvary christian Daytona Beach
Spring Arbor University in Michigan
Cornerstone University MI
Samford U. Homewood, AL
Lee U. Cleveland TN 2/13
Campbellsville University, 2/15
Cedarville Ohio University
Ohio Christian University
Lee University in Tennessee
Bethel University in Austin Texas
Park Hill. Harvest ChristianC Missouri
Indiana Wesleyan University
The Gate in Charlotte NC
University of Kentucky in Lexington
Eastern Kentucky University
Kentucky Christian University
Christ for the Nations Dallas, Texas
Western Ky University
Oral Roberts University 2/17
Spring Arbor University, Michigan
Indiana Weslyn University
Ohio Christian university
James Madison University
Kingsway in Birmingham Alabama
Kingdom Life in Waterville, Maine
Heritage Fellowship - Florence KY 2/11
Rock of Ages in Vine Grove Ky 2/17
The ramp, Hamilton Alabama
Bethel Redding California
Phoenix Athens GA
Athens House of prayer 2/16 5pm
Arise Church in Brandon, FL 2/18
Radiant Church, Kalamazoo MI
Holladay Community Church, TN
Life in Christ church Marion, Kentucky
Christ fellowship Dawsonville, Georgia
River church Nortonville, Kentucky
The Gate, Charlotte, North Carolina
Oak Park Church, Mobile AL
Victory Church, Tulsa OK[
Possible India
Possible New Zealand
Possible Brazil
Mazatlán Mexico
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 11:30pm
Jim Garlow: Ron Soldano gives an amazing bit of information. Tracking how many revivals are now underway.
Jim Garlow: Ron Soldano gives an amazing bit of information. Tracking how many revivals are now underway.
Ron Saldano: My Google Maps link will send you to verified revivals in these areas. UPDATE… I am getting reports that some of these are not continuous. Please check before you travel. 
Favorites · Ron
Favorites · Ron
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 11pm
Jim Garlow: Hannah Williamson reports State Trooper said 20,000 came into Wilmore on Sunday.
Jim Garlow: Hannah Williamson reports State Trooper said 20,000 came into Wilmore on Sunday.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 11pm
Jim Garlow: Hannah Williamson reports atheist drawn to revival.
Jim Garlow: Hannah Williamson reports atheist drawn to revival.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 11pm
Jim Garlow: Hannah Williamson reports girl set free from homosexuality.
Jim Garlow: Hannah Williamson reports girl set free from homosexuality.
Hannah Williamson: Girl just testified that she was set free from witchcraft & homosexuality here at Asbury!! 

Praise the Lord!!!

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 11pm
Jim Garlow: More reporting from Lauren Yates regarding Baylor University.
Jim Garlow: More reporting from Lauren Yates regarding Baylor University.

Lauren Yates: Today was special. This picture is not from today because I didn’t take any pictures. I prayed. I sang. I helped with communion. I took communion. I worshipped. I was prayed over. I cried. I was inspired. I was healed. And then I left. I left because God’s Spirit released me to leave because of the hope I saw in Gen Z. “This is for them. These are my leaders. I am rising up a generation of hungry healed young people who will take the Gospel into a hurting world. Pray for them but let them lead.” - That’s what God’s spirit told me. In todays special chapel, there were older more seasoned leaders but they were silent. The pastors let Gen Z take the lead. And they led with such grace and love. I went to pray for a young girl and she ended up praying for me, speaking life over me. Speaking Jesus over me. I felt a release of 37 years of anger fall away. In my dream of the polar bear (awakening) and brown bear (leadership), I thought the leaders were “us”…. Us pastors, us elders. I see now. It’s them. It’s Gen Z. God is pouring out his spirit on them to lead this next great awakening. It’s up to “us” old people to pour life and prayers into them. To my knowledge the chapel service is continuing outside near the student union building. All glory to God. Lord, pour out your spirit on Baylor University. Pour out your Spirit on Gen Z.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 11pm
Jim Garlow: Lauren Yates reports on Baylor University outpouring on Monday night.
Jim Garlow: Lauren Yates reports on Baylor University outpouring on Monday night.
Lauren Yates: The awakening…
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 11pm
Jim Garlow: Ned Maraman reports a healing in the line to get in to Hughes Auditorium.
In Luke, the Disciples asked Jesus what do we say to those who get healed. Jesus told them to explain that they got a little too close to the Kingdom.
Jim Garlow: Ned Maraman reports a healing in the line to get in to Hughes Auditorium.
In Luke, the Disciples asked Jesus what do we say to those who get healed. Jesus told them to explain that they got a little too close to the Kingdom.

Ned Maraman: Micah and I are waiting in line to get into Hughes Auditorium, and he feels led by the Holy Spirit to go pray for a lady in a walking boot. I look and she's crying hugging him and walks off healed! The Lord is so amazing! I'm so proud of Micah Arnett!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 11pm
Jim Garlow: Todd Adkins addresses the critics of The Outpouring.
Jim Garlow: Todd Adkins addresses the critics of The Outpouring.

Todd Adkins: As someone who was there in the flesh today I can tell you that what is happening at Asbury University is a move of God and an abundant outpouring of His Spirit. And yet the amount of “friendly fire” and casting of doubt that I have seen coming their way — from Christians (most of whom were not there) — truly breaks my heart after seeing what God is doing there and experiencing it for myself. What God is doing there — especially in the lives of young people — should be celebrated and rejoiced over. But folks prefer to cast doubt and insinuate that this is nearly anything but what it is. I even heard people (again, who weren’t there) spreading lies that Jesus isn’t mentioned and that repentance isn’t encouraged (among other things). I’m so glad I paid them no mind.
I went today because stories were being shared that God was pouring out His Spirit there, and it was worth a day of my time and 3+ hrs each way if I could be where God was so powerfully moving. What I (and my daughter) experienced today was a slice of what I believe Heaven will be like — and magnitudes more powerful than any church service I’ve EVER attended. I was thoroughly overwhelmed by testimonies of what Jesus has been doing in the lives of so many. I was moved to tears several times. I encountered the love of God, the transformational power of Jesus and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in ways that are beyond words to describe. Bad mouth it all you want. I was there. This is the real deal.
Christians sometimes baffle me. We say we pray for revival (and I personally do every day), and then we try to throw water on it if it looks differently than we think it should — or God brings it through sources we don’t think He should. I’m baffled. Seriously.
What I saw today was what I’ve come to call the Great Hunger. People coming from all over the world out of an unquenchable hunger for the Living God, and for a real encounter with Him. It struck me, that if they were getting this in their own churches, they wouldn’t be here. But here they were. Openly sharing their brokenness and how Jesus delivered them. Joining together in worship that was stripped down, simplified, filled with the presence of God and breathtakingly beautiful. It was joyful. It was humble. It was moving. It was FULL of the Spirit of God.
Here’s an idea. If you can’t or don’t want to go, how about just quietly praying that what’s happening there is really an outpouring from God — and that it spreads. And that God would protect it from every way the enemy will oppose it. Every. Way. Even from other believers, in what I pray is well-intentioned, efforts to discourage the spiritually hungry from going to where there is an abundance of the spiritual food they’re so desperate for.
I went today because stories were being shared that God was pouring out His Spirit there, and it was worth a day of my time and 3+ hrs each way if I could be where God was so powerfully moving. What I (and my daughter) experienced today was a slice of what I believe Heaven will be like — and magnitudes more powerful than any church service I’ve EVER attended. I was thoroughly overwhelmed by testimonies of what Jesus has been doing in the lives of so many. I was moved to tears several times. I encountered the love of God, the transformational power of Jesus and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in ways that are beyond words to describe. Bad mouth it all you want. I was there. This is the real deal.
Christians sometimes baffle me. We say we pray for revival (and I personally do every day), and then we try to throw water on it if it looks differently than we think it should — or God brings it through sources we don’t think He should. I’m baffled. Seriously.
What I saw today was what I’ve come to call the Great Hunger. People coming from all over the world out of an unquenchable hunger for the Living God, and for a real encounter with Him. It struck me, that if they were getting this in their own churches, they wouldn’t be here. But here they were. Openly sharing their brokenness and how Jesus delivered them. Joining together in worship that was stripped down, simplified, filled with the presence of God and breathtakingly beautiful. It was joyful. It was humble. It was moving. It was FULL of the Spirit of God.
Here’s an idea. If you can’t or don’t want to go, how about just quietly praying that what’s happening there is really an outpouring from God — and that it spreads. And that God would protect it from every way the enemy will oppose it. Every. Way. Even from other believers, in what I pray is well-intentioned, efforts to discourage the spiritually hungry from going to where there is an abundance of the spiritual food they’re so desperate for.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 6:30pm
Jim Garlow: There were many Scriptures read by college students. Here was one student … and then a child reading The Word.
Jim Garlow: There were many Scriptures read by college students. Here was one student … and then a child reading The Word.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 5:30pm
Jim Garlow: (I don’t know who took this picture and sent it to my wife.)
Since almost everyone is under 25, on a lighter note, can you find anyone is this picture who just might be over the age limit?
Jim Garlow: (I don’t know who took this picture and sent it to my wife.)
Since almost everyone is under 25, on a lighter note, can you find anyone is this picture who just might be over the age limit?

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 5:30pm
Jim Garlow: What would a pilgrimage be to Wilmore be without being with the full-of-Jesus Beth Kinlaw Coppedge (daughter of the late great Dr. Dennis Kinlaw, the brilliant ATS Hebrew scholar, the former President of Asbury University, and the greatest teacher ever on the holiness of God) and her remarkable, Holy Spirit filled, Cambridge University Ph.D. husband, Dr. Al Coppedge?
We felt like we had been sitting at the feet of Jesus.
What a couple. And with their children and grandchildren, what an amazing family.
Jim Garlow: What would a pilgrimage be to Wilmore be without being with the full-of-Jesus Beth Kinlaw Coppedge (daughter of the late great Dr. Dennis Kinlaw, the brilliant ATS Hebrew scholar, the former President of Asbury University, and the greatest teacher ever on the holiness of God) and her remarkable, Holy Spirit filled, Cambridge University Ph.D. husband, Dr. Al Coppedge?
We felt like we had been sitting at the feet of Jesus.
What a couple. And with their children and grandchildren, what an amazing family.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 5:30pm
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 5pm
Jim Garlow: I never thought I would see signs like this … to a revival!
Jim Garlow: I never thought I would see signs like this … to a revival!

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 4pm
Jim Garlow: At the revival with amazing Dr Robert Coleman, now age 94, who was impacted by the 1950 Asbury revival and the author of the book ONE DIVINE MOMENT on the 1970 revival. Here he is enjoying the 2023 outpouring.
Jim Garlow: At the revival with amazing Dr Robert Coleman, now age 94, who was impacted by the 1950 Asbury revival and the author of the book ONE DIVINE MOMENT on the 1970 revival. Here he is enjoying the 2023 outpouring.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 2pm
Jim Garlow: Malachi O'Brien reports another campus impacted. Praise God
Jim Garlow: Malachi O'Brien reports another campus impacted. Praise God

Malachi O'Brien: #asburyrevival ANOTHER CAMPUS 🔥
I just heard that the chapel service at Oklahoma Baptist University has NOT stopped.
Stop and pray for them NOW!
More Lord. Mark a generation
I just heard that the chapel service at Oklahoma Baptist University has NOT stopped.
Stop and pray for them NOW!
More Lord. Mark a generation
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 12:35pm
Jim Garlow: “I am nothing without you.” Catch the spirit on this.
Jim Garlow: “I am nothing without you.” Catch the spirit on this.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 12:30pm
Jim Garlow: Kyle Bailey reports on Baylor University.
Jim Garlow: Kyle Bailey reports on Baylor University.

Kyle Bailey: Students gathering to pray for revival at Baylor University!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 12:20pm
Jim Garlow: Kyle Bailey shows the outside. Remarkable.
Jim Garlow: Kyle Bailey shows the outside. Remarkable.
Kyle Bailey: More Lord!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 11:45am
Jim Garlow: I wondered how changed schedule would impact The Outpouring. Given the fact that there are times when Hughes Auditorium was fully closed (1am) and given the fact that some hours are (wisely) age restricted (only persons under 25 can get in), I wondered if it might affect the atmosphere. It has not. When it was opened to the general public (all ages) at 1pm, Hughes was packed. It appeared that about 90% of the crowd is under 25. In addition, other venues are being used across the street at the Seminary: Estes Chapel, McKenna Chapel, the Seminary Gym and others.
In these two pictures, note that the altar is lined with Seekers of The Presence. Also, notice that the aisle is filled with persons waiting to get to the altar.
This is Day 13. Remarkable.
Jim Garlow: I wondered how changed schedule would impact The Outpouring. Given the fact that there are times when Hughes Auditorium was fully closed (1am) and given the fact that some hours are (wisely) age restricted (only persons under 25 can get in), I wondered if it might affect the atmosphere. It has not. When it was opened to the general public (all ages) at 1pm, Hughes was packed. It appeared that about 90% of the crowd is under 25. In addition, other venues are being used across the street at the Seminary: Estes Chapel, McKenna Chapel, the Seminary Gym and others.
In these two pictures, note that the altar is lined with Seekers of The Presence. Also, notice that the aisle is filled with persons waiting to get to the altar.
This is Day 13. Remarkable.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 20, 2023 @ 6am
Jim Garlow: We were in The Presence from 7pm to 1am.
Continual worship.
Worship team rotating about ever hour or two.
Altar call filled over and over the entire time.
Altar workers rotating in and out.
Scripture read.
About seven or eight short but very strong sermons on how to walk with God from this point on, a clear call to “death to self.”
I could not leave.
Jim Garlow: We were in The Presence from 7pm to 1am.
Continual worship.
Worship team rotating about ever hour or two.
Altar call filled over and over the entire time.
Altar workers rotating in and out.
Scripture read.
About seven or eight short but very strong sermons on how to walk with God from this point on, a clear call to “death to self.”
I could not leave.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 7:30pm
Jim Garlow: LIVE from Asbury Revival
Jim Garlow: LIVE from Asbury Revival
Damian Williams: I absolutely love this man's heart!
Thank you Jim Garlow for all that you model for me to follow. You have such a father's heart! Watching you get choked up brings tears to my eyes.
Few people have prayed so much and worked so hard to see a movement of the Lord in our country.
God is good!
Thank you Jim Garlow for all that you model for me to follow. You have such a father's heart! Watching you get choked up brings tears to my eyes.
Few people have prayed so much and worked so hard to see a movement of the Lord in our country.
God is good!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 5pm
Jim Garlow: In The Presence
Jim Garlow: In The Presence

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 1:50pm
Jim Garlow: May I have permission to ask that all of us stand in total support of President Kevin Brown and the Asbury leadership?
This is one of the most difficult and challenging tasks I have ever seen.
Support him.
This is hard.
He is doing a stellar job.
Jim Garlow: May I have permission to ask that all of us stand in total support of President Kevin Brown and the Asbury leadership?
This is one of the most difficult and challenging tasks I have ever seen.
Support him.
This is hard.
He is doing a stellar job.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 1:40pm
Jim Garlow: Lee University President Mark Walker tells what happened at Lee University, interviewed by S.e. Strang.
Jim Garlow: Lee University President Mark Walker tells what happened at Lee University, interviewed by S.e. Strang.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 1:40pm
Jim Garlow: New York City Preacher, Evangelist and Worship Leader Alma Rivera takes us back to these superb 1970 insights from the amazing Jeannine Brabon.
(Both of these ladies are good friends and contagious carriers of the Spirit of God.)
Jim Garlow: New York City Preacher, Evangelist and Worship Leader Alma Rivera takes us back to these superb 1970 insights from the amazing Jeannine Brabon.
(Both of these ladies are good friends and contagious carriers of the Spirit of God.)
Alma Rivera: My friend and intercesor Jeannine Brabon sharing her testimony about The Asbury Revival in 1970
She was an student and catalyst.
During her sophomore year 1967-1968 Jeanine Brabon began leading a half hour prayer meeting before each chapel service in the basement of Hughes Auditorium. Other groups were also meeting for prayer around the campus.
Jeannine obtained permission to conduct an all-night prayer meeting, which took place on Friday, October 3, 1969. There were around 150 students present. According to Jeannine’s testimony, “The Shekinah glory fell.” The prayer meeting continued till 3 a.m.
Following that prayer meeting, Jeannine and five other students began a 30-Day Great Experiment, wherein those six students covenanted with one another to spend at least 30 minutes in prayer and in the Bible every morning, writing down what the Lord showed them. They were then to share what they had learned and what God was doing in their life with other students during that day.
A second “Great Experiment” was started on January 2, 1970, and this one involved 36 students. On the last day of their “Experiment”, Saturday, January 31, those 36 students had the chapel service, wherein they shared how God had changed their lives over the course of the previous 30 days. Toward the close of the chapel service, Jeannine informed the students assembled that there were commitment cards on every chair in the chapel. She invited every student to join with them for another 30-Day “Great Experiment,” and 200 students made that commitment.
Three days later, Tuesday, February 3, 1970, during the chapel service in Hughes Auditorium, the revival broke out.
Gradually, inexplicably, students and faculty members alike found themselves quietly praying, weeping, singing. They sought out others to whom they had done wrong deeds and asked for forgiveness. The chapel service went on and on.
During that time The revival of 1970, had reached more than 130 other colleges, seminaries and Bible schools, and scores of churches, according to published accounts. It spread from New York to California, and even to South America.
Praising God for her precious life .
She was an student and catalyst.
During her sophomore year 1967-1968 Jeanine Brabon began leading a half hour prayer meeting before each chapel service in the basement of Hughes Auditorium. Other groups were also meeting for prayer around the campus.
Jeannine obtained permission to conduct an all-night prayer meeting, which took place on Friday, October 3, 1969. There were around 150 students present. According to Jeannine’s testimony, “The Shekinah glory fell.” The prayer meeting continued till 3 a.m.
Following that prayer meeting, Jeannine and five other students began a 30-Day Great Experiment, wherein those six students covenanted with one another to spend at least 30 minutes in prayer and in the Bible every morning, writing down what the Lord showed them. They were then to share what they had learned and what God was doing in their life with other students during that day.
A second “Great Experiment” was started on January 2, 1970, and this one involved 36 students. On the last day of their “Experiment”, Saturday, January 31, those 36 students had the chapel service, wherein they shared how God had changed their lives over the course of the previous 30 days. Toward the close of the chapel service, Jeannine informed the students assembled that there were commitment cards on every chair in the chapel. She invited every student to join with them for another 30-Day “Great Experiment,” and 200 students made that commitment.
Three days later, Tuesday, February 3, 1970, during the chapel service in Hughes Auditorium, the revival broke out.
Gradually, inexplicably, students and faculty members alike found themselves quietly praying, weeping, singing. They sought out others to whom they had done wrong deeds and asked for forgiveness. The chapel service went on and on.
During that time The revival of 1970, had reached more than 130 other colleges, seminaries and Bible schools, and scores of churches, according to published accounts. It spread from New York to California, and even to South America.
Praising God for her precious life .
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 1:40pm
Jim Garlow: Cincinnati Nazarene Pastor Daryl Blank observes that critics of the spiritual awakenings are not new. They have always been with us.
Jim Garlow: Cincinnati Nazarene Pastor Daryl Blank observes that critics of the spiritual awakenings are not new. They have always been with us.

Daryl Blank: Young people of Asbury University and beyond- Keep doing the next right thing. There will be critics and naysayers in the days and weeks ahead; just press on! In the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2) some made fun of these Holy Spirit filled followers, even accusing them of being drunk. “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning! No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
“‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people..."
Students- Stay the course until the Spirit leads otherwise. We are not just watching from a distance. We are praying on our knees in confession, repentance, and gratitude, just like you are. We are thankful to God for you and your obedience. #asburyrevival2023 #Revival2023
“‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people..."
Students- Stay the course until the Spirit leads otherwise. We are not just watching from a distance. We are praying on our knees in confession, repentance, and gratitude, just like you are. We are thankful to God for you and your obedience. #asburyrevival2023 #Revival2023
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 1:25pm
Jim Garlow:The Outpouring spreads to Catholics.
Jim Garlow:The Outpouring spreads to Catholics.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 1:20pm
Jim Garlow: Well, it wasn’t five loaves and two fish, but Beverly Lorenz explains that Chick-Fil-A will do.
Jim Garlow: Well, it wasn’t five loaves and two fish, but Beverly Lorenz explains that Chick-Fil-A will do.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 1:20pm
Jim Garlow: Steve Fish notes what this generation missed because of Covid, but what they are now getting. Very interesting.
Jim Garlow: Steve Fish notes what this generation missed because of Covid, but what they are now getting. Very interesting.

Steve Fish: They missed their graduations, their proms, their football games and were confined to masks and screens. In that season we all sang, “The Blessing”song from Numbers 6… “may his favor be on you to a thousand generations”.
Today, 3 years later, it was overwhelming to see this young generation sing this very song. Wells of life and passion breaking forth. Isolation shattered. Depression done and gone. Ashes exchanged for
crowns of victory. Our God is faithful to thousand generations! #asburyrevival2023
Today, 3 years later, it was overwhelming to see this young generation sing this very song. Wells of life and passion breaking forth. Isolation shattered. Depression done and gone. Ashes exchanged for
crowns of victory. Our God is faithful to thousand generations! #asburyrevival2023
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 1:18pm
Jim Garlow: Mick Veach reports a move of The Spirit at Kentwood Community Church in Michigan
Jim Garlow: Mick Veach reports a move of The Spirit at Kentwood Community Church in Michigan

Mike Veach: The Spirit was moving at KCC this morning!! No time for a sermon or anything else except:
We are coming back tonight impromptu at 6pm for more worship and hopefully a sermon
Fresh Wind
Fresh Power
Holy Spirit
We are coming back tonight impromptu at 6pm for more worship and hopefully a sermon

Fresh Wind
Fresh Power
Holy Spirit
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 1:15pm
Jim Garlow: David Guinn tells us it has hit Uganda.
Jim Garlow: David Guinn tells us it has hit Uganda.

David Guinn: Wow! There is a NATIONWIDE REVIVALl that has broke out in UGANDA.
From the four corners of this nation, God is setting the place on fire with His presence. It’s hard to describe what we are witnessing here. Close to 1,000 souls saved this week. Each trip in, it builds. Uganda4Jesus crusades may be in August. However, now is the hour for Uganda.
-via James Cowen
From the four corners of this nation, God is setting the place on fire with His presence. It’s hard to describe what we are witnessing here. Close to 1,000 souls saved this week. Each trip in, it builds. Uganda4Jesus crusades may be in August. However, now is the hour for Uganda.
-via James Cowen
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 12pm
Jim Garlow: Max Vanderpool labels this positively as “a pilgrimage”
Jim Garlow: Max Vanderpool labels this positively as “a pilgrimage”

Max Vanderpool: A Pilgrimage
Several nights this week, I've volunteered at Asbury University (where I teach on the side) to help out with all the people. And there have been so many people! I've met folks from all over the USA and from places like Portugal, England, Brazil, and Uganda who intentionally journeyed to Wilmore, Kentucky.
But it wasn't until a pastor's coffee this week where I began to understand what I was seeing. My pastoral colleague, the Orthodox priest in town, remarked, "You Protestants have re-invented the pilgrimage." He's right. I've watched it unfold every night at Asbury.
At its core, a pilgrimage is physical travel for a spiritual goal. The Old Testament required Jews to make at least three of them a year. And in early Christendom, many believers made the journey to the Holy Land to places like Bethlehem. By the Middle Ages (and with the collapse of the Roman Empire), these pilgrims visited "holy sites" like the bones of Thomas Becket at Canterbury (Becket was martyred in 1170).
We Protestants ditched the idea (along with so many other things). But there seems to be value in making a pilgrimage. Why?
You journey to a "holy place" to encounter God, but you often find that God meets you on the way. This is the testimony of so many people (who traveled as individuals or couples). They met other pilgrims in line from distant places. They found they had much in common. They prayed together. And they journeyed together into Hughes Auditorium.
Of course, God cannot be contained in a box. “But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!" (1 Kings 8:27) The earliest Christians were also adamant: "Don’t you [all y'all] know that you [all y'all] yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your [all y'all's] midst?" (1 Corinthians 3:16)
I think I understand now (a little better) why people say that life is a journey (and not a destination). And I think I see how pilgrimages are a metaphor for life itself:
O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms!
O how bright the path grows from day to day,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms!
Several nights this week, I've volunteered at Asbury University (where I teach on the side) to help out with all the people. And there have been so many people! I've met folks from all over the USA and from places like Portugal, England, Brazil, and Uganda who intentionally journeyed to Wilmore, Kentucky.
But it wasn't until a pastor's coffee this week where I began to understand what I was seeing. My pastoral colleague, the Orthodox priest in town, remarked, "You Protestants have re-invented the pilgrimage." He's right. I've watched it unfold every night at Asbury.
At its core, a pilgrimage is physical travel for a spiritual goal. The Old Testament required Jews to make at least three of them a year. And in early Christendom, many believers made the journey to the Holy Land to places like Bethlehem. By the Middle Ages (and with the collapse of the Roman Empire), these pilgrims visited "holy sites" like the bones of Thomas Becket at Canterbury (Becket was martyred in 1170).
We Protestants ditched the idea (along with so many other things). But there seems to be value in making a pilgrimage. Why?
You journey to a "holy place" to encounter God, but you often find that God meets you on the way. This is the testimony of so many people (who traveled as individuals or couples). They met other pilgrims in line from distant places. They found they had much in common. They prayed together. And they journeyed together into Hughes Auditorium.
Of course, God cannot be contained in a box. “But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!" (1 Kings 8:27) The earliest Christians were also adamant: "Don’t you [all y'all] know that you [all y'all] yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your [all y'all's] midst?" (1 Corinthians 3:16)
I think I understand now (a little better) why people say that life is a journey (and not a destination). And I think I see how pilgrimages are a metaphor for life itself:
O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms!
O how bright the path grows from day to day,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 19, 2023 @ 6am
Jim Garlow: Here are the newest guidelines from Asbury.
(Again, I marvel at how well the Asbury officials are handling a wonderful, yet challenging situation. They have demonstrated exceptional Holy Spirit-given discernment and wisdom.
Jim Garlow: Here are the newest guidelines from Asbury.
(Again, I marvel at how well the Asbury officials are handling a wonderful, yet challenging situation. They have demonstrated exceptional Holy Spirit-given discernment and wisdom.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 18, 2023 @ 9pm
Jim Garlow: The Outpouring hits Cumberlands University.
Jim Garlow: The Outpouring hits Cumberlands University.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 18, 2023 @ 8:30pm
Jim Garlow: Thanks to Kenna Sapp for this picture of people who could not get into the auditorium(a) simply kneeling and worshiping Our Lord and Savior.
Jim Garlow: Thanks to Kenna Sapp for this picture of people who could not get into the auditorium(a) simply kneeling and worshiping Our Lord and Savior.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 18, 2023 @ 8pm
Jim Garlow: Mike Powers reports that with five auditoriums now filled, worshippers stand outside and - you guessed it - worshipped.
Jim Garlow: Mike Powers reports that with five auditoriums now filled, worshippers stand outside and - you guessed it - worshipped.

Mike Powers: When Hughes Auditorium, Estes Chapel, McKenna Chapel, Great Commission Fellowship and Asbury Seminary gymnasium are filled to overflowing, the semicircle becomes a natural cathedral where hundreds of seekers and believers are gathering to praise Jesus and experience the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 18, 2023 @ 8pm
Jim Garlow: Adam Frano gives a spectacular explanation of the core of what is happening in the lives of the college students.
Jim Garlow: Adam Frano gives a spectacular explanation of the core of what is happening in the lives of the college students.

Adam Frano: It wasn’t about being apart of a big popular event.
It wasn’t even about a bunch of Christian’s coming together in worship and prayer.
It was about individuals (a lot of them) surrendering to God, all the stuff in their lives that they lost control of. The stuff that keeps them up at night. The pains of anxiety, depression, self-worth, addictions, etc. The real revival took place in each of them who handed over these issues to God, at Asbury. I was one of those who received revival inside of me, because I gave all my stuff over to a God that’s bigger then my issues. I repented and surrendered it all, and because of that I was set free!

I am forever grateful for the revival that took place in me at the Asbury Revival!
It wasn’t even about a bunch of Christian’s coming together in worship and prayer.
It was about individuals (a lot of them) surrendering to God, all the stuff in their lives that they lost control of. The stuff that keeps them up at night. The pains of anxiety, depression, self-worth, addictions, etc. The real revival took place in each of them who handed over these issues to God, at Asbury. I was one of those who received revival inside of me, because I gave all my stuff over to a God that’s bigger then my issues. I repented and surrendered it all, and because of that I was set free!

I am forever grateful for the revival that took place in me at the Asbury Revival!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 18, 2023 @ 7pm
Jim Garlow: It’s exciting to see excitement for Jesus ! Thank you Adam Frano
Jim Garlow: It’s exciting to see excitement for Jesus ! Thank you Adam Frano
Adam Frano:
We are overflowing unto the nation’s!!
Asbury Revival!!

We are overflowing unto the nation’s!!
Asbury Revival!!

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 18, 2023 @ 6pm
Jim Garlow: Local news - Lexington, Kentucky - covering The Outpouring.
Jim Garlow: Local news - Lexington, Kentucky - covering The Outpouring.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 18, 2023 @ 8:25am
Jim Garlow: Sarah Thomas Baldwin gives a stirring report of the depth of people’s hunger for God. And notice the enormous sacrifices on the part of college and seminary administrators, faculty and staff to help with the crowds.
Jim Garlow: Sarah Thomas Baldwin gives a stirring report of the depth of people’s hunger for God. And notice the enormous sacrifices on the part of college and seminary administrators, faculty and staff to help with the crowds.

Sarah Thomas Baldwin: Day 10:
Wilmore community~ I am undone by your service. You are holding with such patience the inconvenience of the crowds, the crazy parking, and the sheer press of humanity. So much gratitude. Most of the people coming have no idea that their usher navigating the wheelchair through the rain has a Ph.D. and their prayer minister is a retired seminary professor. Most of the people don't know how huge numbers of you have set aside your jobs, your family time, and your sleep to show up and direct people, check bags, and sometimes set aside your preference in musical style
to be up late into the night in prayer. Many of you could preach and teach as you have done around the world and on the Asbury campuses. Yet you are so humble to take out the trash and stand out in the cold to get people inside. You have offered to do what you can and it has been loaves and fishes. We will never be the same.
Everyone~ I was wrecked last night for the people. On the ground here, we haven't had a lot of time to process or theologize or get our minds and hearts around all that is happening.
But what I do know is:
People are desperately hungry to experience God. So hungry, that they pile their small children in a van and drive across the country and stand for hours in a line in the cold.
So hungry, that they are arriving from Brazil, Mexico, Poland, South Korea, Canada, Kenya, Ireland, England, and more, changing their plans, showing up after traveling for over a day, wanting to experience God here, sometimes speaking little or no english.
So hungry, that they wait for hours in freezing temperatures because they want to be at the altar.
As I look out over the crowd in Hughes, I see and hear broken-down people, small children, people in wheelchairs, young people with stories of addiction, moms who are crying over their children in rehab, and shining faces who want so badly to see Jesus and who seem to be deeply experiencing an outpouring of the love of God.
Every generation, every socio-economic class, every ethnicity that's what I see.
Last night I walked down the wait line, (trying to persuade people to go to the warm simulcast sites), and I am totally wrecked by their need for God.
By my need for God.
I write this in tears, overwhelmed that God would do a work here in front of my eyes.
Wilmore community~ I am undone by your service. You are holding with such patience the inconvenience of the crowds, the crazy parking, and the sheer press of humanity. So much gratitude. Most of the people coming have no idea that their usher navigating the wheelchair through the rain has a Ph.D. and their prayer minister is a retired seminary professor. Most of the people don't know how huge numbers of you have set aside your jobs, your family time, and your sleep to show up and direct people, check bags, and sometimes set aside your preference in musical style

Everyone~ I was wrecked last night for the people. On the ground here, we haven't had a lot of time to process or theologize or get our minds and hearts around all that is happening.
But what I do know is:
People are desperately hungry to experience God. So hungry, that they pile their small children in a van and drive across the country and stand for hours in a line in the cold.
So hungry, that they are arriving from Brazil, Mexico, Poland, South Korea, Canada, Kenya, Ireland, England, and more, changing their plans, showing up after traveling for over a day, wanting to experience God here, sometimes speaking little or no english.
So hungry, that they wait for hours in freezing temperatures because they want to be at the altar.
As I look out over the crowd in Hughes, I see and hear broken-down people, small children, people in wheelchairs, young people with stories of addiction, moms who are crying over their children in rehab, and shining faces who want so badly to see Jesus and who seem to be deeply experiencing an outpouring of the love of God.
Every generation, every socio-economic class, every ethnicity that's what I see.
Last night I walked down the wait line, (trying to persuade people to go to the warm simulcast sites), and I am totally wrecked by their need for God.
By my need for God.
I write this in tears, overwhelmed that God would do a work here in front of my eyes.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 18, 2023 @ 8:20am
Jim Garlow: Parsons report of the entire audience going to their knees to repent at The Outpouring. Caleb Parke posted from Scott Parsons.
Jim Garlow: Parsons report of the entire audience going to their knees to repent at The Outpouring. Caleb Parke posted from Scott Parsons.

Caleb Parke: #asburyrevival UPDATE:
"The entire sanctuary got on their knees in a posture of repentance and confession for over 15 minutes...1,600 plus people repented and asked for forgiveness. You hear the heartbeat of Jesus in the silence in the room."
-Scott Parsons
"The entire sanctuary got on their knees in a posture of repentance and confession for over 15 minutes...1,600 plus people repented and asked for forgiveness. You hear the heartbeat of Jesus in the silence in the room."
-Scott Parsons
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 18, 2023 @ 7:30am
Jim Garlow: Thank you Fawn Parish for forwarding articles regarding The Outpouring at Sanford University in Birmingham, Alabama.
Jim Garlow: Thank you Fawn Parish for forwarding articles regarding The Outpouring at Sanford University in Birmingham, Alabama.

Fawn Parish: Asbury Revival Spreads to 4th University: 'The Holy Spirit Is at Work' by Michael Foust
The Asbury University revival that entered its 10th day Friday has spread to multiple other schools, including Samford University, which is experiencing its own movement of God with student-led worship and prayer that has stretched to about 48 hours.
Samford, located in Samford, Ala., is at least the fourth school to see a spontaneous revival break out among students. As previously reported by Christian Headlines, Lee University in Tennessee and Cedarville University in Ohio also have experienced unscripted revivals this week.
Beck A. Taylor, president of Samford University, emailed students Friday, thanking God for the revival. The revival at Reid Chapel on the Samford campus had been going on for 48 continuous hours as of Friday morning, he said.
Samford is located about 400 miles from Asbury's Wilmore, Ky., campus.
"This is spontaneous, organic, student-led worship," Taylor wrote. "Having spent some time yesterday with those worshipping in Reid Chapel, I can testify that the Holy Spirit is at work in and among our student body.
What's happening isn't contrived, programmed, or scripted. Nor is it performative or disingenuous. Students and others see it as an opportunity for the Samford campus to find unity in Christ, to encourage one another to faithfulness, and to extend the love and grace of Jesus to everyone."
Taylor urged students to "resist the temptation to label what's happening, or to put it into some kind of a neat box."
"I'm convinced that God is doing a new thing here, and all we're asked to do is to remain faithful to God's calling," Taylor wrote. "Our theme this year is HOPE. Our hope can be found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. As we worship Jesus today, let's allow hope to abound in us so that we can spread God's hope throughout this campus and the world."
“It’s the most unified I’ve seen our student body.” “It’s unscripted and not programmed. The Spirit is leading.” “Students are sharing from their hearts.” “The Gospel is being proclaimed.” “Our campus will never be the same.” Pray for Samford’s campus!
Praise God!
— Beck A. Taylor (@BeckTaylor) February 16, 2023
According to The Alabama Baptist newspaper, the unscripted revival began on Wednesday when a student "walked into Reid Chapel and began softly playing worship songs on the piano," a university spokesperson told the newspaper. Soon, a "few students heard the music, walked into the chapel and began to worship along with the student," the newspaper reported. By 2 a.m., there were 150-200 people in the chapel.
"Students are sharing from their hearts," Taylor wrote in a Tweet. "The gospel is being proclaimed."
The widespread revivals are taking place some five decades after another major student-led revival spread across college campuses. That 1970-era revival eventually was dubbed the Jesus Movement and landed on the cover of Time Magazine. Ironically, a movie about that revival, Jesus Revolution, will hit theaters on Feb. 24.
The Asbury University revival that entered its 10th day Friday has spread to multiple other schools, including Samford University, which is experiencing its own movement of God with student-led worship and prayer that has stretched to about 48 hours.
Samford, located in Samford, Ala., is at least the fourth school to see a spontaneous revival break out among students. As previously reported by Christian Headlines, Lee University in Tennessee and Cedarville University in Ohio also have experienced unscripted revivals this week.
Beck A. Taylor, president of Samford University, emailed students Friday, thanking God for the revival. The revival at Reid Chapel on the Samford campus had been going on for 48 continuous hours as of Friday morning, he said.
Samford is located about 400 miles from Asbury's Wilmore, Ky., campus.
"This is spontaneous, organic, student-led worship," Taylor wrote. "Having spent some time yesterday with those worshipping in Reid Chapel, I can testify that the Holy Spirit is at work in and among our student body.
What's happening isn't contrived, programmed, or scripted. Nor is it performative or disingenuous. Students and others see it as an opportunity for the Samford campus to find unity in Christ, to encourage one another to faithfulness, and to extend the love and grace of Jesus to everyone."
Taylor urged students to "resist the temptation to label what's happening, or to put it into some kind of a neat box."
"I'm convinced that God is doing a new thing here, and all we're asked to do is to remain faithful to God's calling," Taylor wrote. "Our theme this year is HOPE. Our hope can be found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. As we worship Jesus today, let's allow hope to abound in us so that we can spread God's hope throughout this campus and the world."
“It’s the most unified I’ve seen our student body.” “It’s unscripted and not programmed. The Spirit is leading.” “Students are sharing from their hearts.” “The Gospel is being proclaimed.” “Our campus will never be the same.” Pray for Samford’s campus!

— Beck A. Taylor (@BeckTaylor) February 16, 2023
According to The Alabama Baptist newspaper, the unscripted revival began on Wednesday when a student "walked into Reid Chapel and began softly playing worship songs on the piano," a university spokesperson told the newspaper. Soon, a "few students heard the music, walked into the chapel and began to worship along with the student," the newspaper reported. By 2 a.m., there were 150-200 people in the chapel.
"Students are sharing from their hearts," Taylor wrote in a Tweet. "The gospel is being proclaimed."
The widespread revivals are taking place some five decades after another major student-led revival spread across college campuses. That 1970-era revival eventually was dubbed the Jesus Movement and landed on the cover of Time Magazine. Ironically, a movie about that revival, Jesus Revolution, will hit theaters on Feb. 24.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 18, 2023 @ 4am
Jim Garlow: Kari Jobe gives impressions
Jim Garlow: Kari Jobe gives impressions
Kari Jobe: I drove to Wilmore Kentucky to the Asbury Revival last night. I’ve been processing with the Lord ever since. I wanted to stand in the room where revival was happening and just talk to Him there. Something is stirring and He is moving. And it’s spreading like wild fire in the hearts and lives of people who are hungry and longing for Him. Standing in that room last night I felt like what it may have felt like in days of old. It was pure. It was humble. It was reverent. It was expectant. It was hungry. It was desperate. I’m forever impacted.
It’s all about Jesus. Spirit of God- move across the earth with revival. I think purity is where is starts, hunger is where it grows, and longing is how it stays.
“I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”
John 4:35
It’s all about Jesus. Spirit of God- move across the earth with revival. I think purity is where is starts, hunger is where it grows, and longing is how it stays.
“I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”
John 4:35
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 7:45pm
Jim Garlow: Damian Williams cousin Michelle Bondi outlined the characteristics of The Outpouring. Note number 3. This is always the result of a repentance driven renewal.
Jim Garlow: Damian Williams cousin Michelle Bondi outlined the characteristics of The Outpouring. Note number 3. This is always the result of a repentance driven renewal.
Damian Williams: My cousin Michelle Bondi just texted me asking what is happening at Asbury this afternoon?
This is what is happening:
1. There is a non stop atmosphere of humility. The River flows to the lowest places!
2. The Holy Spirit has filled the atmosphere with Love and Peace!
3. People are being set free from pornography, anxiety, drugs, and other addictions!
4. Many people are experiencing physical healing!
5. There is spontaneous and passionate prayer for cities and states!
6. A few dozen or so just went forward to receive Christ!
7. Jesus is Lord of everything. Ego, celebrities, and hype is nowhere to be found!
8. The students are leading under the leadership of King Jesus.
Prayer is rising up as sweet incense to Heaven. Fire is falling to the earth...
"Day and night, night and day let incense arise..."
This is what is happening:
1. There is a non stop atmosphere of humility. The River flows to the lowest places!
2. The Holy Spirit has filled the atmosphere with Love and Peace!
3. People are being set free from pornography, anxiety, drugs, and other addictions!
4. Many people are experiencing physical healing!
5. There is spontaneous and passionate prayer for cities and states!
6. A few dozen or so just went forward to receive Christ!
7. Jesus is Lord of everything. Ego, celebrities, and hype is nowhere to be found!
8. The students are leading under the leadership of King Jesus.
Prayer is rising up as sweet incense to Heaven. Fire is falling to the earth...
"Day and night, night and day let incense arise..."
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 6:45pm
Jim Garlow: Merlyn D Zamora shares that some preachers and singers have asked to come speak and sing at The Outpouring. He goes on to warn, “Don’t touch the Ark.”
This Move of God is so sacred, it would be tragic if some well meaning persons intruded into the Holy of Holies.
When a revival is about repentance, about “death to self,” the last thing we need is someone barging in to lead it. The college students are leading it under a stunning anointing. The college officials are shepherding this perfectly.
Some of my friends are coming to Asbury the same time we are. I said, “We won’t look for each other. We are all coming for one reason: to be in The Presence.”
Jim Garlow: Merlyn D Zamora shares that some preachers and singers have asked to come speak and sing at The Outpouring. He goes on to warn, “Don’t touch the Ark.”
This Move of God is so sacred, it would be tragic if some well meaning persons intruded into the Holy of Holies.
When a revival is about repentance, about “death to self,” the last thing we need is someone barging in to lead it. The college students are leading it under a stunning anointing. The college officials are shepherding this perfectly.
Some of my friends are coming to Asbury the same time we are. I said, “We won’t look for each other. We are all coming for one reason: to be in The Presence.”
Merlyn D Zamora: DON'T TOUCH THE ARK...
(Reflection on the revival at Asbury University)
For these days the Christian world not only in the United States, but throughout the world has laid its eyes on the House of Theological Studies in Asbury, Kentucky. Since last February 8th the Holy Spirit took over a group of students and teachers and now it's more than 150 hours of uninterrupted revival, the main characteristics of this move are repentance, prayer and worship. The protagonists, the Holy Spirit of God, young students from various cities and Evangelical backgrounds, professors and leaders of the university. Already reported long lines waiting to enter the main auditorium, the management of the school has decided to enable other halls with sufficient capacity to receive all those who are arriving from several cities in the country, all school programs have been stopped and postponed, the preference is the Holy Spirit and the work He is doing in hearts.
Today I read the news about one of the great "preachers of today" who asked Asbury leaders to participate in times or services as a preacher, I have heard similar requests regarding great singers, Christian artists, lecturers and apostles of the time... The response received is not only overwhelming, I strongly believe it is the INDICATED!!!! NOT!!!!! why do we insist on touching, influencing or being a protagonist in what God in His Sovereignty has decided to do?
In 2 Samuel 6, King David intends to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, somewhere along the way the cart loses balance and facing the danger of the Precious Load falling to the ground Uza stretches out his hands and touches the Ark of the covenant, the answer Divina didn't expect it, Uza fell dead for such an action, such a mission was not appropriate for him, reserved by God only to priests and levites.
Undoubtedly, an example of what happens when we try to be a part of something where God has already chosen His instruments, where God has already decided in His Sovereignty how to do it, when to do it and through whom to do it...
What happens at Asbury is undoubtedly a spiritual explosion of repentance, prayer and worship in the Spirit, without the influence of those who believe to be the reason for God's move in their multitudes of events, with their networks of apostolic coverage, their prophecies, their mega churches, their hundreds of books and cds, among other things. There’s no “evangelical” merchandise in Asbury, social media revivalists, prophets who “see things” concerts scheduled to keep the “fire” nor emotions provided by lights, smoke and technological stages.
Revivals are provoked by hearts surrendered to God, repentant souls, people like these young people thirsty for His Presence.
It's the Holy Spirit who awakens, it's He who chooses when to do it, where and who to use!!!!
I call on all servants of the Lord to respect the Work of the Spirit in Asbury, to be part but from prayer, to call that this move spreads throughout the country and the world, to reach our needy churches, sometimes full of excessive programming and little space in the move of God.
Please beloved servants, conservants, singers, psalmists and so on, LET'S NOT TOUCH THE ARK!!!!. Let God use the unknown, the repentant young man, the unpromoted preacher, the apprentice musician, whom HE WANTS TO USE!!!!!
(Reflection on the revival at Asbury University)
For these days the Christian world not only in the United States, but throughout the world has laid its eyes on the House of Theological Studies in Asbury, Kentucky. Since last February 8th the Holy Spirit took over a group of students and teachers and now it's more than 150 hours of uninterrupted revival, the main characteristics of this move are repentance, prayer and worship. The protagonists, the Holy Spirit of God, young students from various cities and Evangelical backgrounds, professors and leaders of the university. Already reported long lines waiting to enter the main auditorium, the management of the school has decided to enable other halls with sufficient capacity to receive all those who are arriving from several cities in the country, all school programs have been stopped and postponed, the preference is the Holy Spirit and the work He is doing in hearts.
Today I read the news about one of the great "preachers of today" who asked Asbury leaders to participate in times or services as a preacher, I have heard similar requests regarding great singers, Christian artists, lecturers and apostles of the time... The response received is not only overwhelming, I strongly believe it is the INDICATED!!!! NOT!!!!! why do we insist on touching, influencing or being a protagonist in what God in His Sovereignty has decided to do?
In 2 Samuel 6, King David intends to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, somewhere along the way the cart loses balance and facing the danger of the Precious Load falling to the ground Uza stretches out his hands and touches the Ark of the covenant, the answer Divina didn't expect it, Uza fell dead for such an action, such a mission was not appropriate for him, reserved by God only to priests and levites.
Undoubtedly, an example of what happens when we try to be a part of something where God has already chosen His instruments, where God has already decided in His Sovereignty how to do it, when to do it and through whom to do it...
What happens at Asbury is undoubtedly a spiritual explosion of repentance, prayer and worship in the Spirit, without the influence of those who believe to be the reason for God's move in their multitudes of events, with their networks of apostolic coverage, their prophecies, their mega churches, their hundreds of books and cds, among other things. There’s no “evangelical” merchandise in Asbury, social media revivalists, prophets who “see things” concerts scheduled to keep the “fire” nor emotions provided by lights, smoke and technological stages.
Revivals are provoked by hearts surrendered to God, repentant souls, people like these young people thirsty for His Presence.
It's the Holy Spirit who awakens, it's He who chooses when to do it, where and who to use!!!!
I call on all servants of the Lord to respect the Work of the Spirit in Asbury, to be part but from prayer, to call that this move spreads throughout the country and the world, to reach our needy churches, sometimes full of excessive programming and little space in the move of God.
Please beloved servants, conservants, singers, psalmists and so on, LET'S NOT TOUCH THE ARK!!!!. Let God use the unknown, the repentant young man, the unpromoted preacher, the apprentice musician, whom HE WANTS TO USE!!!!!

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 5pm
Jim Garlow: Thanks to this brother who did a video of outside the building on Day 10.
Jim Garlow: Thanks to this brother who did a video of outside the building on Day 10.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 4pm
Jim Garlow: How it impacts people -
Mike Courtney wrote that he was not going to write or post about it, but after going to Asbury he “was consumed with a passion to tell everyone.”
Jim Garlow: How it impacts people -
Mike Courtney wrote that he was not going to write or post about it, but after going to Asbury he “was consumed with a passion to tell everyone.”
Mike Cortney: Okay, this goes high on the list of the dumbest things I've ever said. I told Doris yesterday morning, "I am going to go to Asbury and I'm not going to take pictures, post videos, or write about it. I just want to experience it, not see how many social media clicks I can get." John R W Stott wrote in a commentary on Isaiah 6, "To catch but a passing glimpse of the glory of God is to burn forever after with the desire to make Him known."
Good intentions aside, while I was there I was consumed with the passion to tell everyone I could about the incredible joy there is in the presence of God. Sooo, I'm going to write about it....but not here. I want to collect my thoughts, let God speak. Tomorrow just happens to be my monthly personal retreat day at Mr. Tumbles. I'm going to go and meditate on my experience, then have God say what He wants to say. I'm excited.
For now, just two thoughts. There are a lot of things flying around, either criticizing this movement or defending it. Most of those people are a lot smarter than I am. Some of it I have read, much of it, I have not. My response to all of that, after having sat for several hours in the beautiful, old, Hughes Auditorium, is pretty much the same as the blind man that Jesus healed. When confronted by critics and detractors, he said, "Whether this is from God or not, you are going to have to figure out. All I know is once I was blind and now I can see." (John 9:25)
The other thought is, there is not something spectacular happening in a building on a college campus in Wilmore. God is not showing up there in a way that is different than how He shows up every Sunday at your church, or for that matter, every morning in your devotional time. The thing that is happening is in the hearts of the hundreds, maybe thousands of college kids, local townspeople, pastors and staff members, old, fat guys driving up from Tennessee, who walk onto that campus and into the various rooms EXPECTING to have an encounter with Yahweh. I told Doris, when I wasn't sure if I was going to get in, or even make it all of the way there, (the weather and traffic were bad), "I could turn around and come home right now. God has already stirred my heart so." This mighty move of God is not about a location or even a specific time. It is about hungry, eager, anticipating hearts that desperately want to see God and believe that they will. Maybe that's what Elijah discovered when God came, not in the wind or the fire but the whisper. (I Kings 19:11-13)
So, I will write. I will try to tell you, not what is happening in Kentucky, but what is happening in my heart. Because, the revival on the campus of Asbury, like all revivals, will someday end. And you may or may not get to visit it. But the overwhelming, incredibly joyful, life-giving presence of Jesus that comes into hearts that are expecting Him is available right now, right where you are, right in the middle of what you are going through. Ephesians 3:16-21, that's the prayer. Not that you get to see God move in Hughes Auditorium but that you "know the love of Christ that is beyond understanding."
Here's a very brief video clip as I left last night. It's addressed to my pastor. It says NOTHING. But the joy of having been in the middle of the love of God is, I hope, evident. That's what I will write.
Good intentions aside, while I was there I was consumed with the passion to tell everyone I could about the incredible joy there is in the presence of God. Sooo, I'm going to write about it....but not here. I want to collect my thoughts, let God speak. Tomorrow just happens to be my monthly personal retreat day at Mr. Tumbles. I'm going to go and meditate on my experience, then have God say what He wants to say. I'm excited.
For now, just two thoughts. There are a lot of things flying around, either criticizing this movement or defending it. Most of those people are a lot smarter than I am. Some of it I have read, much of it, I have not. My response to all of that, after having sat for several hours in the beautiful, old, Hughes Auditorium, is pretty much the same as the blind man that Jesus healed. When confronted by critics and detractors, he said, "Whether this is from God or not, you are going to have to figure out. All I know is once I was blind and now I can see." (John 9:25)
The other thought is, there is not something spectacular happening in a building on a college campus in Wilmore. God is not showing up there in a way that is different than how He shows up every Sunday at your church, or for that matter, every morning in your devotional time. The thing that is happening is in the hearts of the hundreds, maybe thousands of college kids, local townspeople, pastors and staff members, old, fat guys driving up from Tennessee, who walk onto that campus and into the various rooms EXPECTING to have an encounter with Yahweh. I told Doris, when I wasn't sure if I was going to get in, or even make it all of the way there, (the weather and traffic were bad), "I could turn around and come home right now. God has already stirred my heart so." This mighty move of God is not about a location or even a specific time. It is about hungry, eager, anticipating hearts that desperately want to see God and believe that they will. Maybe that's what Elijah discovered when God came, not in the wind or the fire but the whisper. (I Kings 19:11-13)
So, I will write. I will try to tell you, not what is happening in Kentucky, but what is happening in my heart. Because, the revival on the campus of Asbury, like all revivals, will someday end. And you may or may not get to visit it. But the overwhelming, incredibly joyful, life-giving presence of Jesus that comes into hearts that are expecting Him is available right now, right where you are, right in the middle of what you are going through. Ephesians 3:16-21, that's the prayer. Not that you get to see God move in Hughes Auditorium but that you "know the love of Christ that is beyond understanding."
Here's a very brief video clip as I left last night. It's addressed to my pastor. It says NOTHING. But the joy of having been in the middle of the love of God is, I hope, evident. That's what I will write.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 5pm
Jim Garlow: We look for ways to describe The Outpouring. Brian L Powell has helped us. He calls it “sitting at the feet of Jesus.”
Jim Garlow: We look for ways to describe The Outpouring. Brian L Powell has helped us. He calls it “sitting at the feet of Jesus.”

Brian L Powell: My time at Asbury University this week has been inspiring, to say the least. So many people from so many places traveling to experience this unique outpouring of God’s love. Asbury Seminary has opened Estes Chapel for overflow seating. There’s no agenda, no celebrity pastors, and no well-known worship teams. Yet people are waiting in long lines to get inside. What started with a few students has turned into people of all ages and backgrounds gathering to sit at the feet of Jesus. It’s beautiful in every way. #revival #asbury #asburyrevival
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 12:52pm
Jim Garlow: I am not sure if this is directly tied to Asbury or not, but Jay Akkerman gives a report on NNu
Jim Garlow: I am not sure if this is directly tied to Asbury or not, but Jay Akkerman gives a report on NNu

Jay Akkerman: Please join us in praying for NNU‘s 2023 Spiritual Awakening series led by my former student, Rev. Danny Atkins. What a beautiful outpouring of the Spirit today through worship and Danny’s anointed message. Even more than an hour after our traditional chapel time ended, a great number of students, staff, and faculty were still waiting before God in prayer and worship. Such a beautiful time acknowledging the outpouring of God‘s mercy and grace over our lives. I was honored to pray with one of my favorite students, who laid prostrate on the floor in prayer. It really is a beautiful thing to see God’s cleansing and healing presence at work in so many hearts. Looking forward to seeing how God uses this in the days ahead! +>j
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 12:50pm
Jim Garlow: Phil Spriggs gives 6 observations.
Jim Garlow: Phil Spriggs gives 6 observations.

Phil Spriggs: Earlier this week I had the joy of attending the revival on the campus of Asbury College. I wasn’t sure I would write anything about my experience. So much has been said and I affirm all the positive reports that I have read and heard. Let me just say, “It’s Real”!! My heart has been stirred deeply.
I have decided to share some thoughts from my experience.
1. The Manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit is Palpable: It is obvious to anyone in the room that the Holy Spirit is the worship leader of this awakening.
2. The Obedience of Gen Z: I love that this awakening didn’t start in a local church. It started in the hearts of a group of Gen Z students from all walks of life and church backgrounds. When they started to worship, pray, sing, and listen, everyone in the room followed.
3. Faithful Oversight of Local Leaders: It is obvious that the leadership overseeing this awakening is committed to following God’s leading along the way. They are committed to loving oversight while allowing freedom of the Holy Spirit to move. They incorporate testimonies, seasons of prayer, times for confession, Bible teaching, and unscripted praise and worship. By the way, I love that they are providing pizza, snacks, and drinks in a room off of the chapel for students who don’t want to leave the building to eat.
4. A Commitment to Gen Z: There are seats reserved front and center for students of Asbury at all times. For the evening session, they reserve the entire middle section in the Chapel for Gen Z without apologies.
5. The Waves of God’s Glory: At any given time during my visit, it would be … quiet; jubilant; prayerful; silent; exuberant; reflective; loud; heavenly; admonishing through the spoken Word of God and practical instructions for seating, meals, and breaks.
6. Expectancy: Everyone … expectant … ready to hear from God … ready to follow God.
I walked away saying to myself … “This is everything the church should be every Sunday! … Unity ( no matter your age, race, class, or religious background), Joy, Expectancy, Exuberance, Prayer, Confession, and the Preaching of God’s Word”
I have found that many times revival starts in the hungry, transparent hearts of young people and spreads into the lives of their elders. I pray that this move of God flows into our local churches all around the world. It won’t be because we are trying to be like a famous church, preacher, or worship leader. It will be because we want to be like our Famous God!
#asburyuniversity #asburyrevival2023 #asbury
I have decided to share some thoughts from my experience.
1. The Manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit is Palpable: It is obvious to anyone in the room that the Holy Spirit is the worship leader of this awakening.
2. The Obedience of Gen Z: I love that this awakening didn’t start in a local church. It started in the hearts of a group of Gen Z students from all walks of life and church backgrounds. When they started to worship, pray, sing, and listen, everyone in the room followed.
3. Faithful Oversight of Local Leaders: It is obvious that the leadership overseeing this awakening is committed to following God’s leading along the way. They are committed to loving oversight while allowing freedom of the Holy Spirit to move. They incorporate testimonies, seasons of prayer, times for confession, Bible teaching, and unscripted praise and worship. By the way, I love that they are providing pizza, snacks, and drinks in a room off of the chapel for students who don’t want to leave the building to eat.
4. A Commitment to Gen Z: There are seats reserved front and center for students of Asbury at all times. For the evening session, they reserve the entire middle section in the Chapel for Gen Z without apologies.
5. The Waves of God’s Glory: At any given time during my visit, it would be … quiet; jubilant; prayerful; silent; exuberant; reflective; loud; heavenly; admonishing through the spoken Word of God and practical instructions for seating, meals, and breaks.
6. Expectancy: Everyone … expectant … ready to hear from God … ready to follow God.
I walked away saying to myself … “This is everything the church should be every Sunday! … Unity ( no matter your age, race, class, or religious background), Joy, Expectancy, Exuberance, Prayer, Confession, and the Preaching of God’s Word”
I have found that many times revival starts in the hungry, transparent hearts of young people and spreads into the lives of their elders. I pray that this move of God flows into our local churches all around the world. It won’t be because we are trying to be like a famous church, preacher, or worship leader. It will be because we want to be like our Famous God!
#asburyuniversity #asburyrevival2023 #asbury
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 12:48pm
Jim Garlow: More from Cedarville University.
Jim Garlow: More from Cedarville University.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 12:45pm
Jim Garlow: Another article on the revival schedule changes. I remain so impressed with the shepherding the college officials are providing.
Jim Garlow: Another article on the revival schedule changes. I remain so impressed with the shepherding the college officials are providing.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 12:40pm
Jim Garlow: When people get on phones and call people and ask for forgiveness, you know THAT is authentic revival. Thank you Andrea Kind Summers for the report.
Jim Garlow: When people get on phones and call people and ask for forgiveness, you know THAT is authentic revival. Thank you Andrea Kind Summers for the report.

Andrea Kind Summers: The prayer service at Indiana Wesleyan University was initiated by college students and led by college students. I was there the whole time, but happy to stand in the back, pray with people, and help to discern.
Five of us checked in regularly to discern what God was doing and how to steward the space. At 2:30am these students felt like it was time to release the 50+ people still there worshipping and send them to bed.
I was so proud of these students and their careful attention to the Spirit. They said, “God is moving in amazing ways here.” Indeed He was. Students prayed to receive Christ. Students confessed sin. Students called people on the phone and asked for forgiveness. Students interceded for friends/family far from God. I could keep going.
Why would they want this to end? Why send people home? Why not keep going? Here’s what they said. “We are not trying to replicate what is happening at Asbury. That is a very good thing. But God has a unique work He has already been doing and continues to do on our campus. It can look different and still be a very good thing.“
These students discerned together that it was ok to walk away hungry. One of my student leaders said to those gathered, “You don’t have to wait until the next 8-hour prayer service to encounter God. You have access to all of this all the time.” It was beautiful and timely and true.
God has been working on our campus for a long time. He didn’t start yesterday or last week. The prayer loft where we worshipped last night was already a thin space because of the hours spent by students in prayer there. There has been a growing hunger, a willingness to confess sin, and a sense of urgency for people far from God for months… maybe years!
I don’t know what’s next… but I will keep discerning, praying, and letting students lead.
Five of us checked in regularly to discern what God was doing and how to steward the space. At 2:30am these students felt like it was time to release the 50+ people still there worshipping and send them to bed.
I was so proud of these students and their careful attention to the Spirit. They said, “God is moving in amazing ways here.” Indeed He was. Students prayed to receive Christ. Students confessed sin. Students called people on the phone and asked for forgiveness. Students interceded for friends/family far from God. I could keep going.
Why would they want this to end? Why send people home? Why not keep going? Here’s what they said. “We are not trying to replicate what is happening at Asbury. That is a very good thing. But God has a unique work He has already been doing and continues to do on our campus. It can look different and still be a very good thing.“
These students discerned together that it was ok to walk away hungry. One of my student leaders said to those gathered, “You don’t have to wait until the next 8-hour prayer service to encounter God. You have access to all of this all the time.” It was beautiful and timely and true.
God has been working on our campus for a long time. He didn’t start yesterday or last week. The prayer loft where we worshipped last night was already a thin space because of the hours spent by students in prayer there. There has been a growing hunger, a willingness to confess sin, and a sense of urgency for people far from God for months… maybe years!
I don’t know what’s next… but I will keep discerning, praying, and letting students lead.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 12:30pm
Jim Garlow: Ben Williamson reports about forgiveness and healing at Ohio Christian University.
Jim Garlow: Ben Williamson reports about forgiveness and healing at Ohio Christian University.

Ben Williamson:
A couple of pics from the move of God at Ohio Christian University last Friday. I returned from Asbury and told them I heard that our own chapel had gone on for hours the day before. I shared what I saw God doing at Asbury, and then a student asked me if we could go pray in the chapel for revival to come here. Suddenly, talking about Ulrich Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation seemed to take a lower priority in my mind.
The Spirit of God met us in the chapel. I was there for the next 5 1/2 hours as we prayed and sought God's Presence, forgiveness and healing.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 12:30pm
Jim Garlow: Damian Williams provides a view of the hungry hearts seeking The One.
Jim Garlow: Damian Williams provides a view of the hungry hearts seeking The One.
Damina Williams: More God!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 12:15pm
Jim Garlow: I am not critical of outpouring who has “signs and wonders,” or “manifestations.”
But the revival that draws me in the deepest is that which is driven by a glimpse of a Holy God, and the call to Holiness that follows.
That captures my heart in a nanosecond.
Any calm to genuine Biblical holiness is always of God.
Thank you Beverly Lorenz for your post about your experiences.
Jim Garlow: I am not critical of outpouring who has “signs and wonders,” or “manifestations.”
But the revival that draws me in the deepest is that which is driven by a glimpse of a Holy God, and the call to Holiness that follows.
That captures my heart in a nanosecond.
Any calm to genuine Biblical holiness is always of God.
Thank you Beverly Lorenz for your post about your experiences.

Beverly Lorenz: 


Why has Asbury had major outbreaks of revival in their history with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit visiting this campus? I do not have all the answers to this question, but one thing I do know is God desires holiness. Asbury was founded on scriptural holiness and a call for righteous living. Holiness produces wholeness in our very being. Holiness allows us to approach a holy God. Holiness sets us apart from the world and the world’s way of thinking and living. Holiness calls for total surrender. We are called to be holy because our God is holy.
As a student of Asbury in the 70’s, and one who was marked by the revival in the 70’s, I was overwhelmed when I first set foot into Hughes Auditorium. I had goosebumps as I read these words at the front of the auditorium - HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD. God was calling me to a standard of holiness and I made a commitment in front of this altar as a young college student that I wanted to live a life holy that was pleasing for Him. I felt a deeper calling in my spirit that there was more to this Christian walk than just a mere acknowledgment to Him on some of the days in my Christian life.
I remember as a student, I sat in the required chapel services each week and took notes as theologians preached with fervor and under the power and unction of the Holy Spirit. My own young heart was stirred to a longing that there had to be more to this life with God, and I wanted to go deeper with Him. I remember one chapel service my junior year the student body drama department did a play on the life of Jim Elliot. I had never heard of Jim, or how he became a martyr for the Lord, but on the front of the program that day, these words were taken from Jim’s journal, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” I was so riveted by those words that after the chapel service I immediately went to the college library and checked out Jim’s journal that was published after he was martyred. I could not get his words out of my mind and I recited them over and over each day. As a I grew older, I hung onto that quote and with each new Bible I purchased, I wrote Jim’s words in the flyleaf to remind me that I am on a spiritual journey and the only thing that counts is Jesus.
I am not sure why Asbury, but one thing I know Asbury has never wavered in their call to HOLINESS, or their desire to be a witness for Jesus Christ to every generation.

Why has Asbury had major outbreaks of revival in their history with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit visiting this campus? I do not have all the answers to this question, but one thing I do know is God desires holiness. Asbury was founded on scriptural holiness and a call for righteous living. Holiness produces wholeness in our very being. Holiness allows us to approach a holy God. Holiness sets us apart from the world and the world’s way of thinking and living. Holiness calls for total surrender. We are called to be holy because our God is holy.
As a student of Asbury in the 70’s, and one who was marked by the revival in the 70’s, I was overwhelmed when I first set foot into Hughes Auditorium. I had goosebumps as I read these words at the front of the auditorium - HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD. God was calling me to a standard of holiness and I made a commitment in front of this altar as a young college student that I wanted to live a life holy that was pleasing for Him. I felt a deeper calling in my spirit that there was more to this Christian walk than just a mere acknowledgment to Him on some of the days in my Christian life.
I remember as a student, I sat in the required chapel services each week and took notes as theologians preached with fervor and under the power and unction of the Holy Spirit. My own young heart was stirred to a longing that there had to be more to this life with God, and I wanted to go deeper with Him. I remember one chapel service my junior year the student body drama department did a play on the life of Jim Elliot. I had never heard of Jim, or how he became a martyr for the Lord, but on the front of the program that day, these words were taken from Jim’s journal, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” I was so riveted by those words that after the chapel service I immediately went to the college library and checked out Jim’s journal that was published after he was martyred. I could not get his words out of my mind and I recited them over and over each day. As a I grew older, I hung onto that quote and with each new Bible I purchased, I wrote Jim’s words in the flyleaf to remind me that I am on a spiritual journey and the only thing that counts is Jesus.
I am not sure why Asbury, but one thing I know Asbury has never wavered in their call to HOLINESS, or their desire to be a witness for Jesus Christ to every generation.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 10:30am
Jim Garlow: I am not quite sure why, but this remains one of my favorite pictures of The Outpouring.
I would give credit if I knew who took it … and who this is.
(Maybe one of you can tell me.)
It brings tears to my eyes. Maybe it is because he is closer to my age. I don’t ever want to get spiritually “cold.” I want to be like this man: Hanging on to the altar, seeking Him.
Jim Garlow: I am not quite sure why, but this remains one of my favorite pictures of The Outpouring.
I would give credit if I knew who took it … and who this is.
(Maybe one of you can tell me.)
It brings tears to my eyes. Maybe it is because he is closer to my age. I don’t ever want to get spiritually “cold.” I want to be like this man: Hanging on to the altar, seeking Him.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 10am
Jim Garlow: Why am I not posting or commenting on or refuting the naysayer-critics of The Outpouring?
I have done enough criticisms of things to cover three lifetimes. I don’t need to do more. There is a time for analysis. But when people are repenting, dying to self, no one needs to tell me whether that is real or not. I want THAT.
I have limited time and energy. I want to give what I have to seeking Him. I need to learn from the Asbury college students. I need to repent. I need His Presence. I don’t have time for the critics. I need Him.
Jim Garlow: Why am I not posting or commenting on or refuting the naysayer-critics of The Outpouring?
I have done enough criticisms of things to cover three lifetimes. I don’t need to do more. There is a time for analysis. But when people are repenting, dying to self, no one needs to tell me whether that is real or not. I want THAT.
I have limited time and energy. I want to give what I have to seeking Him. I need to learn from the Asbury college students. I need to repent. I need His Presence. I don’t have time for the critics. I need Him.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 7:45am
Jim Garlow: Thank you Greg Austin for posting this. I felt actual chills hearing Tucker Carlson say this.
Remarkable leadership from Asbury.
Great discernment from Tucker.
Jim Garlow: Thank you Greg Austin for posting this. I felt actual chills hearing Tucker Carlson say this.
Remarkable leadership from Asbury.
Great discernment from Tucker.
Greg Austin: So Tucker was going to come to Asbury on Friday. Because of what is happening, Asbury University called and asked him not to because of the nature of what is happening. His response is awesome. Proud of my school.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 7:30am
Jim Garlow: Jim Lewis gives another report of Asbury University official asking Tucker Carlson / Fox News not to bring cameras and lights to The Outpouring.
Wise leadership.
Jim Garlow: Jim Lewis gives another report of Asbury University official asking Tucker Carlson / Fox News not to bring cameras and lights to The Outpouring.
Wise leadership.
Jim Lewis: Last night Tucker Carlson (Fox News) reported on strange happenings at Asbury University. I watched. It was honest and fair. Tonight Tucker did an excellent update. His producer contacted Asbury about wanting to do an on site follow up report. The leaders of Asbury asked Tucker not to come. He was very impressed because that's not normal. Most people want all the coverage they can get. Love it!
Go Asbury! Go JESUS!
Go Asbury! Go JESUS!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 7am
Jim Garlow: Rick Curry gives thoughts on a walking tour of the campus.
Jim Garlow: Rick Curry gives thoughts on a walking tour of the campus.
Rick Curry:
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 7am
Jim Garlow: Asbury Seminary’s Jd Walt gives insights into the outpouring:
Jim Garlow: Asbury Seminary’s Jd Walt gives insights into the outpouring:
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 7am
Jim Garlow: See below the wise and carefully thought out guidelines for the outpouring.
Jim Garlow: See below the wise and carefully thought out guidelines for the outpouring.
I am coming to Wilmore. See their guidelines. I will be happy to not be allowed into Hughes Auditorium because it is prioritized for and filled with high school and college students, anyone under 25. That is a great decision. Read through this. I marvel at the wisdom of President Kevin Brown and his team.

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 7am
Jim Garlow: This is an older post, but I include it because Kyle Bixler gives an excellent overview of the logistics challenges facing the administration and faculty of Asbury University, and Asbury Theological Seminary as well.
In the 1970 Asbury College revival, if memory serves me correctly, classes were suspended during the 8 day continuous, nonstop worship service. In this 2013 outpouring, it is my understanding that classes have continued.
The leadership is doing a superb job of shepherding and guiding this totally unplanned move of God.
Jim Garlow: This is an older post, but I include it because Kyle Bixler gives an excellent overview of the logistics challenges facing the administration and faculty of Asbury University, and Asbury Theological Seminary as well.
In the 1970 Asbury College revival, if memory serves me correctly, classes were suspended during the 8 day continuous, nonstop worship service. In this 2013 outpouring, it is my understanding that classes have continued.
The leadership is doing a superb job of shepherding and guiding this totally unplanned move of God.

Kyle Bixler: I wanted to make a quick post about what is going on at Asbury University. Four days ago, a few students lingered after chapel to pray and worship. Four days later, hundreds if not thousands of people from all over the United States are flocking to Asbury to see what is happening and possibly experience a renewed touch from the Holy Spirit. That’s not what I want to talk about.
There have been some people criticizing and questioning the validity of what is happening. Some wondering if it’s manufactured or manipulated. Some are wondering if faculty are using this for selfish gain for the school. Friends, tonight I had the chance to walk around behind the scenes, and let me tell you what I saw.
I saw an amazing group of faculty, staff and students doing their absolute best to create space in this beautiful auditorium for hundreds of people to encounter a touch from God that they so desperately long for. The staff and faculty didn’t plan any of this. In fact, I know many of them are sacrificing their plans(both on campus and with families) so that they can be here to serve. Keep in mind this is an educational institution that currently has classes going on and mid-terms are looming! Did I mention it’s almost mid-terms(that’s incredibly poor planning if this were manufactured or pre-planned)?!! I can’t image the weighty challenge of suddenly needing to host people from all over the country, and at the same time making sure safety codes are kept in place for the health and safety of the people and keep classes going! I’ve never witnessed Hughes so packed in all my life. Large amounts of trash being produced, toilets needing constant cleaning, staff bringing in food for workers and bringing water and snacks for the public(for hundreds of people they don’t know), Faculty and staff organizing prayer teams, worship teams, and so many other things. They are praying and trying to create a beautiful space for people to experience the power of God’s presence. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes. And they are planning completely on the fly. They’ve been going for four days straight.
So, to the Staff, Faculty and students of Asbury University, THANK YOU for all that you have done and continue to do to facilitate and shepherd what God is doing. Seriously, thank you. I know many of you are tired and worn out. You are doing an excellent job. We appreciate you and are lifting you up in prayer! Asbury University
There have been some people criticizing and questioning the validity of what is happening. Some wondering if it’s manufactured or manipulated. Some are wondering if faculty are using this for selfish gain for the school. Friends, tonight I had the chance to walk around behind the scenes, and let me tell you what I saw.
I saw an amazing group of faculty, staff and students doing their absolute best to create space in this beautiful auditorium for hundreds of people to encounter a touch from God that they so desperately long for. The staff and faculty didn’t plan any of this. In fact, I know many of them are sacrificing their plans(both on campus and with families) so that they can be here to serve. Keep in mind this is an educational institution that currently has classes going on and mid-terms are looming! Did I mention it’s almost mid-terms(that’s incredibly poor planning if this were manufactured or pre-planned)?!! I can’t image the weighty challenge of suddenly needing to host people from all over the country, and at the same time making sure safety codes are kept in place for the health and safety of the people and keep classes going! I’ve never witnessed Hughes so packed in all my life. Large amounts of trash being produced, toilets needing constant cleaning, staff bringing in food for workers and bringing water and snacks for the public(for hundreds of people they don’t know), Faculty and staff organizing prayer teams, worship teams, and so many other things. They are praying and trying to create a beautiful space for people to experience the power of God’s presence. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes. And they are planning completely on the fly. They’ve been going for four days straight.
So, to the Staff, Faculty and students of Asbury University, THANK YOU for all that you have done and continue to do to facilitate and shepherd what God is doing. Seriously, thank you. I know many of you are tired and worn out. You are doing an excellent job. We appreciate you and are lifting you up in prayer! Asbury University
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 7am
Jim Garlow: Francis Anfuso quotes Jackie Turner as saying the revival is “pure.”
Jim Garlow: Francis Anfuso quotes Jackie Turner as saying the revival is “pure.”

Francis Anfuso: HERE IS A FIRST-HAND REPORT TODAY FROM JACKIE TURNER "THE STREET PREACHER", WHO IS AT THE ASBURY REVIVAL. “I am very grateful to report this revival is what everyone in the prayer meetings have been desiring to see. This was birthed through Gen-Z (25 & under). Now it is igniting the older generations as we have been discussing in spiritual bootcamp meetings. I am overwhelmed, seniors were in tears as what they have been praying for has been revealed by God. Revival is here! This is completely Holy Spirit led. No foolishness. Yesterday from day to night we worshipped. Souls came to the altar without a preacher or altar call. It was simply the praises of glorification to God drawing them in. As I arrived in Asbury my first five minutes in an Uber the Lord used me to lead my driver to Christ. With Jesus Revolution being released it’s going to be exactly like the original thought, the dams of revival are breaking. Nothing to critique, what is here in Kentucky is pure.”
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 7am
Jim Garlow: Barbara VL reports the following:
Jim Garlow: Barbara VL reports the following:
Barbara VL: “The same thing is happening at Northpointe Bible College located at Grand Rapids First, Michigan.” END
The Holy Spirit repentance “wildfire continues to jump state lines.
The Holy Spirit repentance “wildfire continues to jump state lines.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 7am
Jim Garlow: The Washington Times covered the revival.
(Note: Just for clarification, the Washington Times, in contrast to the Washington Post, is a politically conservative newspaper. As an example, it is prolife and pro Biblical marriage. I have spoken there at their headquarters and know the CEO well.)
Jim Garlow: The Washington Times covered the revival.
(Note: Just for clarification, the Washington Times, in contrast to the Washington Post, is a politically conservative newspaper. As an example, it is prolife and pro Biblical marriage. I have spoken there at their headquarters and know the CEO well.)

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 2am
Jim Garlow: Bill Mary Beth Difley reports the following;
Jim Garlow: Bill Mary Beth Difley reports the following;
Bill Mary Beth Difley: “Tucker covered the Asbury happenings again, this time, telling his audience that they were going to go there and cover it for their program tomorrow. 
(However) Asbury contacted them, and said “(P)lease don’t come, this is not political. (W)e don’t want the added television, cameras and publicity. (A)llow us to have this spiritual event unfold!”
Tucker said, “I so respect this opinion, since most people are desperate to get the publicity, and (so) we’re not going! …”
I stand in awe of how Asbury officials are handling this. This is so right.
Reporting on it is one thing. Allowing lights and cameras is quite another thing.
The presence of cameras changes what is happening. Cameras affect people in not-so-good ways.
The Presence would not benefit from media presence.
What wisdom and discernment is being demonstrated by Asbury leadership.
And it speaks well of Tucker that he complied.
(However) Asbury contacted them, and said “(P)lease don’t come, this is not political. (W)e don’t want the added television, cameras and publicity. (A)llow us to have this spiritual event unfold!”
Tucker said, “I so respect this opinion, since most people are desperate to get the publicity, and (so) we’re not going! …”
I stand in awe of how Asbury officials are handling this. This is so right.
Reporting on it is one thing. Allowing lights and cameras is quite another thing.
The presence of cameras changes what is happening. Cameras affect people in not-so-good ways.
The Presence would not benefit from media presence.
What wisdom and discernment is being demonstrated by Asbury leadership.
And it speaks well of Tucker that he complied.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 10pm
Jim Garlow: Jacob Nacar reports that when the instruments stopped for one hour, the worshipping voices did not.
Jim Garlow: Jacob Nacar reports that when the instruments stopped for one hour, the worshipping voices did not.

Jacob Nacar: Day 9 of the #asburyrevival brings a sweetness to the outside night air. Almost 3 inches of rain in the past 24 hours could not deter people from making the journey here across state and even international boarders. For almost an hour, the worship team ceased playing but the voices rang clear, refusing to cease. It’s now past midnight. Our sleepy town of Wilmore echoes with the Lord's praise from the voices of the saints. God's peace is PALPABLE and present. Why? I'm not sure I know. I just know I could sit and linger in this moment forever.
#asburyrevival #asburyuniversity #asburyseminary #theoutpouring
#asburyrevival #asburyuniversity #asburyseminary #theoutpouring
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 10pm
Jim Garlow: James Smith reports stirrings beginning at Mt Vernon Nazarene University in Ohio
Jim Garlow: James Smith reports stirrings beginning at Mt Vernon Nazarene University in Ohio

James Smith: Around 70-80 students just gathered in the chapel to recite the Lords Prayer and are now waking around the campus SEVEN times asking for God to break down strongholds in the lives of our students, staff, faculty, and community.
Many of them experienced Asbury and have been seeking Gods face and his will for this campus all week together. They’ve sacrificed their time, voices, and sleep in desperation for God and his Spirit to move among them and through them.
If this isn’t revival, then I don’t know what is!
Many of them experienced Asbury and have been seeking Gods face and his will for this campus all week together. They’ve sacrificed their time, voices, and sleep in desperation for God and his Spirit to move among them and through them.
If this isn’t revival, then I don’t know what is!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 7:15pm
Jim Garlow: Kevin Seymour contrasts the opening of the revival with the current crowds.
Jim Garlow: Kevin Seymour contrasts the opening of the revival with the current crowds.

Kevin Seymour: (Post 22) A picture of the chapel on the day the Asbury Revival began, compared to the consistent crowd since then.
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…”
Zechariah 4:10a NLT
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…”
Zechariah 4:10a NLT
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 7pm
Jim Garlow: Kevin Blackwell reports that prayer and praise has broken out at Sanford University in Alabama.
Jim Garlow: Kevin Blackwell reports that prayer and praise has broken out at Sanford University in Alabama.
Kevin Blackwell: Last evening a student walked into Reid Chapel and began softly playing worship songs on the piano. Soon a few students heard the music, walked into the chapel, and began to worship along with this student. Several students heard about what was happening in the chapel and joined in. For over 7 hours students gathered in Reid last night and well into the morning worshipping, praying, sharing testimonies, and reading Scripture. It was totally organic and student led. At 2:00am there were 150-200 students in the chapel seeking God’s face and praying for revival on our campus. Word is they are planning to return this afternoon. Keep praying for Samford. God is up so something!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 6pm
Jim Garlow: Brent Williamson points out the uniqueness of this outpouring.
He points out that people walk into the auditorium and suddenly begin sobbing
Jim Garlow: Brent Williamson points out the uniqueness of this outpouring.
He points out that people walk into the auditorium and suddenly begin sobbing

Brent Williamson: I told a pastor friend of mine at the Asbury revival that after 26 years of studying historical accounts of revivals and awakenings, I feel I could just throw all my books out the window.
It’s one thing to read what others are SAYING about the revival, but it’s all together different when you walk into the chapel
My 18 yr old daughter said she melted walking inside!
I have read posts from people who were at first a little skeptical about the revival, but after being there, they knew God was in the midst.
I love reading about revivals and have read everything I can about them, but I cannot explain what it feels like to walk into the chapel. It’s very surreal being there!
I witnessed so many people walk in for the first time, get to their seat, and just begin sobbing.
Even though I have studied a lot about revivals and awakenings, after being at a genuine revival it made me feel like I knew nothing about it!
I think at times we (including myself) can get so haughty in the thought that we know so much about God, but after being at the revival it reveals how truly little we really know.
To say I understand revival and the way it all works is like saying I completely understand God.
The late Leonard Ravenhill said there’s no revival that is carbon copied.
Everything I have read about revivals they are all unique.
Obviously God is doing a new thing at Asbury and it’s glorious!
Many have said there’s just an atmosphere of holiness unto the Lord.
It’s one thing to read what others are SAYING about the revival, but it’s all together different when you walk into the chapel

My 18 yr old daughter said she melted walking inside!
I have read posts from people who were at first a little skeptical about the revival, but after being there, they knew God was in the midst.
I love reading about revivals and have read everything I can about them, but I cannot explain what it feels like to walk into the chapel. It’s very surreal being there!
I witnessed so many people walk in for the first time, get to their seat, and just begin sobbing.
Even though I have studied a lot about revivals and awakenings, after being at a genuine revival it made me feel like I knew nothing about it!
I think at times we (including myself) can get so haughty in the thought that we know so much about God, but after being at the revival it reveals how truly little we really know.
To say I understand revival and the way it all works is like saying I completely understand God.
The late Leonard Ravenhill said there’s no revival that is carbon copied.
Everything I have read about revivals they are all unique.
Obviously God is doing a new thing at Asbury and it’s glorious!
Many have said there’s just an atmosphere of holiness unto the Lord.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 3:15pm
Jim Garlow: A little historical context. Any person who goes to “The New Room” in Bristol, England knows that John Wesley sent Francis Asbury to the New World in 1771, as a 26 year old, to evangelize America. Lee Grady helps us understand how that legacy is living on today at the institutions makes for him.
Jim Garlow: A little historical context. Any person who goes to “The New Room” in Bristol, England knows that John Wesley sent Francis Asbury to the New World in 1771, as a 26 year old, to evangelize America. Lee Grady helps us understand how that legacy is living on today at the institutions makes for him.

Lee Grady:
SOME CONTEXT FOR THE ASBURY REVIVAL. Asbury University is named after Methodist leader Francis Asbury (1745-1816), who was only 26 when he came to evangelize the American colonies. He became a leader of the 2nd Great Awakening. It’s estimated that he traveled 270,000 miles on horseback preaching and planting Methodist churches. But circuit-riding wasn’t glamorous; prior to 1847 more than half of Methodist circuit riders died before the age of 30 because of animal attacks, exposure to bad weather and the hardships of travel. Their sacrifice was a seed that died in the ground and produced a massive spiritual harvest.
Francis Asbury’s life was marked by white hot spiritual fervor. After being sent to our shores by John Wesley, Asbury wrote: “We must reach every section of America, especially the raw frontiers. We must not be afraid of men, devils, wild animals, or disease. Our motto must always be FORWARD!" Like a modern Joshua, Asbury possessed the land, in spite of his frequent ailments. He never married, perhaps because he knew his sacrificial lifestyle would be difficult for a wife. He was so loved by his Christian brethren that more than 20,000 people followed his coffin when he was buried in Virginia after his death at age 70.
Asbury University is named after this giant of faith. I think it’s fitting that the revival that erupted last week on the campus also reminds us of Francis Asbury. I’m not listening to religious critics who are skeptical of the music being sung at the revival, or worried about “emotionalism,” or which translation of the Bible is being used, or which denominations are represented in the audience. God please forgive us for the cold, heartless Phariseeism that quenches the Holy Spirit. Francis Asbury would have been thrillled to see young people repenting and worshipping Jesus. May this holy fire spread to the world, and may an army of young Francis Asburys be sent out to claim the nations for Jesus.
SOME CONTEXT FOR THE ASBURY REVIVAL. Asbury University is named after Methodist leader Francis Asbury (1745-1816), who was only 26 when he came to evangelize the American colonies. He became a leader of the 2nd Great Awakening. It’s estimated that he traveled 270,000 miles on horseback preaching and planting Methodist churches. But circuit-riding wasn’t glamorous; prior to 1847 more than half of Methodist circuit riders died before the age of 30 because of animal attacks, exposure to bad weather and the hardships of travel. Their sacrifice was a seed that died in the ground and produced a massive spiritual harvest.
Francis Asbury’s life was marked by white hot spiritual fervor. After being sent to our shores by John Wesley, Asbury wrote: “We must reach every section of America, especially the raw frontiers. We must not be afraid of men, devils, wild animals, or disease. Our motto must always be FORWARD!" Like a modern Joshua, Asbury possessed the land, in spite of his frequent ailments. He never married, perhaps because he knew his sacrificial lifestyle would be difficult for a wife. He was so loved by his Christian brethren that more than 20,000 people followed his coffin when he was buried in Virginia after his death at age 70.
Asbury University is named after this giant of faith. I think it’s fitting that the revival that erupted last week on the campus also reminds us of Francis Asbury. I’m not listening to religious critics who are skeptical of the music being sung at the revival, or worried about “emotionalism,” or which translation of the Bible is being used, or which denominations are represented in the audience. God please forgive us for the cold, heartless Phariseeism that quenches the Holy Spirit. Francis Asbury would have been thrillled to see young people repenting and worshipping Jesus. May this holy fire spread to the world, and may an army of young Francis Asburys be sent out to claim the nations for Jesus.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 3pm
Jim Garlow: Lawson Stone went to the Wilmore, Kentucky cemetery. Look at the inscriptions on the gravestones for Henry Clay Morrison, founder of Asbury Theological Seminary. If that is not enough, read what is on the grave marker for John Wesley Hughes, founder of Asbury University, and after whom Hughes Auditorium is named. Most institutions vacate the values of their founders. These two have not. Perhaps that is why God has so blessed them with his Manifested Presence.
Jim Garlow: Lawson Stone went to the Wilmore, Kentucky cemetery. Look at the inscriptions on the gravestones for Henry Clay Morrison, founder of Asbury Theological Seminary. If that is not enough, read what is on the grave marker for John Wesley Hughes, founder of Asbury University, and after whom Hughes Auditorium is named. Most institutions vacate the values of their founders. These two have not. Perhaps that is why God has so blessed them with his Manifested Presence.

Lawson Stone: The tombstones of two of the giants in Asbury's tradition are here in Wilmore, and each has a very provocative inscription.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 2:30pm
Jim Garlow: Glenn Beck now reporting on the revival
Jim Garlow: Glenn Beck now reporting on the revival
Glen Beck and The Blaze:
Have you heard about the "revival" happening at Asbury University in Kentucky? A weekly chapel service has turned into a prayer and worship event that has been going nonstop for over 7 days. This is one of the best news stories I have heard in a long time, so I asked Asbury's student body president Alison Perfater to give me all the details ...
Have you heard about the "revival" happening at Asbury University in Kentucky? A weekly chapel service has turned into a prayer and worship event that has been going nonstop for over 7 days. This is one of the best news stories I have heard in a long time, so I asked Asbury's student body president Alison Perfater to give me all the details ...
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 2:30pm
Jim Garlow: Deeply personal post.
Jim Garlow: Deeply personal post.
We have been on the road the entire time the revival has been going, out of the country most of the time. I have not even made it to Asbury (although I was privileged to be back there for the 50th class reunion of the Asbury Theological Seminary graduating class of 1972 last May.)
Today I was speaking in a Latin America country. As I closed my time of sharing, I decided to tell the story of the Asbury revival.
Even though I have not even been to the 2023 revival, l began weeping inexplicably while attempting to give the details.
I have, like most of you, read hundreds (thousands?) of posts and watched hundreds of videos. I feel like I have experienced Him through all the posts, pictures and videos. Thank you to all of you who posted and to all who kept sharing. I have lived it vicariously through all of you.
Back to my story. I could hardly get to the end of my talk today, as tears just would not quit.
It seemed that it has been a long drought. The soil is parched. The rains are so needed and welcomed. We have waited 53 years for an exclusively repentance-driven revival.
In the next few days, we begin a grueling but delightful ministry tour of nine European nations.
However, we are racing back to the US in 24 hours to attend Jack Hayford’s funeral, and then make a quick trip to Wilmore, then off to Europe. It will be a brief visit to Wilmore. But I just want to be in the Holy of Holies, to experience The Presence.
Weepy in Latin America.
Today I was speaking in a Latin America country. As I closed my time of sharing, I decided to tell the story of the Asbury revival.
Even though I have not even been to the 2023 revival, l began weeping inexplicably while attempting to give the details.
I have, like most of you, read hundreds (thousands?) of posts and watched hundreds of videos. I feel like I have experienced Him through all the posts, pictures and videos. Thank you to all of you who posted and to all who kept sharing. I have lived it vicariously through all of you.
Back to my story. I could hardly get to the end of my talk today, as tears just would not quit.
It seemed that it has been a long drought. The soil is parched. The rains are so needed and welcomed. We have waited 53 years for an exclusively repentance-driven revival.
In the next few days, we begin a grueling but delightful ministry tour of nine European nations.
However, we are racing back to the US in 24 hours to attend Jack Hayford’s funeral, and then make a quick trip to Wilmore, then off to Europe. It will be a brief visit to Wilmore. But I just want to be in the Holy of Holies, to experience The Presence.
Weepy in Latin America.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 2pm
Jim Garlow: This first hand report from Asbury University VP of Student Life Sarah Thomas Baldwin
Jim Garlow: This first hand report from Asbury University VP of Student Life Sarah Thomas Baldwin
Sarah Thomas Baldwin:
“From the very first day, we were there, taking it all in—we heard it with our own ears, saw it with our own eyes, verified it with our own hands. The Word of Life appeared right before our eyes; we saw it happen! And now we’re telling you in most sober prose that what we witnessed was, incredibly, this: The infinite Life of God himself took shape before us. We saw it, we heard it, and now we’re telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Our motive for writing is simply this: We want you to enjoy this, too. Your joy will double our joy!--
I John 1:1-4
--Last Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 11:00 a.m., the Holy Spirit filled Hughes Auditorium (our chapel) and has not let up. Again and again, people report experiencing God like they never have before in their lives.
--Early on, thick clouds came down and settled around our campus...I will never forget how it seemed to be the visible thick presence of Jesus settling in on us.
-- The movement of God is across the generations--from 93 years old to 2 weeks old--they have shown up. College students arriving with backpacks and pillows, wheelchairs and elderly people, babies in strollers, in arms and in front packs. Children and many teenagers. And of course, at the heart-- Gen Z.
--The Holy Spirit lit the wick of Gen Z, and now people from around the nation are putting their candle into the fire, experiencing the goodness and grace of God.
--Many testimonies from college students about release from anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation. Come Lord Jesus! This generation needs this.
--Words that people keep saying to me about their experience: LOVE of God, JOY of Jesus--"I have never experienced this! I have never felt Jesus like this!" I hear this all day every day for 7 days.
--News of incoming students--constant updates about colleges pulling up at all hours of day and night. Another bus is coming! 50 arrive tomorrow. 100 expected tonight!
--No lyrics! Can you even imagine this, churchgoers? Except for two hours in our planned morning chapel services--not a lyric to be seen for 168 hours. It's just been simple.
--Afternoon testimony time! Hearing people testify to the goodness of God with incredible testimonies often about freedom from addiction, healing of relationship, a word of blessing proclaimed.
--Food arriving unrequested, day in and day out for the ministry team. A beautiful table with flowers and scripture laid out for us, piled high with every kind of healthy snack. Homemade baked potato soup, a grandma's hummingbird cake, scotchies, homemade cheese balls, vegetable platters, mountains of chick-fil-a, protein bars, protein drinks, fruit.
--So much food arriving for students unrequested, 50 pizzas at a time (again and again)!!!, anonymous Chick-fil-a massive drop off, a mom who made chocolate chip cookies all day in Indianapolis and drove them here in the evening
--A food truck (showing up today!)--"God told me to cook for God's people for free, here I am!"
--The student who has felt called to create and staff a coffee station for the last 7 days. She took it on herself (she said Jesus called her to it), to make coffee for hundreds with two keurigs. She ran out of cups and prayed for more cups. She got more cups.
--Mostly student worship leaders (volunteer in every way) who have led in worship from about 9:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m. every day (sometimes the full 24 hours), without stopping. Coordinated by an incredible husband & wife ministry team from Asbury who have pastored and organized these leaders with such grace and wisdom.
--Testimony by a young man named Gage from Michigan--the JOY abundant in his whole being! I will not forget his face and words.
--"May I pray for you?", "May I pray for you?", "May I pray for you?" A prayer team of volunteers, trained and prepared all day and into the night.
--A healing of a freshman who due to a mild cerebral palsy had never run before--running!
--SO MANY people who have shared--I was here in 1970, I was here in 1953!!!!, when God showed up. I had to come back, I had to come back.
--"Christian celebrities" unannounced and without introduction or crowd awareness in the room
-- A crowd waiting to get into Hughes. Like hundreds of people waiting. Seating people 2 here, 3 here throughout the evening as others leave.
--A core team that has fully shared leadership--we have leaned in a discerned every step of the way together--trying to keep our balance on the surfboard of the wave of God.
--Asbury volunteers (and now others!) who have showed up 24-hours a day. Everyone mobilized and supported 24-hour infrastructure for crowds on a dime.
--Some point (maybe last Friday?), we saw the crowds were picking up and we started planning an evening event for what would be 3000 in literally under an hour--pivot, adapt, move, change, stretch, grow.
--The infrastructure of it all has been a text thread. I just love this. For all my spreadsheets, organizational plans for all the administrative work we do at AU, when it comes down to it, we have had a text thread keeping us in step with each other. Literally minute by minute.
--Somewhere early in this...without talking to each other about it at first--we just stopped introducing ourselves at the mic when we gathered people (with the exception of the actual 10-11 chapel hours, M/W/F). Nameless. It just seemed unimportant to even say our names. When we coordinate so very carefully introductions all throughout the year at AU, now it has been just been about Jesus.
--We are really tired, pray for us for strength and discernment. Overall, we are a really joyful bunch. It's hard to leave at night, even at by 1:00 a.m. We have to push each other out the door. It's like proud new parents who can't leave to go out for that first date without the baby--we all feel tender to what God is doing in our midst.
--I have felt the prayers of hundreds, sustaining and supporting. So much encouragement and kindness. Thank you. I will remember these days for the rest of my life and how much love and grace came to us. It's all a gift. My faith is encouraged. Thank you.”
“From the very first day, we were there, taking it all in—we heard it with our own ears, saw it with our own eyes, verified it with our own hands. The Word of Life appeared right before our eyes; we saw it happen! And now we’re telling you in most sober prose that what we witnessed was, incredibly, this: The infinite Life of God himself took shape before us. We saw it, we heard it, and now we’re telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Our motive for writing is simply this: We want you to enjoy this, too. Your joy will double our joy!--
I John 1:1-4
--Last Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 11:00 a.m., the Holy Spirit filled Hughes Auditorium (our chapel) and has not let up. Again and again, people report experiencing God like they never have before in their lives.
--Early on, thick clouds came down and settled around our campus...I will never forget how it seemed to be the visible thick presence of Jesus settling in on us.
-- The movement of God is across the generations--from 93 years old to 2 weeks old--they have shown up. College students arriving with backpacks and pillows, wheelchairs and elderly people, babies in strollers, in arms and in front packs. Children and many teenagers. And of course, at the heart-- Gen Z.
--The Holy Spirit lit the wick of Gen Z, and now people from around the nation are putting their candle into the fire, experiencing the goodness and grace of God.
--Many testimonies from college students about release from anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation. Come Lord Jesus! This generation needs this.
--Words that people keep saying to me about their experience: LOVE of God, JOY of Jesus--"I have never experienced this! I have never felt Jesus like this!" I hear this all day every day for 7 days.
--News of incoming students--constant updates about colleges pulling up at all hours of day and night. Another bus is coming! 50 arrive tomorrow. 100 expected tonight!
--No lyrics! Can you even imagine this, churchgoers? Except for two hours in our planned morning chapel services--not a lyric to be seen for 168 hours. It's just been simple.
--Afternoon testimony time! Hearing people testify to the goodness of God with incredible testimonies often about freedom from addiction, healing of relationship, a word of blessing proclaimed.
--Food arriving unrequested, day in and day out for the ministry team. A beautiful table with flowers and scripture laid out for us, piled high with every kind of healthy snack. Homemade baked potato soup, a grandma's hummingbird cake, scotchies, homemade cheese balls, vegetable platters, mountains of chick-fil-a, protein bars, protein drinks, fruit.
--So much food arriving for students unrequested, 50 pizzas at a time (again and again)!!!, anonymous Chick-fil-a massive drop off, a mom who made chocolate chip cookies all day in Indianapolis and drove them here in the evening
--A food truck (showing up today!)--"God told me to cook for God's people for free, here I am!"
--The student who has felt called to create and staff a coffee station for the last 7 days. She took it on herself (she said Jesus called her to it), to make coffee for hundreds with two keurigs. She ran out of cups and prayed for more cups. She got more cups.

--Mostly student worship leaders (volunteer in every way) who have led in worship from about 9:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m. every day (sometimes the full 24 hours), without stopping. Coordinated by an incredible husband & wife ministry team from Asbury who have pastored and organized these leaders with such grace and wisdom.
--Testimony by a young man named Gage from Michigan--the JOY abundant in his whole being! I will not forget his face and words.
--"May I pray for you?", "May I pray for you?", "May I pray for you?" A prayer team of volunteers, trained and prepared all day and into the night.
--A healing of a freshman who due to a mild cerebral palsy had never run before--running!
--SO MANY people who have shared--I was here in 1970, I was here in 1953!!!!, when God showed up. I had to come back, I had to come back.
--"Christian celebrities" unannounced and without introduction or crowd awareness in the room
-- A crowd waiting to get into Hughes. Like hundreds of people waiting. Seating people 2 here, 3 here throughout the evening as others leave.
--A core team that has fully shared leadership--we have leaned in a discerned every step of the way together--trying to keep our balance on the surfboard of the wave of God.
--Asbury volunteers (and now others!) who have showed up 24-hours a day. Everyone mobilized and supported 24-hour infrastructure for crowds on a dime.
--Some point (maybe last Friday?), we saw the crowds were picking up and we started planning an evening event for what would be 3000 in literally under an hour--pivot, adapt, move, change, stretch, grow.
--The infrastructure of it all has been a text thread. I just love this. For all my spreadsheets, organizational plans for all the administrative work we do at AU, when it comes down to it, we have had a text thread keeping us in step with each other. Literally minute by minute.
--Somewhere early in this...without talking to each other about it at first--we just stopped introducing ourselves at the mic when we gathered people (with the exception of the actual 10-11 chapel hours, M/W/F). Nameless. It just seemed unimportant to even say our names. When we coordinate so very carefully introductions all throughout the year at AU, now it has been just been about Jesus.
--We are really tired, pray for us for strength and discernment. Overall, we are a really joyful bunch. It's hard to leave at night, even at by 1:00 a.m. We have to push each other out the door. It's like proud new parents who can't leave to go out for that first date without the baby--we all feel tender to what God is doing in our midst.
--I have felt the prayers of hundreds, sustaining and supporting. So much encouragement and kindness. Thank you. I will remember these days for the rest of my life and how much love and grace came to us. It's all a gift. My faith is encouraged. Thank you.”
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 1pm
Jim Garlow: David Chong reports this: “Just absolutely overwhelming Holy Spirit Power in the Stone Chapel at Lee University at this moment. Thunder peeled overhead last night as a student declared the enemy has no place on this campus. Tears just now as a young mother shared her testimony of choosing life. Oh my.”
Jim Garlow: David Chong reports this: “Just absolutely overwhelming Holy Spirit Power in the Stone Chapel at Lee University at this moment. Thunder peeled overhead last night as a student declared the enemy has no place on this campus. Tears just now as a young mother shared her testimony of choosing life. Oh my.”

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 1pm
Jim Garlow: From Carol Bauer Brecheisen :
“…Just heard revival has broken out at Spring Arbor college in Michigan!
Praise the Lord!”
Jim Garlow: From Carol Bauer Brecheisen :
“…Just heard revival has broken out at Spring Arbor college in Michigan!
Praise the Lord!”
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 12:30pm
Jim Garlow: Former Asbury University Professor, currently an Asbury Theological Seminary Professor Janet Blevins Dean reports this regarding food being provided free to the crowds:
Jim Garlow: Former Asbury University Professor, currently an Asbury Theological Seminary Professor Janet Blevins Dean reports this regarding food being provided free to the crowds:
“… Was over there just an hour ago. The university has had so many donations that they are giving people water and snacks at no charge, which is shocking to so many. Today a donor sent a food truck to serve everyone for free.”
Editorial note:
This is for anyone with an Asbury ID.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 9:30am
Jim Garlow: Jerry Brecheisen tells of three generations impacted by revival.
Jim Garlow: Jerry Brecheisen tells of three generations impacted by revival.

Jerry Brecheisen: When you can put familiar faces with the Asbury Revival 2023, it reaches a special place in the heart. Our son-in-law, Geoff Eckart, stepped back to capture a photo of his wife (our daughter), Arianna, and their daughter (our granddaughter), Sophie, at the Hughes Auditorium altar (kneeling nearest the camera in the second row).
Our granddaughter Olivia and her husband Kyle were there on the next day. We rejoice that 3 generations in our family and the Eckart family are seekers after God’s own heart. JB
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 7:30am
Jim Garlow: Family Research Council Chaplain Jay Johnston offers thoughts on the revival.
Jim Garlow: Family Research Council Chaplain Jay Johnston offers thoughts on the revival.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 16, 2023 @ 6:30am
Jim Garlow: Bonni Eastlack Suter reflects on what has been trending.
Jim Garlow: Bonni Eastlack Suter reflects on what has been trending.

Bonnie Eastlack Suter: This morning as I reflect on these early weeks of 2023, I have sensed a stirring of God in our nation. It began on January 2, when Monday Night Football came to a halt, and our nation began to pray.
And then, how unusual when an ESPN Sportscaster spontaneously broke into prayer during a broadcast.
A few weeks later Jim Garlow hosted a National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance in Washington, DC. My heart was overwhelmed when our Speaker of the House led us in prayer, putting our nation into the hands of God. Representative and Congressional leaders from many States joined hands as they were "prayed over" on that day.
And then the Super Bowl. Two Christian quarterbacks "kneeling" in prayer before the game. Two commercials were aired talking about our Jesus. Even the singing of The National Anthem seemed to have a heart-stirring spirit, bringing tears to many eyes.
And then this small campus in Kentucky, meeting together for Chapel as usual. It's been over a week now and Chapel has not ended. Thousands of people are now coming from all over our nation to Asbury University seeking to be a part of this special movement of God.
Yes... just weeks into 2023, God is speaking to our nation, and those who are hungry for more of God, WE ARE LISTENING.
And then, how unusual when an ESPN Sportscaster spontaneously broke into prayer during a broadcast.
A few weeks later Jim Garlow hosted a National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance in Washington, DC. My heart was overwhelmed when our Speaker of the House led us in prayer, putting our nation into the hands of God. Representative and Congressional leaders from many States joined hands as they were "prayed over" on that day.
And then the Super Bowl. Two Christian quarterbacks "kneeling" in prayer before the game. Two commercials were aired talking about our Jesus. Even the singing of The National Anthem seemed to have a heart-stirring spirit, bringing tears to many eyes.
And then this small campus in Kentucky, meeting together for Chapel as usual. It's been over a week now and Chapel has not ended. Thousands of people are now coming from all over our nation to Asbury University seeking to be a part of this special movement of God.
Yes... just weeks into 2023, God is speaking to our nation, and those who are hungry for more of God, WE ARE LISTENING.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 11pm
Jim Garlow: Now THIS is the moment I have waited for decades, that is, NBC National News covering a massive revival. To God goes all glory.
Jim Garlow: Now THIS is the moment I have waited for decades, that is, NBC National News covering a massive revival. To God goes all glory.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 9pm
Jim Garlow: Tucker Carlson reports on the revival. To my knowledge, this is the first national secular outlet to report on this.
Jim Garlow: Tucker Carlson reports on the revival. To my knowledge, this is the first national secular outlet to report on this.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 9pm
Jim Garlow: Damian Williams reports what happens when revivals meet temporal needs. Student announced that he needed work. People showered him with money. He was visibly moved.
Jim Garlow: Damian Williams reports what happens when revivals meet temporal needs. Student announced that he needed work. People showered him with money. He was visibly moved.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 8:30pm
Jim Garlow: Brent Williamson reports a jumbo screen has been set up
Jim Garlow: Brent Williamson reports a jumbo screen has been set up

Brent Williamson: Hundreds and hundreds standing outside watching the jumbo screen. 
God moved tonight mightily!

God moved tonight mightily!

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 8pm
Jim Garlow: Wow! Read THIS report from Brent Williamson
Jim Garlow: Wow! Read THIS report from Brent Williamson
Brent Williamson: What an awesome night!! 
So glad we got to witness this!
An international student was testifying on stage, and he mentioned about needing a job. He was so passionate about Jesus!
All of a sudden someone threw money down off the balcony to him. Then people jumped up out of their seats and rushed to give him money. There was thousands of dollars.
He was weeping and other leaders weeping!

Then the congregation erupted into shouting and applause
The video is towards the end of people giving money.

So glad we got to witness this!
An international student was testifying on stage, and he mentioned about needing a job. He was so passionate about Jesus!
All of a sudden someone threw money down off the balcony to him. Then people jumped up out of their seats and rushed to give him money. There was thousands of dollars.
He was weeping and other leaders weeping!

Then the congregation erupted into shouting and applause

The video is towards the end of people giving money.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 7:30pm
Jim Garlow: Renzo Ventrice reports feeling the Presence of God even outside the building.
Jim Garlow: Renzo Ventrice reports feeling the Presence of God even outside the building.

Renzo Ventrice: The university chapel (seating 1500) and seminary chapels (seating 1000) and a local church are filled and lines are waiting outside. But what strikes me most is that, even walking near the chapel or out on the street (itself full of cars), I CAN FEEL THE TANGIBLE PRESENCE OF GOD. Not something that can be manufactured. We'd prayed for this to happen someday, but it's still way beyond my expectations!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 7pm
Jim Garlow: A child shall lead them. Report by Maggie Slusher
Jim Garlow: A child shall lead them. Report by Maggie Slusher

Maggie Slusher: Sweet moments from today highlighted by little friends. 
In this picture is a young friend who gets it. I’m sorry y’all you think you get it… nope this little dude gets it. Come on! How many of us worship without abandon like this? I watched him for a good 45 minutes and when it was time to go he didn’t want to go.
May we worship God like this little dude and never want to leave the presence of God.
The other moment today was from a sweet friend who was about 2. I’ve been on the prayer team since I’ve been here. Tonight, I went to pray for a woman and this young friend was standing right there. I turned to her and said, “friend, will you help me pray for this woman. All you have to do is what I do and talk to Jesus.”
She laid her hand on the woman and I prayed… my momma heart burst in that moment.
Y’all let your littles join you in everything God has put before you. It’s so worth it.

In this picture is a young friend who gets it. I’m sorry y’all you think you get it… nope this little dude gets it. Come on! How many of us worship without abandon like this? I watched him for a good 45 minutes and when it was time to go he didn’t want to go.
May we worship God like this little dude and never want to leave the presence of God.
The other moment today was from a sweet friend who was about 2. I’ve been on the prayer team since I’ve been here. Tonight, I went to pray for a woman and this young friend was standing right there. I turned to her and said, “friend, will you help me pray for this woman. All you have to do is what I do and talk to Jesus.”

Y’all let your littles join you in everything God has put before you. It’s so worth it.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 6pm
Jim Garlow: Brian L Powell says “Call it what you want. I just need more of it.”
Jim Garlow: Brian L Powell says “Call it what you want. I just need more of it.”
Brian L Powel: Joy, purity, unity, passion—a few words that come to mind in describing the Asbury Revival. The Holy Spirit is resting on this place in a special way. Call it revival. Call it what you will. All I know is that we need more of it. #kynaz #asbury #revival #asburyrevival
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 5pm
Jim Garlow: Live view, now in 8th day.
Jim Garlow: Live view, now in 8th day.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 2pm
Jim Garlow: “An extraordinary manifestation”
Jim Garlow: “An extraordinary manifestation”
Jason Vickers: The Allure of the Holy: Protestants and Pilgrimage
I am typing this from my kitchen table. In a few moments, I will make my way to Wilmore, KY. It's a familiar journey along route 33 -- a little country road that winds past farms and broken down rock walls. It's especially beautiful on a motorcycle in spring.
Wilmore is a sleepy town. There's a gas station with two pumps and a few shops on Main. The line at Subway is never long. Most weeks, I park less than a hundred yards from the building that houses my office. Today, I'll be lucky if I can find a place a 1/4 mile away. Cars are everywhere. Grassy hills are now parking lots.
The sheer number of people making the journey to Wilmore is extraordinary. Many are driving ten hours or more to get here -- to little ol' Wilmore. Every large gathering space on the two campuses is being utilized. It is a sight to behold.
Since last Wednesday, when this all began, many people have been debating whether this deserves to be called a revival. To use a good Kentucky metaphor, I don't have a horse in that race.
What is clear to me is that Wilmore has become a pilgrimage site. Yes, there are a few FOMO people in the crowds (people who are here primarily for fear of missing out). But my sense is that the vast majority have taken time off work and made the journey to Wilmore because of the allure of the holy.
At first glance, most Protestants don't believe in holiness (except, perhaps, as a moral category). We don't believe in holy places or objects (except, perhaps, the Bible and in some cases the Eucharist). Until we do.
Protestants, like our Catholic and Muslim neighbors, often make religious pilgrimages. I have personally been on and even led pilgrimages to the Holy Land (notice the name?), to Mt. Sinai, and to all the Wesley sites in England. In each case, I marveled as people who supposedly don't believe in holy places stood in awe, fell to their knees, and wept. In a few cases, people were so overwhelmed, they forgot to take pictures.
Here's the thing about us Protestants -- we are human beings. And best I can tell, human beings are drawn to the holy. We want to be near it, so much so that we will journey great distances to see where the presence and power of God has been manifest in extraordinary ways in the past.
The real question is not whether what is taking place in Wilmore today should be called a revival. The real question is whether we believe that the presence and power of God is sometimes manifest in extraordinary ways today -- which is to say, in ways and places besides the ordinary means through which God is present to us every day (i.e., word and sacrament).
For those showing up by the thousands in Wilmore, KY, the answer is clear.
I am typing this from my kitchen table. In a few moments, I will make my way to Wilmore, KY. It's a familiar journey along route 33 -- a little country road that winds past farms and broken down rock walls. It's especially beautiful on a motorcycle in spring.
Wilmore is a sleepy town. There's a gas station with two pumps and a few shops on Main. The line at Subway is never long. Most weeks, I park less than a hundred yards from the building that houses my office. Today, I'll be lucky if I can find a place a 1/4 mile away. Cars are everywhere. Grassy hills are now parking lots.
The sheer number of people making the journey to Wilmore is extraordinary. Many are driving ten hours or more to get here -- to little ol' Wilmore. Every large gathering space on the two campuses is being utilized. It is a sight to behold.
Since last Wednesday, when this all began, many people have been debating whether this deserves to be called a revival. To use a good Kentucky metaphor, I don't have a horse in that race.
What is clear to me is that Wilmore has become a pilgrimage site. Yes, there are a few FOMO people in the crowds (people who are here primarily for fear of missing out). But my sense is that the vast majority have taken time off work and made the journey to Wilmore because of the allure of the holy.
At first glance, most Protestants don't believe in holiness (except, perhaps, as a moral category). We don't believe in holy places or objects (except, perhaps, the Bible and in some cases the Eucharist). Until we do.
Protestants, like our Catholic and Muslim neighbors, often make religious pilgrimages. I have personally been on and even led pilgrimages to the Holy Land (notice the name?), to Mt. Sinai, and to all the Wesley sites in England. In each case, I marveled as people who supposedly don't believe in holy places stood in awe, fell to their knees, and wept. In a few cases, people were so overwhelmed, they forgot to take pictures.
Here's the thing about us Protestants -- we are human beings. And best I can tell, human beings are drawn to the holy. We want to be near it, so much so that we will journey great distances to see where the presence and power of God has been manifest in extraordinary ways in the past.
The real question is not whether what is taking place in Wilmore today should be called a revival. The real question is whether we believe that the presence and power of God is sometimes manifest in extraordinary ways today -- which is to say, in ways and places besides the ordinary means through which God is present to us every day (i.e., word and sacrament).
For those showing up by the thousands in Wilmore, KY, the answer is clear.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 2pm
Jim Garlow: Luther Oconer reports on E. Stanley Jones and the 1905 Asbury Revival.
Jim Garlow: Luther Oconer reports on E. Stanley Jones and the 1905 Asbury Revival.

Luther Oconer:
"For three or four days it could be said of us as was said of those at the original Pentecost. 'They are drunk.' I was drunk with God. I say 'for three or four days,' for time seemed to have lost its significance." - E. Stanley Jones
As the revival continues to sweep the campus of Asbury University, I continue to read with great rejoicing reports of what the Holy Spirit is doing there at Hughes Auditorium (even after over 72 hours). I was just there in Wilmore three weeks ago and how I wish I was still there to experience it. Nonetheless, as I continue to reflect, I begin to visualize how deep of a well this current revival is drawing from. For starters, the famous Cane Ridge Revival, the site of the Second Great Awakening is less than an hour drive away. But that's for another time.
Yesterday, I posted about the revival of 1923 based from the account of a Filipino student. This time I would like to draw attention to the Asbury Revival of February, 1905, and at the forefront of this was the young E. Stanley Jones who wrote a vivid account of how it began:
"Four or five of us students were in the room of another student, Jim Ballinger, having a prayer meeting about ten o'clock at night. I remember I was almost asleep with my head against the bedclothes where I was kneeling, when suddenly we were all swept off our feet by a visitation of the Holy Spirit. We were all filled, flooded by the Spirit. Everything that happened to the disciples on the original Pentecost happened to us . . . . For three or four days it could be said of us as was said of those at the original Pentecost. ‘They are drunk.’ I was drunk with God. I say 'for three or four days,' for time seemed to have lost its significance. The first night I could only walk the floor and praise him. About two o'clock L. L. Pickett, the father of Bishop J. Waskom Pickett, came upstairs and said: ‘Stanley, he giveth his beloved sleep.’ But sleep was out of the question. By morning the effects of this sudden and unexpected 'outpouring' had begun to go through the college and town. That morning there was no chapel service, in the ordinary sense; people were in prayer, some prostrate in prayer. No one led it, and yet it was led— led by the Spirit. For three days there were no college classes. Every class room was a prayer meeting where students and faculty were seeking and finding and witnessing. It spread to the countryside. People flocked in, and, before they could even get into the assembly hall, would be stricken with conviction and would fall on their knees on the campus crying for God— and pardon and release. I was praying with seekers on the inside of the hall when some- one came to me and said: ‘Come outside. There are people kneeling on the campus who need your help.’
"And then a strange thing happened: I was taken possession of by an infinite quiet. I found myself tiptoeing as I walked through that auditorium of seeking and rejoicing people. I found myself talking in whispers, the outer expression of this holy calm within. And yet it was a dynamic calm, something akin to the calm at the center of a cyclone —the calm where the dynamic forces of the cyclone reside. It was easy to help people through to victory and release. From then on till this movement of the Spirit subsided there was nothing but a holy calm within me.
"When we took stock of what had happened, every single student had professed conversion and apparently had found it as witnessed by their changed lives, and many from the townspeople and countryside were converted and transformed."
Jones added that the one of the significant things that happened to him as a result of this revival was that, "Life became sacramental . . . . The distinction between the secular and sacred had broken down. All life was alive, with God." Furthermore, "the biggest thing that came out of the experience, was my call to the mission field," Jones recalled. Two years later he became a missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church in India where he led hundreds to Christ.
Several scholars of revival history point to the link between revival and social transformation, and this revival at Asbury in 1905 is no different as the life of Jones would illustrate. In India, he became close friend of Mahatma Gandhi. After the latter's assassination, Jones wrote his biography, which consequently inspired Martin Luther King, Jr. to "non-violence" in the Civil Rights Movement. Jones was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962 and received the Gandhi Peace Award in 1963. Time Magazine also called him "the world's greatest Christian missionary."
Another important footnote to Jones’ impressive legacy which will delight my friends in the renewalist movements is his link to the Third Way Movement. It was while he was praying for healing at an evangelistic meeting in Bolivia, that the missionary and later famous advocate of the Church Growth Movement C. Peter Wagner was healed. This experience led Wagner, who was then a self-avowed cessasionist [someone who rejected present-day miracles], to advocate for signs and wonders ministries. Together with John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard Movement, Wagner would help begin the Third Wave Movement.
E. Stanley Jones, 'A Song of Ascents' (1968).
Tom Albin, "A Man for Our Time: E. Stanley Jones," Good News, January 6, 2016.
"For three or four days it could be said of us as was said of those at the original Pentecost. 'They are drunk.' I was drunk with God. I say 'for three or four days,' for time seemed to have lost its significance." - E. Stanley Jones
As the revival continues to sweep the campus of Asbury University, I continue to read with great rejoicing reports of what the Holy Spirit is doing there at Hughes Auditorium (even after over 72 hours). I was just there in Wilmore three weeks ago and how I wish I was still there to experience it. Nonetheless, as I continue to reflect, I begin to visualize how deep of a well this current revival is drawing from. For starters, the famous Cane Ridge Revival, the site of the Second Great Awakening is less than an hour drive away. But that's for another time.
Yesterday, I posted about the revival of 1923 based from the account of a Filipino student. This time I would like to draw attention to the Asbury Revival of February, 1905, and at the forefront of this was the young E. Stanley Jones who wrote a vivid account of how it began:
"Four or five of us students were in the room of another student, Jim Ballinger, having a prayer meeting about ten o'clock at night. I remember I was almost asleep with my head against the bedclothes where I was kneeling, when suddenly we were all swept off our feet by a visitation of the Holy Spirit. We were all filled, flooded by the Spirit. Everything that happened to the disciples on the original Pentecost happened to us . . . . For three or four days it could be said of us as was said of those at the original Pentecost. ‘They are drunk.’ I was drunk with God. I say 'for three or four days,' for time seemed to have lost its significance. The first night I could only walk the floor and praise him. About two o'clock L. L. Pickett, the father of Bishop J. Waskom Pickett, came upstairs and said: ‘Stanley, he giveth his beloved sleep.’ But sleep was out of the question. By morning the effects of this sudden and unexpected 'outpouring' had begun to go through the college and town. That morning there was no chapel service, in the ordinary sense; people were in prayer, some prostrate in prayer. No one led it, and yet it was led— led by the Spirit. For three days there were no college classes. Every class room was a prayer meeting where students and faculty were seeking and finding and witnessing. It spread to the countryside. People flocked in, and, before they could even get into the assembly hall, would be stricken with conviction and would fall on their knees on the campus crying for God— and pardon and release. I was praying with seekers on the inside of the hall when some- one came to me and said: ‘Come outside. There are people kneeling on the campus who need your help.’
"And then a strange thing happened: I was taken possession of by an infinite quiet. I found myself tiptoeing as I walked through that auditorium of seeking and rejoicing people. I found myself talking in whispers, the outer expression of this holy calm within. And yet it was a dynamic calm, something akin to the calm at the center of a cyclone —the calm where the dynamic forces of the cyclone reside. It was easy to help people through to victory and release. From then on till this movement of the Spirit subsided there was nothing but a holy calm within me.
"When we took stock of what had happened, every single student had professed conversion and apparently had found it as witnessed by their changed lives, and many from the townspeople and countryside were converted and transformed."
Jones added that the one of the significant things that happened to him as a result of this revival was that, "Life became sacramental . . . . The distinction between the secular and sacred had broken down. All life was alive, with God." Furthermore, "the biggest thing that came out of the experience, was my call to the mission field," Jones recalled. Two years later he became a missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church in India where he led hundreds to Christ.
Several scholars of revival history point to the link between revival and social transformation, and this revival at Asbury in 1905 is no different as the life of Jones would illustrate. In India, he became close friend of Mahatma Gandhi. After the latter's assassination, Jones wrote his biography, which consequently inspired Martin Luther King, Jr. to "non-violence" in the Civil Rights Movement. Jones was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962 and received the Gandhi Peace Award in 1963. Time Magazine also called him "the world's greatest Christian missionary."
Another important footnote to Jones’ impressive legacy which will delight my friends in the renewalist movements is his link to the Third Way Movement. It was while he was praying for healing at an evangelistic meeting in Bolivia, that the missionary and later famous advocate of the Church Growth Movement C. Peter Wagner was healed. This experience led Wagner, who was then a self-avowed cessasionist [someone who rejected present-day miracles], to advocate for signs and wonders ministries. Together with John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard Movement, Wagner would help begin the Third Wave Movement.
E. Stanley Jones, 'A Song of Ascents' (1968).
Tom Albin, "A Man for Our Time: E. Stanley Jones," Good News, January 6, 2016.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @1:30 pm
Jim Garlow: Asbury Theological Seminary Professor Luther Oconer refers to “a love affair with Jesus.”
Jim Garlow: Asbury Theological Seminary Professor Luther Oconer refers to “a love affair with Jesus.”

Luther Oconer:
"Christian revival is a divinely initiated process in which a dying church is revitalised through the power of the Holy Spirit, leading to a new love affair with Jesus Christ, which in turn transforms the community, region and even nation in which that church is situated." - Mark Stibbe
The Asbury Revival is still showing no signs of slowing down even after over 160 hours. People are just coming from nearby states and even as far as Florida. Last night, Hughes Auditorium was full, and services overflowed to the seminary chapel and at another auditorium on campus. By God's sovereign grace, the partition between heaven and earth in Wilmore, KY seems to be thin or nonexistent. I so wish I was there. For this is something that I only get to read in books as an avid student of revival history and revivalism for years. I want to be where the action is. In the meantime, as I reflect on this I am reminded of this observation by Mark Stibbe about revival:
"Christian revival is a divinely initiated process in which a dying church is revitalised through the power of the Holy Spirit, leading to a new love affair with Jesus Christ, which in turn transforms the community, region and even nation in which that church is situated." - Mark Stibbe, "Seize by the Power of Great Affection," 'On Revival: A Critical Examination' (2003)
While the definition is a bit local church-centric, it still helps us understand that what we're seeing at Asbury right now is the early stages of a revival. It is clear that a new love affair with Jesus Christ is taking place in Wilmore. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, people, mostly young people, are experiencing the love of Jesus in for the first time or in such powerful ways that they are beginning to love him back. Jesus is glorified. For this is what happens when Holy Spirit shows up! He points us to Jesus (Jn. 15:26). He removes the veil and we begin to gaze at him and are thereby transformed, and in this case, collectively (2 Cor. 3:16-18). This is why the slogan at the altar at Hughes, "Holiness unto the Lord," which also points to the rich Wesleyan-Holiness heritage for which Asbury is connected, sounds more like a prophetic unction to what is currently happening.
But transformation, as pointed out in the quote above, comes in stages. For love for Jesus overflows to love for neighbor. And so, it initially touches the local community, and so far the Asbury Revival is on track towards that. But as far as its implications to region, nation, and, if I may add, the world is concerned, that will take a while to determine. Only time will tell. As several scholars have pointed out, there is always a link between genuine revival and social transformation (see the works of Timothy Smith, Don Dayton, Doug Strong, and others). But as the deep well of Asbury's revival past has shown us, I won't be surprised if years from now we will hear of people who will point to the revival of 2023 as a watershed moment for their lives. I somehow intuitively know this because I am a result of a powerful revival in the Philippines in 1997. There’s not a day I don’t look back to what God did to me then. Hence, I am confident that there will be a future generation of pastors, evangelists, healers, and missionaries who will emerge from this. The famous missionary from India E. Stanley Jones, points to the Asbury Revival of 1905 which launched him into a long and fruitful missionary career. Just the other day, I got to chat with a missionary serving in a small college in the Philippines who recall her experiences of the Asbury Revival in 1970. There are countless examples.
What matters most is we celebrate and thank God for what's happening in this moment. One simply cannot complain that an infant doesn't know how to drive yet! Let's enjoy every moment with that baby and be excited about her or his potential. For when college students (yes, the same kids of the Gen Z TikTok generation!) are turning to Christ in droves, when people are reporting healings from emotional hurts and illnesses, or when people gain a new love for Jesus and neighbor through the power of the Holy Spirit, that is always a win in God's Kingdom. May it be so on earth as it is in heaven.

Petey Bellini Jason Vickers Steve Seamands Asbury University Asbury Theological Seminary
Photo credits: Sarah Thomas Baldwin, Rob Lim
"Christian revival is a divinely initiated process in which a dying church is revitalised through the power of the Holy Spirit, leading to a new love affair with Jesus Christ, which in turn transforms the community, region and even nation in which that church is situated." - Mark Stibbe
The Asbury Revival is still showing no signs of slowing down even after over 160 hours. People are just coming from nearby states and even as far as Florida. Last night, Hughes Auditorium was full, and services overflowed to the seminary chapel and at another auditorium on campus. By God's sovereign grace, the partition between heaven and earth in Wilmore, KY seems to be thin or nonexistent. I so wish I was there. For this is something that I only get to read in books as an avid student of revival history and revivalism for years. I want to be where the action is. In the meantime, as I reflect on this I am reminded of this observation by Mark Stibbe about revival:
"Christian revival is a divinely initiated process in which a dying church is revitalised through the power of the Holy Spirit, leading to a new love affair with Jesus Christ, which in turn transforms the community, region and even nation in which that church is situated." - Mark Stibbe, "Seize by the Power of Great Affection," 'On Revival: A Critical Examination' (2003)
While the definition is a bit local church-centric, it still helps us understand that what we're seeing at Asbury right now is the early stages of a revival. It is clear that a new love affair with Jesus Christ is taking place in Wilmore. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, people, mostly young people, are experiencing the love of Jesus in for the first time or in such powerful ways that they are beginning to love him back. Jesus is glorified. For this is what happens when Holy Spirit shows up! He points us to Jesus (Jn. 15:26). He removes the veil and we begin to gaze at him and are thereby transformed, and in this case, collectively (2 Cor. 3:16-18). This is why the slogan at the altar at Hughes, "Holiness unto the Lord," which also points to the rich Wesleyan-Holiness heritage for which Asbury is connected, sounds more like a prophetic unction to what is currently happening.
But transformation, as pointed out in the quote above, comes in stages. For love for Jesus overflows to love for neighbor. And so, it initially touches the local community, and so far the Asbury Revival is on track towards that. But as far as its implications to region, nation, and, if I may add, the world is concerned, that will take a while to determine. Only time will tell. As several scholars have pointed out, there is always a link between genuine revival and social transformation (see the works of Timothy Smith, Don Dayton, Doug Strong, and others). But as the deep well of Asbury's revival past has shown us, I won't be surprised if years from now we will hear of people who will point to the revival of 2023 as a watershed moment for their lives. I somehow intuitively know this because I am a result of a powerful revival in the Philippines in 1997. There’s not a day I don’t look back to what God did to me then. Hence, I am confident that there will be a future generation of pastors, evangelists, healers, and missionaries who will emerge from this. The famous missionary from India E. Stanley Jones, points to the Asbury Revival of 1905 which launched him into a long and fruitful missionary career. Just the other day, I got to chat with a missionary serving in a small college in the Philippines who recall her experiences of the Asbury Revival in 1970. There are countless examples.
What matters most is we celebrate and thank God for what's happening in this moment. One simply cannot complain that an infant doesn't know how to drive yet! Let's enjoy every moment with that baby and be excited about her or his potential. For when college students (yes, the same kids of the Gen Z TikTok generation!) are turning to Christ in droves, when people are reporting healings from emotional hurts and illnesses, or when people gain a new love for Jesus and neighbor through the power of the Holy Spirit, that is always a win in God's Kingdom. May it be so on earth as it is in heaven.

Petey Bellini Jason Vickers Steve Seamands Asbury University Asbury Theological Seminary
Photo credits: Sarah Thomas Baldwin, Rob Lim
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @1pm
Jim Garlow: Larry Sparks is calling it the Asbury “Impartation.” That is why thousands are making a type of spiritual pilgrimage to Wilmore.
Jim Garlow: Larry Sparks is calling it the Asbury “Impartation.” That is why thousands are making a type of spiritual pilgrimage to Wilmore.

Larry Sparks:
…is not hype, professionalism, or celebrity speakers.
I’m here, getting ready for the evening service (after going in and out of the chapel today), and here is what I am absolutely overwhelmed by: it’s possible for any household, prayer group, church, school or university to experience Holy Spirit outpouring.
Come together. Pray. Cry out to God. Preach the Gospel. Give testimony of what the Lord is doing. Pray as the Spirit leads and directs. Keep the altars open. And keep doing it.
I am amazed at the invitation the Lord has extended to us right now. Let’s receive it and press in.
…is not hype, professionalism, or celebrity speakers.
I’m here, getting ready for the evening service (after going in and out of the chapel today), and here is what I am absolutely overwhelmed by: it’s possible for any household, prayer group, church, school or university to experience Holy Spirit outpouring.
Come together. Pray. Cry out to God. Preach the Gospel. Give testimony of what the Lord is doing. Pray as the Spirit leads and directs. Keep the altars open. And keep doing it.
I am amazed at the invitation the Lord has extended to us right now. Let’s receive it and press in.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @12pm
Jim Garlow: Greg Gordon provides a glimpse into The Presence
Jim Garlow: Greg Gordon provides a glimpse into The Presence

Greg Gordon: "Nobody was in charge. There was no known leader. There was no known worship team, they rotated every two hours or so. No fancy lighting. Wood seats without cushion. The altar was full non stop with people weeping. No offerings." - Brent Williamson #asburyrevival 

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 11:30am
Jim Garlow: Mike Dennis gives a glimpse into the unpretentious yet profound Move of the Holy Spirit.
Jim Garlow: Mike Dennis gives a glimpse into the unpretentious yet profound Move of the Holy Spirit.

Mike Dennis: —-It’s natural to be skeptical of what you don’t understand. I suppose that trying to explain a Holy Spirit revival to those who have never experienced one would be like Neil Armstrong describing what it was like to walk on the surface of the moon.
I’m processing what I saw, heard and felt at Asbury University yesterday. I’m not sure that I even fully understand it. But I know one thing; Jesus was being exalted. Worship was rich, sweet and powerful. No “showmanship”. No manipulation of emotions. No offering taken. Students were leading, and staff and administration were “stewarding” things, providing food, water, and hospitality to all who were there. There is no “evangelist” so to speak, but there was evangelism. The gospel was proclaimed through preaching and testimony. No one will get rich selling their “revival hits” on spotify.
Monetization was rejected. Worship was sweet, with different student praise teams changing every couple hours with no scripted order, allowing one song to flow into another. No screens or projection, no cool lighting in the 100 yr-old chapel. And those college students! Praising Jesus for hours! Busloads and carloads of college kids, teens, pastors and people arriving and waiting in line for hours to get in. This is unlike anything I have ever experienced. It was the most genuine, unpretentious, sweet, gentle move of God I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. And that’s saying a lot.
A dear friend took a picture of the altar. The two grey heads belong to me and a Wesleyan Methodist pastor named “Hoolie” who lovingly and gently prayed for my weary soul.
Now what? How do I “bring this home?” I’m praying that there will be something like this happening all over the US and the world. That’s all. I’m still processing. Love you all.
I’m processing what I saw, heard and felt at Asbury University yesterday. I’m not sure that I even fully understand it. But I know one thing; Jesus was being exalted. Worship was rich, sweet and powerful. No “showmanship”. No manipulation of emotions. No offering taken. Students were leading, and staff and administration were “stewarding” things, providing food, water, and hospitality to all who were there. There is no “evangelist” so to speak, but there was evangelism. The gospel was proclaimed through preaching and testimony. No one will get rich selling their “revival hits” on spotify.
Monetization was rejected. Worship was sweet, with different student praise teams changing every couple hours with no scripted order, allowing one song to flow into another. No screens or projection, no cool lighting in the 100 yr-old chapel. And those college students! Praising Jesus for hours! Busloads and carloads of college kids, teens, pastors and people arriving and waiting in line for hours to get in. This is unlike anything I have ever experienced. It was the most genuine, unpretentious, sweet, gentle move of God I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. And that’s saying a lot.
A dear friend took a picture of the altar. The two grey heads belong to me and a Wesleyan Methodist pastor named “Hoolie” who lovingly and gently prayed for my weary soul.
Now what? How do I “bring this home?” I’m praying that there will be something like this happening all over the US and the world. That’s all. I’m still processing. Love you all.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 11am
Jim Garlow: Dr Timothy Tennent just text this picture and description to me:
“Line outside Hughes auditorium last night! This is after Hughes, Estes and the Methodist church sanctuary was filled. They eventually set up a huge screen on the lawn and about 300 or more people watched the livestream. Despite very cold weather the last month, this week has been warm and beautiful. I am so glad no one had to stand in freezing cold weather.”
Jim Garlow: Dr Timothy Tennent just text this picture and description to me:
“Line outside Hughes auditorium last night! This is after Hughes, Estes and the Methodist church sanctuary was filled. They eventually set up a huge screen on the lawn and about 300 or more people watched the livestream. Despite very cold weather the last month, this week has been warm and beautiful. I am so glad no one had to stand in freezing cold weather.”

Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 10am
Jim Garlow: Hunger for God
Jim Garlow: Hunger for God

David Guinn: At 5.30pm, people started to queue up for the 7.30pm service at Asbury University. They have to use four different buildings and people keep pouring in… An outpouring of “Holy Love” attracts the hungry crowds from all neighboring states... Jesus is the center and the focus, and He is the desire of all nations!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 15, 2022 @ 6:30am
Jim Garlow: These pictures depict the depth of hunger of the human heart for an encounter with The Divine. Quite amazing. Thank you Jeffrey Cromer for these captivating photos.
Jim Garlow: These pictures depict the depth of hunger of the human heart for an encounter with The Divine. Quite amazing. Thank you Jeffrey Cromer for these captivating photos.

Jeffrey Cromer: Hundreds and Hundreds of People Worship on the lawn at Asbury University because the Church’s are full…
With Prayer, Nothing is Impossible with God. This is an Awakening!
I Pray this comes to Rockcastle County and All surrounding Counties, then throughout the United States and the Entire World!
With Prayer, Nothing is Impossible with God. This is an Awakening!
I Pray this comes to Rockcastle County and All surrounding Counties, then throughout the United States and the Entire World!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 11:50pm
Jim Garlow: Words like humble or humility keep showing up in descriptions, along with the fact that the Holy Spirit is leading it. Praise God.
Jim Garlow: Words like humble or humility keep showing up in descriptions, along with the fact that the Holy Spirit is leading it. Praise God.

Sharlene Baker MacLaren:
My FB friend who lives 10-minutes from Asbury University and has had the opportunity to sit in Hughes Auditorium during this ongoing Kentucky revival, sent me this picture tonight. The auditorium continues to be full to capacity. In fact, this is a line of people anxious to get inside. The college has opened up another large facility for worshiping, and that space also continues to be full.
I have been following this amazing revival since its onset on Wednesday, February 8. My daughter and son-in-law graduated from Asbury, so I have a special affinity to it. It’s a university that has maintained its biblical integrity since its early beginnings in the late 1800s, and it is my belief that God has shone favor and seen fit to bless it through the decades in quite remarkable ways.
My research over the past several days indicates that this revival is one “not” led by students or staff, nor is it one filled with raucous emotion. Rather, recipients are carefully and deliberately allowing the Holy Spirit to gently lead and guide. It requires wisdom and exceptional judgment on the part of discerning staff because at no time does Asbury want to tinker with or disrupt this tender, spirit-led event. In ways, one might say it’s been a hands-off event. That’s because this is is not about man’s work or man’s need to intervene, but strictly about giving free rein to the wonder-working power of the Holy Spirit.
Because of that constant attitude of humbleness and openness from participants, lives are changing, repentant hearts are turning toward Christ, Jesus is wiping out sins, as people seek forgiveness, and there have even been stories of healing, both of a physical and emotional nature. PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!
Lord, let Your holy hand continue the work and Your precious, divine will be perfected and accomplished in the name of Your Son Jesus. Amen and Amen.
My FB friend who lives 10-minutes from Asbury University and has had the opportunity to sit in Hughes Auditorium during this ongoing Kentucky revival, sent me this picture tonight. The auditorium continues to be full to capacity. In fact, this is a line of people anxious to get inside. The college has opened up another large facility for worshiping, and that space also continues to be full.
I have been following this amazing revival since its onset on Wednesday, February 8. My daughter and son-in-law graduated from Asbury, so I have a special affinity to it. It’s a university that has maintained its biblical integrity since its early beginnings in the late 1800s, and it is my belief that God has shone favor and seen fit to bless it through the decades in quite remarkable ways.
My research over the past several days indicates that this revival is one “not” led by students or staff, nor is it one filled with raucous emotion. Rather, recipients are carefully and deliberately allowing the Holy Spirit to gently lead and guide. It requires wisdom and exceptional judgment on the part of discerning staff because at no time does Asbury want to tinker with or disrupt this tender, spirit-led event. In ways, one might say it’s been a hands-off event. That’s because this is is not about man’s work or man’s need to intervene, but strictly about giving free rein to the wonder-working power of the Holy Spirit.
Because of that constant attitude of humbleness and openness from participants, lives are changing, repentant hearts are turning toward Christ, Jesus is wiping out sins, as people seek forgiveness, and there have even been stories of healing, both of a physical and emotional nature. PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!
Lord, let Your holy hand continue the work and Your precious, divine will be perfected and accomplished in the name of Your Son Jesus. Amen and Amen.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 11:45pm
Jim Garlow: Asbury Revival Update: Wesleyan leader Ed Love reports what all experience, that is, he didn’t want to leave. He called it “a magnet on the soul.”
Jim Garlow: Asbury Revival Update: Wesleyan leader Ed Love reports what all experience, that is, he didn’t want to leave. He called it “a magnet on the soul.”

Ed Love: For personal reasons, I felt prompted to go to the revival spark at Asbury University on Monday. I went to Seminary there, so I have a lot of wonderful God moments there, including my calling to church planting. I really don't have words to describe the unique work that God is doing there, but I didn't want to leave, which, to be honest, is uncharacteristic of me. It's like a magnet on the soul... This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior, all the day long!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 11:40pm
Jim Garlow: Baptist leader Kenny Rager quotes a pastor as saying “it’s emotional but not emotionalism.” A great distinction.
Jim Garlow: Baptist leader Kenny Rager quotes a pastor as saying “it’s emotional but not emotionalism.” A great distinction.
Kenny Rager: Me and Gracie are leaving the revival now. Wow! I was so impressed. Passionate worship. Honest testimonies from students. Preaching from their staff. People crammed in every corner. No seats open. One pastor I spoke with on the way out said it right “it’s emotional but not emotionalism”. The staff is doing a great job of keeping order but allowing the spirit to be in control. Obviously my theology would differ a bit from Wesleyan or Methodist theology but it’s still all about Jesus! I rejoice in what God is doing here. If I was a pastor (tomorrow) I’d share what God was doing here and then call people to pray and give testimony of salvation.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 11:30pm
Jim Garlow: Asbury University Professor Lawson Stone comments about those who compare 2023 to 1970.
Jim Garlow: Asbury University Professor Lawson Stone comments about those who compare 2023 to 1970.
Lawson Stone: I'm pondering something. Everyone is comparing the events of this week to the 1970 revival. Of course, the renewals of every age are unique and it's not a contest. But watching events here, and the level of energy that is building, the wildfire effect of social media, and the sheer beauty of these days... I'm thinking--without thinking competitively--that this renewal will eclipse 1970 for the generations to come. It is this generation's great renewal moment and it will not do to see it as "something like" any other moment. It is already spreading around the world. People are going to start saying that 1970 was a lot like 2023...
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 11:30pm
Jim Garlow: Lawson Stone describes it as “cool water on hot feet.”
Jim Garlow: Lawson Stone describes it as “cool water on hot feet.”
Lawson Stone:
Just got back from a season at Hughs Auditorium. Felt like I had been on a long hike, and found a lovely cool stream and just peeled off my shoes and socks and let my hot, sore feet soak in the water. Reminded of a line of "Minny" from the novel "The Help"--"Truth. It feels cool, like water washing over my sticky-hot body. Cooling a heat that's been burning me up all my life."
Just got back from a season at Hughs Auditorium. Felt like I had been on a long hike, and found a lovely cool stream and just peeled off my shoes and socks and let my hot, sore feet soak in the water. Reminded of a line of "Minny" from the novel "The Help"--"Truth. It feels cool, like water washing over my sticky-hot body. Cooling a heat that's been burning me up all my life."
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 11:15pm
Jim Garlow: What is this movement? Asbury University Professor Lawson Stone explains the revival as “confession, repentance, reconciliation, restitution, and renewed love.”
Jim Garlow: What is this movement? Asbury University Professor Lawson Stone explains the revival as “confession, repentance, reconciliation, restitution, and renewed love.”
Lawson Stone:
One other thought... some ask me do I think this kind of revival is unique to the Wilmore-Asbury community. After a while, I have to say well, no, but then again, yes. A constant theme in all the revivals we've experienced here that led to transformation is a lack of emphasis on manifestations, gifts, miracles, or sensationalism. It's confession, repentance, reconciliation, restitution, and renewed love. People try to get control of it and the sweet water just runs through their fingers.
One other thought... some ask me do I think this kind of revival is unique to the Wilmore-Asbury community. After a while, I have to say well, no, but then again, yes. A constant theme in all the revivals we've experienced here that led to transformation is a lack of emphasis on manifestations, gifts, miracles, or sensationalism. It's confession, repentance, reconciliation, restitution, and renewed love. People try to get control of it and the sweet water just runs through their fingers.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 11pm
Jim Garlow: Lawson Stone, Professor at Asbury University, weighs in.
Jim Garlow: Lawson Stone, Professor at Asbury University, weighs in.
Lawson Stone:
I get calls and e-mails asking for "my take" on the revival happening at AU since I first got here shortly after the 1970 outpouring and have a history here reaching back almost 50 years. I'm so happy to hear of the wonderful things happening at the University. So many people will suddenly become self-appointed experts on revival. Unless they have, say, 50-70 years of experience with such deep and free moves of God's Spirit in this community, listen kindly to them, but ignore them. I"m happy to hear there are many grey heads in Hughes. The old saints know. And they've voted "Yea" by being there. There is a kind of renewal that is distinctive to this community and long-termers recognize it. It doesn't matter how much turnover there has been, there's a kind of trademark transparency, vulnerability, and general absence of "manifestations" and drama. It's focused on confession, repentance, restitution, reconciliation, renewed character and re-ignited love of Christ. Every move of the Spirit will also attract crazies, semi-heretics, sectarians, legalists, and populists wanting to run to the front and claim they are leading it. At the margins are all the nit-pickers and nay-sayers, the ones starting sentences with "We'll know it's REALLY revival when..." That's the sound of someone who is threatened, who doesn't get it. Various groups have tried to force our revivals into different templates, their templates, whether it's "Signs and Wonders" or "Last Days Great Awakening" notions... but they always peter out. But the transparency, openness, the spirit of repentance and reconciliation... that is self-sustaining. That's why people just come to Hughs and.... sit. In the end, it doesn't matter what I think. I don't have to have a "take." I just love the way the Spirit washes over this community every generation or so. Flushes out a lot of junk, resets the community for fresh obedience. That's my take.
I get calls and e-mails asking for "my take" on the revival happening at AU since I first got here shortly after the 1970 outpouring and have a history here reaching back almost 50 years. I'm so happy to hear of the wonderful things happening at the University. So many people will suddenly become self-appointed experts on revival. Unless they have, say, 50-70 years of experience with such deep and free moves of God's Spirit in this community, listen kindly to them, but ignore them. I"m happy to hear there are many grey heads in Hughes. The old saints know. And they've voted "Yea" by being there. There is a kind of renewal that is distinctive to this community and long-termers recognize it. It doesn't matter how much turnover there has been, there's a kind of trademark transparency, vulnerability, and general absence of "manifestations" and drama. It's focused on confession, repentance, restitution, reconciliation, renewed character and re-ignited love of Christ. Every move of the Spirit will also attract crazies, semi-heretics, sectarians, legalists, and populists wanting to run to the front and claim they are leading it. At the margins are all the nit-pickers and nay-sayers, the ones starting sentences with "We'll know it's REALLY revival when..." That's the sound of someone who is threatened, who doesn't get it. Various groups have tried to force our revivals into different templates, their templates, whether it's "Signs and Wonders" or "Last Days Great Awakening" notions... but they always peter out. But the transparency, openness, the spirit of repentance and reconciliation... that is self-sustaining. That's why people just come to Hughs and.... sit. In the end, it doesn't matter what I think. I don't have to have a "take." I just love the way the Spirit washes over this community every generation or so. Flushes out a lot of junk, resets the community for fresh obedience. That's my take.
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 10:30pm
Jim Garlow: Dr Denny Burk, Professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College, offers superb observations regarding the revival.
Jim Garlow: Dr Denny Burk, Professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College, offers superb observations regarding the revival.
Dr. Denny Burk:
Some Thoughts on the Asbury Revival-
My prayer: "Pass me not, O gentle Savior. Hear my humble cry. While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry. While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by."
Some Thoughts on the Asbury Revival-
My prayer: "Pass me not, O gentle Savior. Hear my humble cry. While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry. While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by."
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 10pm
Jim Garlow: Here are excellent observations from Dr. Tim Beougher, Associate Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry.
Jim Garlow: Here are excellent observations from Dr. Tim Beougher, Associate Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry.

Dr. Tim Beougher: I have had several people ask my thoughts about what is taking place at Asbury University right now. For those who don’t know me, I have a bit of background with college revivals. I wrote my Th.M. Thesis on the 1970 Asbury Revival and how it impacted Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I was one of two faculty members present for all the revival services at Wheaton College in 1995. I have written book chapters on what took place in 1970 and 1995 and another book chapter on Student Revivals throughout history. I have taught courses on Revival and Spiritual Awakening at Wheaton College, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I have studied this subject for over four decades. Now none of that means my viewpoint is automatically correct, but I’m not a newcomer to discussions about revival.
For some background and interpretation of what is happening at Asbury, I direct you to Facebook posts from four men whom I respect: Lawson Stone, Denny Burk, Bill Elliff, and Kenny Rager (you can find all these men on Facebook – those who are more tech savvy can perhaps give links to their postings in the comment section below).
I spent the afternoon today (Monday, Feb. 13) in Hughes Auditorium, followed by a delightful dinner and conversation with Dr. Robert Coleman. Dr. Coleman was a student at Asbury during the 1950 revival and was a professor there during the 1970 revival.
I’m not going to repeat all the helpful observations/insights posted by Stone, Burk, Elliff, and Rager – you can read those for yourself. Here are a few random thoughts from my time there today.
1. The manifest presence of God filled Hughes Auditorium. I experienced that same overwhelming sense of God’s presence each day/night during the 1995 Wheaton Revival. Joseph Tson came one night during the Wheaton Revival and told me the manifest presence of God there was exactly what he had experienced in Romania.
2. The leadership there did a magnificent job of balancing “freedom” and “order.” As one of four faculty/staff at Wheaton College who bore that responsibility for 5 days in 1995, I know the incredible challenges of trying to maintain that balance. Pray for those in leadership that they will continue to steward well this divine moment.
3. How do we know if what we think might be a revival is a genuine work of God? One unmistakable sign will be repentance. J. Edwin Orr, the great historian of revival, once remarked that we really don’t understand what we are praying for when we pray for revival – we think we are praying for ecstasy, and yes, joy is a by-product of revival. But true revival doesn’t begin in ecstasy, it begins with agony. It doesn’t begin with laughter but with tears. The Bible teaching this afternoon and several of the testimonies focused on repentance – not just feeling sorry for our sin but with the Lord’s help seeking to remove it as far as we can from our lives.
4. Related to a deeper work of the Spirit, I mentioned to my church recently that I haven’t heard much talk among evangelicals in recent years about “dying to self.” As a new believer in the 1970s, that spiritual discipline was thrust before me on a regular basis, but I don’t hear much about it anymore. This afternoon there was teaching on dying to self that was followed by a directed prayer time asking God to help us do just that. The focus was clear: die to self and live for Christ and others. I do think that is biblical.
5. The worship leaders did what worship leaders should do – they were not performers but led us to the throne of grace in worship. Within the crowd there was a mixture of times of quiet deep reverence and loud vocal celebration. I’m not a shouter – either by temperament or by tribe – but some of our brothers and sisters are – and they worshipped Christ with exuberance.
6. A word of exhortation to all who journey to Wilmore. In Luke 7 we read the account of a woman washing Jesus’ feet with her tears and anointing them with perfume. The Pharisee who was there was indignant at what he saw as a waste of valuable perfume – in his eyes, Jesus wasn’t worth such extravagant worship. This passage reminds us that in every worship setting there will be three groups: the one being worshipped (the Lord); the worshippers; and spectators. How can you tell if you are a spectator and not a worshipper? Because you will be critical of how other people are worshipping, without realizing you aren’t worshipping at all! For years my prayer when I enter a sanctuary has been, “Lord, help me today to be a worshipper and not a spectator.” I whispered that prayer as I entered Hughes Auditorium this afternoon, and God graciously answered. I had sweet fellowship with my Savior, surrounded by hundreds of others doing the same.
I could share other observations, but the four men mentioned above have captured many more elements in their posts, and I encourage you to read what they have written.
One final caution – throughout the history of revivals, critics have pointed to some type of “excess” accompanying a revival and tried to argue that “excess” discredited the entire revival moment and meant it wasn’t truly a work of God. Jonathan Edwards answered that criticism during the First Great Awakening by using a helpful phrase: “in the main.” What is at the heart of the movement? What is happening “in the main?” There will always be “excess” on the fringe, due to overly excited and not yet completely sanctified human beings and/or to Satanic opposition, but what is taking place “in the main?” That is a helpful grid as we evaluate movements like that taking place now at Asbury.
What every believer should be doing right now, regardless of what you think about the early reports out of Asbury, is praying. Who would deny that we need revival in our churches and spiritual awakening in our land? God has visited this nation with powerful awakenings before – we study those great movements of revival in church history classes. Is Asbury the spark of another awakening? I don’t know – but I’m praying – and you should be too!
For some background and interpretation of what is happening at Asbury, I direct you to Facebook posts from four men whom I respect: Lawson Stone, Denny Burk, Bill Elliff, and Kenny Rager (you can find all these men on Facebook – those who are more tech savvy can perhaps give links to their postings in the comment section below).
I spent the afternoon today (Monday, Feb. 13) in Hughes Auditorium, followed by a delightful dinner and conversation with Dr. Robert Coleman. Dr. Coleman was a student at Asbury during the 1950 revival and was a professor there during the 1970 revival.
I’m not going to repeat all the helpful observations/insights posted by Stone, Burk, Elliff, and Rager – you can read those for yourself. Here are a few random thoughts from my time there today.
1. The manifest presence of God filled Hughes Auditorium. I experienced that same overwhelming sense of God’s presence each day/night during the 1995 Wheaton Revival. Joseph Tson came one night during the Wheaton Revival and told me the manifest presence of God there was exactly what he had experienced in Romania.
2. The leadership there did a magnificent job of balancing “freedom” and “order.” As one of four faculty/staff at Wheaton College who bore that responsibility for 5 days in 1995, I know the incredible challenges of trying to maintain that balance. Pray for those in leadership that they will continue to steward well this divine moment.
3. How do we know if what we think might be a revival is a genuine work of God? One unmistakable sign will be repentance. J. Edwin Orr, the great historian of revival, once remarked that we really don’t understand what we are praying for when we pray for revival – we think we are praying for ecstasy, and yes, joy is a by-product of revival. But true revival doesn’t begin in ecstasy, it begins with agony. It doesn’t begin with laughter but with tears. The Bible teaching this afternoon and several of the testimonies focused on repentance – not just feeling sorry for our sin but with the Lord’s help seeking to remove it as far as we can from our lives.
4. Related to a deeper work of the Spirit, I mentioned to my church recently that I haven’t heard much talk among evangelicals in recent years about “dying to self.” As a new believer in the 1970s, that spiritual discipline was thrust before me on a regular basis, but I don’t hear much about it anymore. This afternoon there was teaching on dying to self that was followed by a directed prayer time asking God to help us do just that. The focus was clear: die to self and live for Christ and others. I do think that is biblical.
5. The worship leaders did what worship leaders should do – they were not performers but led us to the throne of grace in worship. Within the crowd there was a mixture of times of quiet deep reverence and loud vocal celebration. I’m not a shouter – either by temperament or by tribe – but some of our brothers and sisters are – and they worshipped Christ with exuberance.
6. A word of exhortation to all who journey to Wilmore. In Luke 7 we read the account of a woman washing Jesus’ feet with her tears and anointing them with perfume. The Pharisee who was there was indignant at what he saw as a waste of valuable perfume – in his eyes, Jesus wasn’t worth such extravagant worship. This passage reminds us that in every worship setting there will be three groups: the one being worshipped (the Lord); the worshippers; and spectators. How can you tell if you are a spectator and not a worshipper? Because you will be critical of how other people are worshipping, without realizing you aren’t worshipping at all! For years my prayer when I enter a sanctuary has been, “Lord, help me today to be a worshipper and not a spectator.” I whispered that prayer as I entered Hughes Auditorium this afternoon, and God graciously answered. I had sweet fellowship with my Savior, surrounded by hundreds of others doing the same.
I could share other observations, but the four men mentioned above have captured many more elements in their posts, and I encourage you to read what they have written.
One final caution – throughout the history of revivals, critics have pointed to some type of “excess” accompanying a revival and tried to argue that “excess” discredited the entire revival moment and meant it wasn’t truly a work of God. Jonathan Edwards answered that criticism during the First Great Awakening by using a helpful phrase: “in the main.” What is at the heart of the movement? What is happening “in the main?” There will always be “excess” on the fringe, due to overly excited and not yet completely sanctified human beings and/or to Satanic opposition, but what is taking place “in the main?” That is a helpful grid as we evaluate movements like that taking place now at Asbury.
What every believer should be doing right now, regardless of what you think about the early reports out of Asbury, is praying. Who would deny that we need revival in our churches and spiritual awakening in our land? God has visited this nation with powerful awakenings before – we study those great movements of revival in church history classes. Is Asbury the spark of another awakening? I don’t know – but I’m praying – and you should be too!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 5:45pm
Jim Garlow: Christianity Today ran an exceptionally good article on the revival by Asbury Theological Seminary Professor Tom McCall. For those who know the CT mag in the last few years, that is reason for praising God. Yes!
Jim Garlow: Christianity Today ran an exceptionally good article on the revival by Asbury Theological Seminary Professor Tom McCall. For those who know the CT mag in the last few years, that is reason for praising God. Yes!
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 4:45pm
Jim Garlow: Asbury Revival Update: Dan A. Berry’s wife Debbie used that word so many have used from the very first day: “sweet.”
Jim Garlow: Asbury Revival Update: Dan A. Berry’s wife Debbie used that word so many have used from the very first day: “sweet.”
Dan A. Berry:
Asbury Revival continues. Before we left Kentucky we drove east to Wilmore so my bride and I could experience this movement of God as a couple. I didn’t want to talk about this moment alone.
Debbie’s Summary: -Quiet -introspective -sweet atmosphere - nothing bombastic - no one trying to lead - convicting - the peace- HS flow - personal to hearing God speak to me as if I was the only one in the room.
If you have watched on line or attended what is the ONE thing that has gripped you about this Asbury revival?
Asbury Revival continues. Before we left Kentucky we drove east to Wilmore so my bride and I could experience this movement of God as a couple. I didn’t want to talk about this moment alone.
Debbie’s Summary: -Quiet -introspective -sweet atmosphere - nothing bombastic - no one trying to lead - convicting - the peace- HS flow - personal to hearing God speak to me as if I was the only one in the room.
If you have watched on line or attended what is the ONE thing that has gripped you about this Asbury revival?
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @4:30pm
Jim Garlow: Jared K Henry reflects on what he observed -
Jim Garlow: Jared K Henry reflects on what he observed -
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 4:10pm
Jim Garlow: Mel Blackaby makes a good point. Some evangelicals are critical of anything they are not part of. How true. Lord, may none of be like that. I am not even in Wilmore, and it appears I can’t get there (out of the country) but I praise God for social media that allows me to experience the Glory.
Jim Garlow: Mel Blackaby makes a good point. Some evangelicals are critical of anything they are not part of. How true. Lord, may none of be like that. I am not even in Wilmore, and it appears I can’t get there (out of the country) but I praise God for social media that allows me to experience the Glory.

Mel Blackaby is at First Baptist Jonesboro.
I have noticed a disturbing trend among some Evangelicals: skepticism of anything good if they are not a part of it. Whether it is a movement of revival in America or incredible reports of church planting overseas, people feel the need to give their critique or judgment on what God is doing. And they do so as if they are the expert and their approval or lack thereof actually matters.
As for me, I celebrate the testimonies of God working in other believers. I rejoice over young people repenting and getting right with God. I pray for those involved to stay focused on the Lord and to not get derailed by outside voices. I love to hear the impossible, because we serve the God of the impossible. Instead of pouring cold water on it, I want to fan the flame.
Join with me in praying for God's blessing upon those at Asbury University in Kentucky. Pray that the revival would deepen and broaden in influence. Join me in praying for the expansion of an amazing move of God I witnessed in Southeast Asia. Pray that these courageous church planters would take the gospel into the darkest parts of the world.
In a day when evil is everywhere, it is so good to hear of God's powerful work in the world.
"And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word with boldness" (Acts 4:31). Lord, do it again! #togetherforthegospel
Asbury Revival LIVE! Amazing Advance!
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 2pm
Jim Garlow: Rick Curry gave a superb tour of the campus for those unfamiliar with Wilmore. (He went by two locations where I lived, first as a single guy, then where Carol & I lived as newlyweds.)
Jim Garlow: Rick Curry gave a superb tour of the campus for those unfamiliar with Wilmore. (He went by two locations where I lived, first as a single guy, then where Carol & I lived as newlyweds.)
Rick Curry: Asbury Revival LIVE! Amazing Advance!
Asbury Revival UPDATE
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 1:45pm
Jim Garlow: Day 7 report from Kevin Seymour. Holy Spirit led.
Jim Garlow: Day 7 report from Kevin Seymour. Holy Spirit led.
Kevin Seymour:
Completely Spirit led through the Students. At this time, people from many church backgrounds,(Catholics to Chaismatics) are here. No need for any suits to try and control anything, Holy Spirit is speaking into anything that may seem out of order. He’s leading! May we stay out of the way. He’s got this!

Asbury Revival UPDATE
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 1:30pm
Jim Garlow: The anointed President of Asbury Theological Seminary- Dr Timothy Tennent - has some thoughts on the revival.
Jim Garlow: The anointed President of Asbury Theological Seminary- Dr Timothy Tennent - has some thoughts on the revival.
Asbury Revival UPDATE
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 1:00pm
Jim Garlow: Thank you Claude Thomas for this video from Cedarville College in Ohio.
Jim Garlow: Thank you Claude Thomas for this video from Cedarville College in Ohio.
Asbury Revival UPDATE
Date: February 14, 2022 @ 12:00pm
Jim Garlow: Stevan Sheets tells the most tender story of he and his son making this long journey together. This will end up being one of the most sacred and precious moments of their lives.
Jim Garlow: Stevan Sheets tells the most tender story of he and his son making this long journey together. This will end up being one of the most sacred and precious moments of their lives.
Stevan Sheets: 24-hours-later, my heart is still full of GRATITUDE.
My 13-year old son, Ezra and I jumped in a vehicle and drove 8+ hours to Wilmore, KY and the campus of Asbury University on Sunday after I finished preaching in both of our services here in Clearfield, PA. We had finalized this plan only the afternoon prior, agreeing to embark on this adventure together to participate in at least a couple of hours of what we'd been reading and seeing reports of via Social Media.
We started our return-trip just 24-hours ago and as I continue to process our trip, our time on campus, and our experience as a whole, I felt it may be beneficial to someone else for me to process here, too.
1. Saying YES to going was a significant step for me. Last week, as I began to hear the murmur of this "continued chapel service at Asbury", I committed to praying specifically that the Lord would continue to pour himself out THERE (at Asbury) and HERE (in me!). I felt the tug of wanting to be "in the room where it happens" while also knowing full well that I didn't need to be to also experience His full presence! As I recalled and re-read accounts of the 1970 Asbury Revival; I remembered studying this event while studying at Indiana Wesleyan as a ministerial student in the late-90's. I remember thinking then how I would've liked to have been able to have participated in what took place in the 70's. That thought triggered the "Why not now?" question and an internal back-and-forth of if/how/why follow-up questions. I even expressed this internal tension to some peers in an online interaction stating that I was willing to live in the tension instead of figuring out which side of the fence to land on. 24-hours later, I'm so glad we chose to GO.
2. Road trip discipleship is legit. As a Christian, I take seriously the role of discipling others. As a father, I take seriously the role of discipling both of our kids. In both roles, sometimes it happens formally. Sometimes it happens informally. Ezra and I spent nearly 36-hours next to each other. We sang. We prayed. We laughed. We cried. We listened. We talked. We napped. We worshiped. We asked questions. We ate. We participated in something that neither of us will ever forget. His perspective influenced me. My perspective influenced him. We truly benefited from being together.
3. I never got goosebumps. At least I don't remember getting goosebumps. I DID experience the presence of God. I experienced Him in a fresh and unique way, even. I've experienced Him in this way previously. I hope to continue to experience Him in this way again and again. I don't think I entered in-and-out of God's presence by entering in-and-out of Hughes Auditorium there on Asbury's campus. I, do, however, believe that God met with me in a special way through my participation with Him there. I was impressed with how intentional everyone seemed to be to not demand any particular feeling or response to what was taking place. Gentleness, submission, and meekness permeated the attitude of the space and those who had leadership roles throughout our time there.
I'm still processing. I'll keep processing. I'm praying that God will continue to pour himself out upon the gathering there at Asbury. I'm praying that God would do the same elsewhere (reports of other nonstop gatherings on College campuses and churches are exciting!). I'm also praying that God will do the same in my church. And I'm certainly praying that God would pour himself out upon me and through me, CONTINUALLY!
One final thought regarding gratitude. When Ezra and first started driving toward Wilmore, I mentioned that I have the Brandon Lake song, "Gratitude" in my head and heart. We sang it a number of times along the way together. It was fitting, too, that it was one of the last songs we sang corporately before we had to pull ourselves away from Hughes Auditorium to begin our trip back home.
I think its lyrics are a great reminder of part of what I'm processing these 24-hours after leaving -
"All my words fall short
I got nothing new
How could I express
All my gratitude?
I could sing these songs
As I often do
But every song must end
And You never do
So I throw up my hands
And praise You again and again
'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah
My 13-year old son, Ezra and I jumped in a vehicle and drove 8+ hours to Wilmore, KY and the campus of Asbury University on Sunday after I finished preaching in both of our services here in Clearfield, PA. We had finalized this plan only the afternoon prior, agreeing to embark on this adventure together to participate in at least a couple of hours of what we'd been reading and seeing reports of via Social Media.
We started our return-trip just 24-hours ago and as I continue to process our trip, our time on campus, and our experience as a whole, I felt it may be beneficial to someone else for me to process here, too.
1. Saying YES to going was a significant step for me. Last week, as I began to hear the murmur of this "continued chapel service at Asbury", I committed to praying specifically that the Lord would continue to pour himself out THERE (at Asbury) and HERE (in me!). I felt the tug of wanting to be "in the room where it happens" while also knowing full well that I didn't need to be to also experience His full presence! As I recalled and re-read accounts of the 1970 Asbury Revival; I remembered studying this event while studying at Indiana Wesleyan as a ministerial student in the late-90's. I remember thinking then how I would've liked to have been able to have participated in what took place in the 70's. That thought triggered the "Why not now?" question and an internal back-and-forth of if/how/why follow-up questions. I even expressed this internal tension to some peers in an online interaction stating that I was willing to live in the tension instead of figuring out which side of the fence to land on. 24-hours later, I'm so glad we chose to GO.
2. Road trip discipleship is legit. As a Christian, I take seriously the role of discipling others. As a father, I take seriously the role of discipling both of our kids. In both roles, sometimes it happens formally. Sometimes it happens informally. Ezra and I spent nearly 36-hours next to each other. We sang. We prayed. We laughed. We cried. We listened. We talked. We napped. We worshiped. We asked questions. We ate. We participated in something that neither of us will ever forget. His perspective influenced me. My perspective influenced him. We truly benefited from being together.
3. I never got goosebumps. At least I don't remember getting goosebumps. I DID experience the presence of God. I experienced Him in a fresh and unique way, even. I've experienced Him in this way previously. I hope to continue to experience Him in this way again and again. I don't think I entered in-and-out of God's presence by entering in-and-out of Hughes Auditorium there on Asbury's campus. I, do, however, believe that God met with me in a special way through my participation with Him there. I was impressed with how intentional everyone seemed to be to not demand any particular feeling or response to what was taking place. Gentleness, submission, and meekness permeated the attitude of the space and those who had leadership roles throughout our time there.
I'm still processing. I'll keep processing. I'm praying that God will continue to pour himself out upon the gathering there at Asbury. I'm praying that God would do the same elsewhere (reports of other nonstop gatherings on College campuses and churches are exciting!). I'm also praying that God will do the same in my church. And I'm certainly praying that God would pour himself out upon me and through me, CONTINUALLY!
One final thought regarding gratitude. When Ezra and first started driving toward Wilmore, I mentioned that I have the Brandon Lake song, "Gratitude" in my head and heart. We sang it a number of times along the way together. It was fitting, too, that it was one of the last songs we sang corporately before we had to pull ourselves away from Hughes Auditorium to begin our trip back home.
I think its lyrics are a great reminder of part of what I'm processing these 24-hours after leaving -
"All my words fall short
I got nothing new
How could I express
All my gratitude?
I could sing these songs
As I often do
But every song must end
And You never do
So I throw up my hands
And praise You again and again
'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah
83 hours later and still going strong! EVERY parking space within a few hundred yards of Hughes is packed, and what you can’t see in the video is the standing room only in the back and into the foyer and stairwells. May the fire marshal have a special anointing of patience.
Alumni and pastors and seekers are showing up from everywhere, including busses of students from…
Anderson University
Bethel Univ (Mishawaka)
Campbellsville University
Eastern Kentucky University
Georgetown University
God’s Bible School (Cincinnati)
Indiana Wesleyan University
Lee University
Mt. Vernon University
Ohio Christian University
Olivet University
Oral Robert’s University
Purdue University
Southern Wesleyan University
Spring Arbor University
Taylor University
Trevecca Nazarene University
University of Kentucky
United (OH)
University of Cumberlands
Alumni and pastors and seekers are showing up from everywhere, including busses of students from…
Anderson University
Bethel Univ (Mishawaka)
Campbellsville University
Eastern Kentucky University
Georgetown University
God’s Bible School (Cincinnati)
Indiana Wesleyan University
Lee University
Mt. Vernon University
Ohio Christian University
Olivet University
Oral Robert’s University
Purdue University
Southern Wesleyan University
Spring Arbor University
Taylor University
Trevecca Nazarene University
University of Kentucky
United (OH)
University of Cumberlands
Asbury Revival Update
Date: February 17, 2023 @ 7am
Jim Garlow: Francis Anfuso quotes Jackie Turner as saying the revival is “pure.”
Jim Garlow: Francis Anfuso quotes Jackie Turner as saying the revival is “pure.”