World Prayer Network

Prayer and the Transformation of Nations


Dr. Jim Garlow & Rosemary Schindler Garlow

Dr. Jim Garlow is a best-selling author, communicator, commentator, historian, cultural observer, and Founder & CEO of Well Versed, Inc.

Mario Bramnick

Christian, husband, father, Pastor of New Wine. President of the Latino Coalition for Israel, with a vision to establish the largest Hispanic Pro-Israel organization in America.

Adam W. Schindler

Adam W. Schindler is a communicator, consultant, pastor, and digital strategy executive with expertise in digital marketing, messaging, and technology architecture & development.

About WPN

World Prayer Network (WPN) seeks out Holy Spirit given strategies for how to be an effective and contagious Christ-follower in our present national situations. WPN hosts weekly prayer calls to seek out strategies for the transformation of nations, including our own. During our live calls, we share briefings from key leaders and then pray into what we see and hear from the Lord.

What is the World Prayer Network

The World Prayer Network is, in effect, a virtual, online church service each Sunday and Wednesday evening. WPN is not designed to take persons from their existing congregations (unless in those cases where they find themselves in communities in which they cannot find a church which teaches the whole counsel of God). WPN provides a continuous flow of Biblically grounded, sound and dependable information, along with prayer, Scripture, praise and worship.

Sponsorship and Funding

The planning, organizing, logistics, and finances come from Well Versed ministry (, founded and led by Dr. Jim Garlow and Rosemary Schindler Garlow.


The purpose of the World Prayer Network it to pray for:

  • holiness,
  • righteousness,
  • Biblical justice (as opposed to “social” justice), and
  • truth to prevail throughout the land, and the nations of the earth.

No Press Or Media

Since this is a church service (worship, prayer, teaching, Scripture, reports) we ask that no media or press be on the call. Nothing shared on the World Prayer Network is ever to be reported in the media. We ask that all persons respect that. Well Versed is an association of churches, essentially micro congregations. The World Prayer Network is an online church service.

What We Are Not

  • Let us be totally clear about this matter.
  • We are non-partisan.
  • We are NOT Republican vs. Democrat (or Independent)  We are way beyond that.
  • Our hope is NOT in the Republican Party, nor the Democrat Party, nor any other party
  • We are NOT in the “hip pocket” of any political party.
  • Our hope IS in the Lord Jesus Christ and Biblical truth.
  • If a component of any political party is within the framework of Scripture, we support it.
  • If a component of any political party is in violation of the framework of Scripture, we oppose it.
  • If members of a political party hold Biblically grounded positions, we affirm that.
  • If members of a political party hold anti-Biblical positions, we pray they repent of the violation of God’s Word, His Ways, and His Will.
  • We are NOT Right vs. Left.
  • We are way beyond that.

What We Are

  • We ARE about Right vs. Wrong.
  • We ARE about Good vs. Evil.
  • We ARE about Holiness vs. Sin.
  • We ARE about God vs. Satan

The World Prayer Network is, in effect, a virtual, online church service each Sunday and Wednesday evening. WPN is not designed to take persons from their existing congregations (unless in those cases where they find themselves in communities in which they cannot find a church which teaches the whole counsel of God). WPN provides a continuous flow of Biblically grounded, sound and dependable information, along with prayer, Scripture, praise and worship. sponsorship and funding  the planning, organizing, logistics, and finances come from Well Versed ministry (, founded and led by Dr. Jim Garlow and Rosemary Schindler Garlow. PURPOSE The purpose of the World Prayer Network it to pray for:

  • holiness,
  • righteousness,
  • Biblical justice (as opposed to “social” justice), and
  • truth
  • We ARE about Biblical truth vs. anti-Scriptural constructs.


The World Prayer Network was started the day after the Nov 3, 2020 elections – founded by three persons: Mario Bramnick (Florida) & Jim Garlow (San Diego, CA) along with wife Rosemary. Adam Schindler sacrificially provided enormous and significant support in the early days of WPN. We had planned to do only one call, but people wanted more, so we continued.


We deal with many current events from a distinctly Biblical view: Christian persecution & religious liberty, bills in Congress, CRT, BLM, parental rights, public education, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Central and South American Countries, European nations, Iran, Israel, antisemitism, terrorism, honesty in elections, Covid vax mandates and medical freedom, religious exemptions, wokeness in evangelicalism & “evangelical” colleges, the Canadian trucker protest, and other newsworthy events.
We have had many Members of Congress as guests, including governmental figures from Europe & Latin America, along with high profile doctors & attorneys. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was a guest as well.